All right. Hi, everybody. Who’s getting the call started here. Hi, Natu. Hey, how’s it going? I’m good. How are you? Yep. Doing, doing well here. I’m just here and um, oops. With the speaker, the Kevin McCarthy and there moments ago, both reiterate. Yeah. Somebody’s TV was just there. So, um, yeah, so I’m, it just me today because, uh, in Canada we have, uh, Victoria Day.

So, uh, most of the employees are in Canada, but, uh, I’ll be able to take the, uh, The questions that aren’t directly related to, uh, deeply too much in finance, but, um, I’ll, I’ll try to take as much as I can.

Alright. Looks like everybody’s here. So the first ones to join was, it looks like Sheriff joined first and it was, uh, satin and Earnest and Shaara.

Sheriff, how is it going?


And maybe Good evening. Good evening. How’s it going? All right. I need to wait for Craig. And basically what I was gonna ask for is how would we get. A straight walkthrough of the complete program. How it works because, and, and, and the work walkthrough of all our paperwork, cuz I’m not sure all our prep paperwork is complete.

Right. And, and I’m not sure how the system works. Um, so, so is that something we would do it you or just wait till the staff comes back and have somebody walk us through it? Oh, I can walk you through everything. Uh, it means very simple. Like all we’re doing is we’re, we’re just sending, we’re, we’re calling and emailing investors that that’s really all we’re doing.

There’s no magic here. So, um, yeah. It, it’s very simple. So, so that’s the next step. So all we have to do is, um, well, I, I don’t wanna do until Craig is on so he can see it as well. So you can take somebody else. Sure. Okay, sure. Yeah. Let’s just wait for her, for Craig to join. All right. Alrighty. And then after, I’ll mute out.

Yeah, no worries. I’ll, I’ll be here as usual. And then, uh, session. Hey Hey, how’s it going, sir? Good, good, good. Yeah, we were working on my small business plan, so, uh, you advised to come here, so there were a couple of financial questions that we’re missing. Yeah, exactly. The i r r and, and see the timing’s kind of.

Um, I’m gonna have to send a support ticket because um, no problem. Cause matters on, uh, you know, Victoria Day, but yeah, the last one was the I r R, the pre return. The cash and cash return. Yeah. So, so, okay. So it’s been, it’s been like, I think a week or something. So, um, the last thing that we’re doing, really all we need to do, we need to get you, um, either on email, we can get you a model, and then the model will, will, will give you the.

Estimated i r r preference return and cash and cash return. So that’s one way of doing it. And then in the model there’s this, there is these places to get to insert your assumptions. So lemme me, but let me try to, so even though, um, even though they’re not here, lemme just try to see why I can do, uh, so just one second, I’ll try to get a model out and try to send it to you today just so we can get the thing moving.

Alright, just one second. As I pull up the financial model.

Just one second as I pull this up.

Just one second as I pull this up. So, so just reminder, so this was for, um, I think it was four gas stations, correct. Yeah. Business. Yes. Got it. Okay. Perfect. This was a business? Yeah. Uh, the fund to buy businesses. Oh, okay. Cool. Yeah. So I have a model I can send you so we can get the

All right.

All right. Almost done. Thanks for the patience, everyone. I’m just getting it there.

Okay, so I’m gonna stop the share. I’m going to share the model.

Okay. So I’m just gonna give the, the high level and then, uh, and as we go along, we can always go into the specifics. Uh, but here’s an example one we can look at. So, uh, you can see the screen everyone,

or guess? Yes. Okay, good. Okay, good. So, so what we can do, we can, we can look at basically everything highlighted here. These are assumptions that we can fill in, right? So we can fill in these assumptions. Call right now. And these of of the assumptions we fill in, uh, then it will spit out the, uh, I guess the, um, what is it, the next five years, I guess a six year projection.

And then from here we’ll be able to get the, uh, return on equity. And then here you get the, let’s see here. Waterfall. Just one second. Uh, evaluation.

So just look into ir.

Gosh. Oh gosh.

All right, so it looks like from here, you, you just get the return on equity to start with. So we, we can just send this one over. So basically the idea is we can get the first few assumptions over for some of the gas stations to answer in, and we can start with this one. Uh, and then when we see if are back in the office, then we can finish, um, you know, building that one.

Alright, cool. So, so any, um, any questions I just went through to highlight any questions on that? No, no, I’ll just play with it and then, you know, I will, maybe I will take a, you know, book a schedule, uh, a ticket and then in the next one to one call, maybe we can fill up all the numbers and go from there in with, yeah.

Okay. That sounds good. You can share with me that. Perfect. Yeah, so just look out for that after the call, right? Sure, I’ll Thank you. Nice. Cheers. Paul Rights. So after we, so it looks like Craig, you’re back right?

Hey, I’m here. I’m sorry. Yep. Craig and Sharif. How’s it going? Good, good, good. How you, I, I asked him to walk us through the process and he says it is not, it’s real simple. So he can do that. And the other part is to, to get someone to walk us through all our paperwork to make sure we have everything correct before we launch.

Cause we are having some issues. And, uh, soon we can get this thing out there, the better. Yeah. Abso okay. I’m ready when you’re ready not to. Yeah, absolutely. And, and Craig, uh, you’re on, right? So, so basically I think the paperwork, uh, we can go through that first cuz that’s a bit more long. So, yeah. So lastly, check.

We seem to have everything in the Google Drive. You mentioned that there was one documents. That was a black, has a black background, so can you speak more? Right. I don’t know what happened that, that y’all had sent it to, to me. I never could find it and Craig don’t remember it. So let’s go through it and, and you tell us what we don’t have.

Right. And we’ll get it fixed up. Got it. No, I think, I think almost everything is here. So let’s just take a look. So here we have Greg Mantronics.

Let me find your name.

Yeah. So, okay, so three, there’s three folders, right? There’s the, right, the corporate things, the securities things, and then the financial statements. And financial projections. So in the corporate, it’s the pitch deck. So remember the pitch deck that, um, that we needed, you know, with the gemstones and all the backgrounds and all that.

Oh, that’s beautiful. That’s good. Yep. So, so then this is here, you have this. So then we also added in a, uh, a little executive summary. Yeah. It’s not really that beautiful ified, but we have this as well that has to be changed because, uh, we changed that whole, remember that first first paragraph Yeah. Was about real, Craig’s stuff is about.

So how do I change that? I can just go in, in and change that myself, right? Oh, absolutely. Yeah. It’s a Microsoft Word document. So, uh, yeah, you have editor privilege privileges, so you can, uh, edit it all away. Or you can tell us to, to edit as well. Well, I ask for privileges, so now I, we have, I have those privileges.

Yep, yep. Since day one. Yep. Oh, alright. I can go fix that. What, uh, okay, let’s go. Keep going. Okay, so here’s the old deck. So don’t pay too much attention to this. Cause that’s the old deck before we got it with the graphic designer, right? So, right. So then that’s the corporate. So next is the securities. So for securities, they’re two things, right?

So first it’s the private placement memorandum draft, and then it’s the subscription agreement draft. Alright? We never signed that, so, so we have to go through that and sign, sign. Its, uh, what is it called? The document? Um, a security agreement. Huh? As the clients come in, we signed that, uh, we don’t need to do that now as each client, if they subscribe.

I think they, we do that. Well, let exactly tell us. Craig. Letting not tell us we he Right. E exactly. No, Craig, you’re correct. So then, uh, but the only thing, but the only thing is that, uh, I mean, you just want to make sure that everything is the way that you want it because these are your shares that you’re selling.

So, uh, you know, we just want go through. So we wanna take some time and go through because there’s some information. That we actually need to confirm you, that we still got, but I mean, you’re able to just talk to investors for discussion purposes, so don’t let this hold you back. Um, okay. It’s only when they’re about to, you know, sign and wire the funds where everything has to be a hundred percent.

Uh, this is, can be used for discussion purposes right away. So here’s this. It is very long. It’s like, I think a hundred pages, but it contains like, yeah, all the information about the, um, about the transaction, okay. For your shares. All right. So that’s here and we can always go through that as you need. And then the subscription agreement, uh, you know, this is more what they read.

This is what they sign. So subscription agreements is what they’re signing. And then this is, you know, like the, like the other one. This is just contains information about the deal. Um, you know, and then it has a place for them to sign the actual contract when they wire the funds. Okay? So we have to worry about that now, either.

Go ahead. So the third one is the financials. So remember how there was a, we discussed like, there was like a projection that we had to make on the financial models, right? So we had to make, we made a really simple, super simple financial model, assuming that your price was 30 k and a hundred K per, per unit sold.

Uh, by, by unit I just mean product sold or a service sold, right? Right. We just made a simple, like, it couldn’t be simpler than this. We just made a simple model. We can always expand it later, but that’s, that’s really all we have for now. So, uh, now all that we have to do, we just have to, um, start getting some, doing some outreach to the investors and we can make the website and everything, but, uh, I mean, we just need to start talking to investors and we’re ready.

Right? What, what do you mean make the website? What’s that? You said make the website, what do you mean? So, because before I, we have a website, uh, that we wanna show you, and then maybe you can make it better. I don’t know, but it’s pretty good. Um, so Sharif, maybe we should send, send him our website, uh, that pushes both products to 30 and a hundred K.

Uh, the one that we have, um, I, I don’t know how much better he could make it. It’s perfect as it is. Um, but we’ll, we’ll, I’ll, I’ll get that to you, not to. Um, but again, alright, so we got the website and what else, right? Yes. Do we need no, need to get distracted too much by the, by the website if it’s already good.

So then we just need to start doing the outreach. So, you know, jello assistance, we have like a, a giant section for VCs. We just need to, for this one, just target, target VCs, venture capitalists for this type video deal. Okay? All right. Now the next part is, Um, of course is to get a VA and go to work and use that, that that mailing program you have.

So basically we are ready to go, is what you’re saying? Exactly. We are. All right. And the paperwork is basically done. So, Craig, you got any more questions? Uh, make sure I’m on mute. Not on mute here. Yeah. Um, so our next steps is to basically hire va. Um, they, they understand the software that you already have, that high level thing, cuz that’s what we’re gonna be using.

Yes. For understand. Okay. Cause I think it’s a 14 day trial. What is it after that? Per, I forget what it is after. Yeah, yeah. 14 days. Yeah. Yeah, sure. So, well really there are two options. One is the, just using GM a s and doing the calls directly, which we honestly, honestly we recommend that. And then the go level is kind of a bonus.

It’s a bit of a bonus, uh, step that some people choose to do, but, um, it doesn’t really matter either or because the, the, the G mass is needed to reach it, to send a mass email to the investors. And, and I can walk through the instructions, but, uh, uh, does that answer the question? Can we set that up now? Y yeah, we could.

Uh, it’s, it’s a Google Chrome. I don’t know if you’re familiar with these, but it’s a Google Chrome extension. It’s, it’s, I think it’s either free or it’s like $5 a month or, or something like that, but it’s most likely free. Almost. You, you, they use it, they load in the, the investors that we have, that we vetted, they put it on the program, they send the emails, and, and really the idea is like, because knowing your background, I know that is kind of technical.

Usually they, they really call us or they call me or somebody else. And then we just showed ’em on a video if they have questions and how to do it, which they usually don’t. And they’re just executing and we’re just watching the numbers. So, So when we put this, when we get a VA and we put, we launched the software, uh, the high level software, it’s going to be a mass mailing email mailing through the Google Chrome thing Of using that software, you’re saying?

Or how, how, like tell me that step. Sure. Yeah. Just to clarify, let me, let me do this. Okay. You can see, you can see this whiteboard, right? Yes, yes. Yeah. So the important thing, so then it’s called gmas. So then this is for the outreach. So we have, I’ve used that. I’ve used it before. Oh, good. See one step ahead.

So GMass and phone. So we need a go high level has a phone system, or people can use Zoom, people can use They need to have like some sort of phone system. So then this is how we do the, the outreach, right? Just call in and emailing. And then the GHI level. So in the go high level, this is for, uh, booking, booking the investors, uh, follow up emails to the investors is for s m s, so text, so texting the investors call in, I guess it’s like call software for the investors.

Uh, you can even make a landing page on a website with us.

So that’s why we recommend it because, um, it, it can do a lot of this outreach work. So, And how much is that month? Oh, oh, you know what? I’m just thinking here. You know what? We do not have a website for this part. So yeah, you guys can make the website for that part. I’m confusing it with for something else, but go ahead.

Oh, okay. Alright. So, so basically once we hire the va, then you will create that website, correct? Yep. Correct. But then there’s a lot of, there’s some work needed because we need to take, um, remote control over your, uh, you know, your, uh, you know, your computer and then show you how to do it. Uh, because the templates we can send you to templates, but it just needs a bit of tweaking to get it running.

Uh, but the quick answer is yes, that’s what we do. Right. All right, Craig, anything else you need to know? Cost, yes, sure, go ahead. Level 99 a month and then they have, uh, fortune Day free trial. None. All right. Okay. Um, I, I’m going to bed cause I’m, I’m over mentally Alice, uh, war out, but I thank you boy for your help and thank everyone else for, hold on while we got through that.

All right. I’m gonna go on, back on mute. No, no worries, no worries. Thank you. If, if, if there’s one thing to take away, really, we just, this is the gold here. You know, this is, this, this is good, right? This will warm people up, but this is really all we need. This is 99% of the, uh, of the money is just keeping it simple and starting here, and then we can add this as we go.

So, um, that’s pretty much it. Okay. Craig, you done? Yeah, I’m good. All right. Thank you brother. Have a good one. Ooh. Alrighty. So then, let’s see. Let’s see. So, Ernest, how’s it going?

Um, I really just wanted to listen, so, but, um, now that not gonna answer this question for our first acquisition, how big should it be? Just how big should it be? It, it’s more about the, uh, instead of big, it’s more about the num. If the numbers make sense, like I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t, the people, they, the investment, they wouldn’t take a deal that is, uh, that is big and then the numbers don’t make sense.

So the numbers have to make sense and then it has to be in a sector that, uh, either you have the most experience in or you can bring somebody and has the most experience in. So I’m not really worried about the, the, the size. To some extent I’m more worried about that. But then to answer the question directly, uh, when you get over this 25 million hump, then things kind of change because then you’re dealing with more investment banks.

So I’ll, I’ll probably for, I’ll probably choose whether I’d want it above 25 million or below 25 million. And knowing, knowing your background, knowing everything that’s, uh, your journey and all that, I would probably starts be below 25 million. Uh, because, you know, afterwards then investment banks and institutions usually get in and then they’re really slow and demanding sometimes of, you know, track record and all this.

So I think if you go underneath 25 million, then, uh, and the numbers make sense and you can find something in the sector that you have the most experience in. Uh, or you can bring somebody and that has the most experience. And then, then I think you’ll, uh, be in a strong position. So, hundred 25 million, uh, can I know the sales gonna demand all kind of stuff.

Yeah. That’s funny. You will. Yeah. Uh, you know, buy and, um, p f and stuff like that. We can do, like, p f is not really an issue. Like Yeah, I understand. But we, we can, because like we can use ours. Sometimes they just see our name and then that’s enough. Sometimes they just, they don’t want to see somebody who took a course online and then is asking to buy a business that that’s the main concern that they have.

Yeah. Okay. All that’s it. Yeah. Cool. So, uh, did, did I get everything for you or? I think I did. Uh, okay. Fabian, how’s it going? Fabian, nice to see you here. A not too. How you doing? Good. Good. Yeah. Sh Shane, we couldn’t, we couldn’t go, um, uh, directly. Thanks for being patient here, but, um, you have a new deal going on, right?

Yes. Um, so is it possible to get out on one-on-one, um, sometime this week or next week or so? I saw that on your calendar. Yeah. Yes. Since we, since we start doing the one-on-ones, I, I just got, um, buried, but we can do next week and I’ll, I’ll pull up right away for sure. So lemme yeah, lemme just see when, uh, when we can get that going there.

Just one second.

Uh, and alternatively after the call then, you know, after some time, right after the call, and then we can, uh, where we can go through everything as well, if you like. Oh, that’d be great. That’d be great. Yeah, we do that too, just for confidential matters, so happy to do it. Awesome. Yeah, so I’m, I’m working on three, three projects.

Um, one that we’re like, we have under contract right now. Um, I think I gave you high levels, 145 unit building. Um, like we already have our financial modeling and everything done. Like the cash on cash is looking to be about 7, 8, 7 8%, um, on year one. Mortgages, we’re assuming the mortgages would C M H C.

Nice. So like with this raise, it’s, this is a, it’s a 6 million raise, so I just, you know, this is my first time using the program, so I just kind of wanted to know, um, what steps as in, into like using the system of, I guess, contacting investors. Like I’m, I’m, I’m gonna be reaching out to my own networks and all that sort of thing.

And then I guess also we’re setting up a G P L P of course. Um, just kind of like, do you guys help, um, craft our subscription, like the subscriptions and the offering memorandum or term sheet? Or do we have to, do I have to just, um, get a lawyer to get that stuff together? Yeah. Well in Canada it’s very easy.

Pretty cuz we, we just use the, um, a credit investor exemption. We don’t need, we don’t really need the PPM bec like, because we’re not doing the om I’ve seen the om mainly for people that are targeting, uh, non-accredited investors. You don’t want to do that, don’t you? Uh, I don’t think you want Its ergonomic credit investors.

No, just, um, for this one it would be, um, yeah, just friends and family and accredited y Yeah. Yeah. We would do a subscription agreement draft for, um, yeah, we’ll do a subscription agreement draft for accredit investors only. Uh, and and where’s the location again? Um, it’s in London, Ontario. Yeah, sure. Yeah.

Very straightforward. We have ton of these. We’ll just send you like verbatim example, um, no subscription agreement needed. There’s this, there’s, there’s this, um, you just have to go to the, after the investors invest, you have to go to this, uh, OSC portal, uh, and then just notify them just like the US and, uh, that’s really it.

The idea is like you’re getting, you know, on your side, you may have need to have somebody to redline what we send, because like 99% of these things are like literally copy and paste. It’s almost all the same. It’s almost, it’s like 90% the same, so there’s almost no difference. Uh, but we’ll send you what we got.

Yeah. So we’ll send you what we got. I think we got the, uh, your submission, but we’ll just still double check it and then, you know, change some things around. Uh, and then that’s it. No problem. Uh, so then in regards to the lawyer, yeah. If you get somebody to red line anything, uh, if you’re reviewing Red Line, that, that’s what I recommend rather than get, get them to completely take control.

And, uh, because there’s nothing really to change. It’s almost the same thing as, uh, as all these offerings in Ontario anyway. Okay. Okay. Yeah. Um, do you have any recommended lawyers in Ontario? Because, you know, I all, my stuff’s in Nova Scotia, so I’m kind of with, uh, Ontario stuff. I’m kind of building my network.

I gotta reach out to any lawyers that I know who could probably do it. But just wanted to know if through your platform, do you guys have anyone that you guys in Ontario that you guys could recommend or at all? Yeah, because we’re using, we have the one that we’re using for our E M D, uh, application, uh, you know, so that’s the one that I can, we can bring that one to you.

Uh, I actually played football with him, really good guy. And, uh, and then there’s some others that you can check out as well. But, but this is more just for, um, you know, redlining, uh, as opposed to like, you know, incorporation or anything. So I just use them for redlining if I were you. But yeah, uh, we’ll send one over.

Okay. Yeah. And then also, like, how effective is using the, I know you have the system for raising, because you know how, you know, raising capital is a relationship based, right? Yeah. So like, just, is it. Like, does the system just sh are you just sending them the deal? Or like, and then also I saw a video, I haven’t read, I haven’t listened to all the videos yet, but about investment banks.

Um, would this be, like, would this type of raise be something that investment banks do you think would touch or look at right now? Especially like, and then how many of people in that list is Canadian would be like, would focus on deals in Canada? I guess it was a three on one question there, or four on one, but Sure, sure, no worries.

So all good man. And so, um, I’m just happy that we’re connected to the end. So the last deals like investment banks, you know, Canada, we have these EMDs, is that they, you know, it’s all subjective, but the investment banks usually for the deals are above 20 to 25 million. Um, like Cambridge, Wilkinson. And they do really, they do deals.

This, that, I think it may, this one maybe sounds like it’s a smaller one. So, uh, what was the amount on this one again? Uh, it’ll be about 6 million. Yeah. Like they would do the bigger ones instead. So I think it’s, it may be too small for them. Um, and then, you know, some EMDs may try to pick it up, but you know, you know, you have to pay them like, like 20 K and then they’ll take 6%.

If you, if you want to do that, you feel free, but, uh, I think it’s better just to go directly for a deal of this size. So, um, that’s it for the investment bank, for the outreach. Yeah. Cuz it, uh, for the folks in the US who I was just talk, I was just talking to, they are more, um, it’s easier for the, the larger US folks to do the outreach colder because we’ve seen people that run Facebook out campaigns and everything and then close the investor’s code.

Um, you know, they need to be nurtured, but then they still get closed cold for Canada. Yeah. They’re a bit more conservative. So like at a and, and all the Canadians that are doing it, like on car and those guys who are in ca in Toronto and doing it, uh, we’re just focusing on more the LinkedIn approach.

Because we just try to use the existing connections on LinkedIn with the intro, intro, so the introductions and then the LinkedIn connections, uh, to like branch to monkey, branch off the people who we know, uh, and then just to get meanings that way. So that’s been the most effective way we’ve seen for the Canadians is just to, um, it’s to target the investor and then find a second, second degree connection that’s mutual, uh, and then use that as a reason to, um, to, to book an appointment.

The, the LinkedIn for Canada I think is the best way for that. Um, and then what else? Okay. What was the other question? So for, for the LinkedIn part, do you guys have like a system or way of doing those type of outreaches or is that something that I just have to like, uh, kind of put together? Yeah, so good question.

We have a system, the way we do it, we, we use something called U Link, and then I’ll just put the, uh, I’ll just put it in the, uh, in the list here. So U link. So basically it’s, it’s the LinkedIn automation. So what it does, it’s, so we use VAs and then we use rented profiles to add as many profiles as somebody likes.

Like for example, I’ll just show you one instance of it running on a screen. So like, these are all people that have different, uh, LinkedIn accounts, and we’re able to just buy LinkedIn accounts and do more outreach. So the way we do it, we just say, okay, if somebody has a, um, if somebody wants to reach out, they can connect with 500 people every week.

And of that, uh, about five to seven meetings are booked every week from the, those outreaches. Uh, and then we just say, oh, you know, I saw that you’re connected to my colleague X, uh, would it be appropriate to discuss? So then we do that, and then we do that by, um, also outbound calling them because the people here, uh, look at this connection request, for example, uh, So some of the people here are, not all of them, but some of them you can get their emails and their phone numbers.

And then we also send an outbound email or a phone call to them, to the ones that have phone numbers. So that that’s how we scale. That’s how we do it on LinkedIn.

Okay. Okay. Okay. Alright. Um, yeah, I guess, I guess, I guess Morgan, we can deep dive in our, in like a one-on-one or, um, in another call just to kind of, just kind of wanted to see how I should uh, just structure everything. Yeah, absolutely. Well, when are you free this time? Uh, let’s see. Cuz I can, I can come on like right after this call today or we can do Monday, uh, in, in the afternoon.

One works for you.

Think you’re on mute if you’re speaking.

Oh, sorry. Would that, um, maybe after the call, would that be like eight o’clock? Maybe just like quickly, maybe like half an hour. We could just kind of run through. I can just show you what we have so far. Um, oh, you still need to do and yeah, let’s do it. Yeah, I’ll be right here. Okay. Okay, cool. And then also like, um, going through the, going through the, um, what’s.

I think you are mute again. Yeah, sorry. So, um, going through the, the program, like what, what is the, what is the part of the VA portion and um, I know you like created a da, you created a data room, like the data room part. Like I already have, I already have that stuff set up on my own. And then like the pitch deck model, like, do you guys help put together a pitch deck?

Cause I can, I can put over, put together my own pitch decks and all of that. Um, yeah. What’s the, um, what’s the what? Yeah, like, so what’s the va like what, what part is the VA role that you guys offer? And, um, with the pitch decks and all of that, and like, do you need, are you recommending to create a website around the deal for investors to reach out on or book a call on or.

Yeah, because, well, for people that don’t already have it, uh, we do. So then to answer the questions from, from last to first? Yeah. Because the reason why we’re, we push everyone and go high level. That’s the, the platform we recommend because, uh, it has, it allows for the call booking for people to choose a time to book like Calendly.

That’s the number one. It allows for the, the calling, the voiceover IP calling so that people can make phone calls if they don’t already have a voiceover IP software to make the phone calls, uh, or to hand somebody over to, to do that. It allows for the SMS automations after the book of call to remind them to book the call and the follow up, but with people.

And then it also has the email follow ups and the email automations. So then after somebody even invests in the deal, you can tag them and just have quarterly reports, like via GOI level. So that’s why we push everybody on there, um, and, and to answer the question. So then that’s for that. Uh, but then as for the VA role, the roles are basically to.

Really, it’s just lining up the appointments, going through the list and line sending, sending out requests to book appointments. So the first part is, you know, they, they basically build a list. They go through our list, they get the list of investors together. Um, they do the outreach by using some of the, you know, the, the tools to do the outreach.

Um, they set up the U link and the LinkedIn. So they go on U link and then they go in there and then they send all the follow up messages to book a call to your calendar. And then they send a quick report on, you know, how many people were reached out to. Uh, so that’s really what they’re doing in, in a nutshell.

Oh, okay. And you’re saying that was, that’s more recommended for the US because you can close people cold other than, um, doing it, it’s just more, if you’re trying to target Canadian investors, it’d just be better to just kind of. Target them warm, like without pitching anything? Just, um, relationship building in that aspect, I guess.

Well, yeah, I, I recommend, yeah. So I recommend, uh, I think you, you can still try it. Uh, this doesn’t hurt and try, but I’m just being frank here. I think the quickest way would just be the focus on the links inside of it, uh, and then just focus as almost exclusively on that. But the thing is that the list, we do have some people that, um, like there were some helpful calls that people had, I think at R BBC and stuff.

She just to know, just to say, Hey, you know, how is the market and so on. But in terms of actually people to actually fund a deal that is, that are not big check investors, that are more small check of credit investors than, yeah, definitely the focusing on a LinkedIn side of it. I think that’s the best way cuz we’ve seen the best results with that for.

Okay. Interesting. Yeah. Awesome. Alright. Yeah, I think that’s it for me. Cool. So I’ll be here and then, uh, and after the call discuss. All right. Okay. All right. Uh, see, Chamara. Hey, Naidu. How are you doing? Doing good here. We just have this whole Victoria Day up north here, but, uh, I’m still going. Okay. Don’t have all this.

Yeah. Um, so I send you the, uh, one of the deals. It’s a real estate deal, uh, little bit different, um, and, uh, numbers make sense. They have a larger shopping complex there. So let’s see. How, how does that work? Um, now second part, I want to see, um, the, uh, I talked to Frank and he introduced me to, uh, investor, and, um, he’s asking $15,000.

Yeah. Don’t do it. Yeah. Don’t do that. Yeah. So I was like, uh, I, I don’t know. Right. So that’s, I, I didn’t say to him, but I talked to him. Uh, so on last Friday. Uh, yeah. Yeah. I won’t do it because I’ll only talk to the ones that they say that, um, that they’ll do it, they’ll move right away, but, but don’t do it.

The $15,000 thing. Okay. Alright. Um, let’s see. The, once we get the underwriting on this deal, it makes sense on the numbers wise. And, uh, other one is, um, you said there’s a fund for E s G fund For E Well, funding for E S G. Uh, funding. For E esg. So I have a deal. Yeah. I, I don’t know how it’s a deal or not. I need to talk to the guy first.

Uh, and, uh, he, he’s in H V A C, but this H V A C is making through the, uh, um, through the sunlight. So it’s pretty cool. Or at least I, I’m not saying it’s a, I’m an expert on that thing. When I talk to him, he, he’s saying he’s making, and there’s a couple of companies already buying with, from him. So it’s credibility there.

So if I go through this piece, what, what’s the game plan? He was asking investments, so I dunno if he is gonna sell the company right outta the gate, but I’m just saying y Yeah, so, so then the game plan, because there is, there’re all a lot of banks, there are some banks that we got reports of that are doing a hundred percent financing.

Uh, like, I don’t know if it’s still on. I think it’s a lot, it has a lot to do with the whole Biden thing, but, but check out the, um, like Kevin on Yinka is really the one that who was really close to a lot of these E S G deals. Uh, last I heard. Um, so he was telling me that he has some people doing a hundred percent financing and nothing up upfronts or anything like that.

Like no 15 K or anything. Just these are just people doing a hundred percent financing for E S G. Um, so that’s one. The second angle is also just looking at the car. If, if they’re carbon credits, I’m not sure if there are, I’m not really sure what carbon credits. But then if there’s a, uh, if there’s a way for you to communicate the returns of the deal.

With the carbon credits, if that’s applicable. Uh, or some sort of tax credits or carbon credits or, or something, you know, then it, it can show that it, it can show that the returns of the deal may be more lucrative than, uh, otherwise. So I think those are the two angles. One is this, we target you, we can go back to Kevin Oink, ask for E S G, or just target the E S G, um, firms on the investor list.

And a second is just like boosting the returns by, uh, reducing tax and carbon credits. Okay. Okay. Alright. Um, yeah. Um, o other part is, uh, I, I talked to the, uh, one of the VAs so they can start on next couple of weeks. So I interviewed a couple of people and I liked one person I thought was good. Um, he can communicate well.

Nice. So, uh, the, the next steps should be, I’m giving that instruction to him and he should be able to start from there. Right. Yeah, the idea. Exactly. So then what, what usually happens is you just send them, literally it’s, uh, raises the com slash instructions, and then the way it’s structured, uh, if something falls through, then well, there’s certain things that they ask you for, but if any everything falls, anything falls through, then really they just ask us anyway, and we just tell them Yeah, get them in the right direction.

Um, okay. You know, it’s, it’s kind of like an extended, our extended arm to be honest. But yeah, we, we send them this responsibility for the assistance. They duplicate this exact template that’s right here, uh, and then they check all the things that they have to do on the check box, and then everything is, uh, is all there for them to do.

So I’ll send it to him and if he ha, if he has questions, I, I direct it to you guys. Is, is that the, uh, the routine process wise? Well, pretty much. Um, and the idea is that they actually also are instructed the same thing as well to. Uh, and ask us if they have inquiries. But yeah, that’s pretty much it. So everyday action is, um, they’re going to our investor list.

They’re validating the emails, they’re going back and checking, and then they’re doing the reports on the outreach so much what they’re supposed to do. Okay. Alright. Okay. Yeah. Alright. So once I’ve finalized that part probably will take a week or so, then I think should be able to start the process in my mind.

Yeah. And um, the second topic is, um, the, you mentioned this part on the senior as senior assisted living facilities, I guess right. Assisted living facilities. Mm-hmm. So, um, do they need someone like have a, like a, like a certificate person already there or, uh, you need to find someone outside to bring it to the table, or how is the, um, guy in Houston did it?

I can’t remember his name. Oh, yes. Uh, Henry. So Henry, yes, Henry, yes, yes, yes. I mean, his wife was pretty experienced in senior assisted living. I think he and his wife were pretty experienced in it. Oh. So yeah, that was one thing. Um, there under pitch deck, they mentioned how they had like 30 years of experience.

Uh, let me see if I can, and it’s, it’s okay with, this is public domain, but let me see if I can, um, get together an example, uh, of how it looks like. Uh, let’s see. So the desktop is being shared. Let me just share one window at a time. Just one second.

Yeah, I’m just getting digging. The

creative filter search options.

My challenge is like, I think I have a couple of deals, but I don’t know is any, do I need to go and find someone? You know what I mean? To run the place? Yeah. That, that’s a big issue because, well, I mean, what’s funny is, so Henry and I were talking, so he has an interest in problem because. I mean, he got the business and he is happy that he, he owns it, but then it’s actually taken a lot of his time because he’s, cuz after he, cuz it’s taken, that’s all he does.

He’s just managing the business. He has barely any other time to, um, you know, to raise money for more deals. Yeah. So that’s another thing to consider cuz he, he’s in the niche that he acquired. Okay. Yeah. So that’s a smart way to go and find the person first, then go with the deal. Is that what you’re saying?

Or what you’re thinking? Yeah. No. Well, I think it’s okay. I think I found the deck. Um, yeah, this deck is pretty, oh yeah, he sent me a lot of documents. Sorry, just one second.

Returns and opportunities perform. Uh,

but to answer your question, yeah, I think, um, Niche, niche experience in the niche of the, the acquisition. I think it’s critical cuz um, even looking at his, his background, I’m just looking at his LinkedIn and his background. Yeah. He has been,

let’s see here, revolution Guy systems.

Yeah. No, I mean he, he’s, he has been in the, the healthcare sector for about 10 years. So he’s been in that sector for around 10 years. Uh, but before that he was more into oil and drilling and, and things like that. Mm-hmm. So it’s possible to pull it off. Um, yeah, because I didn’t know what’s the, you know what I mean?

Like, it, I can get the deal. Then I was thinking to myself like, who’s gonna run the thing? Right? Yeah. So, Well, what’s funny, so, so look at looking at this, I couldn’t find the exact specific deck, but looking at this, he’s saying, he’s saying that it’s business in the box. So let’s look at the key points. So business in the box,

80% occupancy rates.

Oh, numbers. I also for, uh, bed was bigger than this. Mm, numbers good on my deal. If, if this is the numbers, I’m not saying expert, but maybe there’s other stuff inside there, but,

so, okay. So I mean, he’s looking, they did an expansion as well. I mean, I think it’s, I mean, I think it’s smart that you got into this niche because I mean, if he closed it then, I mean, you’re going where the money is. The only thing is that he’s been in the business for 10 years. That’s the only, uh, and his wife is also in the business.

Um, so I think that you, you, you may have to get some sort of, um, someone unex expert in there, right. Running the thing. Yeah. That, that’s why I think Mason is, yeah. Okay. Okay. Alright. Thank you, sir. I appreciate, I, I want to figure it out. This piece that I, it came to my head and I took, broke the, talked to a couple of people.

They have deals. Um, one good one deal is really, really good because it’s the location and it’s just, uh, like a 30 minutes away from at Atlanta and there’s a huge crowded populated area. Um, that place have a huge value in my mind. Nice. We’ll, we’ll do by for the underwriting. Uh, yeah, we, we asked the same question.

We just said, Hey, free cash flow or, or multiple of ebitda, you’ll probably go with free cash flow. Uh, and then if real estate is attached to it, right? Yes. Yes. Without real estate, I won’t buy anything. Well, at least those kind of proper things in my mind that should be there, right? Because there’s not no, no value this real estate there.

Yeah. At least two, two deals I look at. Yeah. So, so, so I wonder how the appraisal would work, right? Because I mean, uh, you got the appraisal for the land that’s attached as well. No, no. I didn’t got this for the senior 11 facility. No, but this is number is pretty big. It’s 16 million and they built around 20 2018 and they survived on the covid, and they’re doing pretty good.

Well, at least, but the, that’s what the broker is saying. Okay. So I need to go and, uh, drill a little bit of more, but, um, uh, at least from what he’s saying is it’s a good deal, at least from outside. As a real estate guy, location is great. What everything happened. That’s what I’m saying. And it’s, uh, uh, close to six acres on that area.

It’s pretty, pretty big, uh, how it’s set up. Nice. Okay. Yeah, I, I, I mean, I’d probably push for, uh, the appraisal would help too, like just on the line if, if there’s anything, but, you know, I, I, I mean, I’ll try to get that, but yeah, overall they’re, they’re gonna do free cash flow. Um, they’ll point out the risk probably by, probably by Wednesday at this rates.

Okay. Alright. Cool. Same, same, same process, right? I would just resume. Yeah. Yeah. But, but I definitely recommend, but if there’s one thing to take away, I definitely think, like if you were to get somebody who has a lot of experience on, maybe even, you can even consider, I don’t know if Henry, maybe you could potentially JV with him or somebody he knows.

Uh, cause you can just ask. That’s fine. Right? That, yeah. Yeah. Cause you can just ask, uh, even if he says no, he’s like, who do you know in the healthcare niche who’s open to this? Because I mean, he knows a lot of investors. Um, that’s his investors we’re, we’re asking them. Um, We’re we’re saying he actually has no time to even accept some of his investors, cuz he was saying how um, uh, he was so busy just working, managing the deal that he, somebody’s investing I think 200 k and then he is like, uh, he’s like, I don’t have any time to, to take in the money.

I’ll take it later with later. So, you know, I, I’d reach out to him and then just say, who do you know in the industry, uh, or in the business. Yeah. So, okay, cool. I’ll do that thing. Yeah, definitely. I’ll have a conversation with him. Yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah. Um, I think it’s good because that way I know what’s happening.

Yeah. Um, also, I had a conversation with, uh, what’s his name? Uh, ABI Adi. Yeah. Yeah. We talk about a little bit because he’s trying to do a deal in Macon area. I knew the deal before that and, um, not a good deal. No, well, numbers wise on the paper, it’s a good deal. Um, but I know the area, I know that city, it’s not in, it’s not, it’s not.

Atlanta is the meese off of Atlanta and the property is cheap in there. Because it’s a land pretty much. Hmm. So, um, I think, uh, the, the guy seller, I met him on a, one of the meetings and he won’t to sell this thing six months. One, one and a half years ago. I didn’t like it because num, even though numbers mix first, he didn’t add a clear books.

I think now brokers jump in, he clean his books and all those things put together nicely on a package in front of sell. But I think it’s very hard for him to sell it. That’s why it’s sitting down there. Because even though he’s, he is giving a seller finance pretty much half of the deep, no one is buying and that’s, doesn’t have much value on the things that he’s trying to sell.

Nothing wrong with that. He’s a good guy, but, Yeah, we talk about me and I may talk about a little bit. Well, well, so wait, just to clarify, who is the actual seller? The seller you’re referring to, is his seller up north or is this another seller of the carwash that you, this is your carwash that you brought to Okay.

No, no, no, no, no. I did not bought it. I knew the same guy. He’s trying to buy it. Oh, same deal. Same deal. I look at the thing four months ago and when we were talking, he’s like, called in this, in this, uh, this place. Then I said, yo J, this is my backyard, man. I know everyth. I’m not saying I know everything, but I know if real estate deal goes on, I know eventually, regardless of, um, so I met the guy, the actual owner.

Yeah, he want to sell it, and he’s like, you’re doing this thing. Why don’t you buy this thing? I was like, great, so send me the numbers. I asked, first thing, he sent me the numbers. I’m like, I could not figure it out. I’m like, what are you selling here? Right? Then, uh, he and me went back and forth. Then I said, I don’t wanna touch this thing.

And I have a, one of my friends had a bad experience on Macon side also, so that’s why I was like, I knew that area, how it works. Oh. So, so I was like, I told Abbe on this area, like, Hey man, well think about whatever thing you do that’s a good parts, bad parts on a big cities, because you might not make the numbers as you see it, even though you can get something for print or cheap and you will feel like a stuck on there right on the deal for a long time.

So think through on that. So interesting. We talk about, and I said, if I get something here, I’ll let you know. Let’s partner, partner with, and we can do something. Nothing to lose in my mind. Because, because if it, it’s a good deal. Everyone makes money. Not a big issue in my mind. So, um, yeah, no, that’s funny.

It’s funny that you know the same person. Yeah. But I’m not surprised. Yeah. He still sell this thing for like almost a year now. So once you go through e period of time, In my dad, in my email, I get at least six, seven deals per week. Even though numbers doesn’t make sense to me, I look at those deals, at least I glance it.

And if I have like a lot of caveat and said, okay, I’m giving this, I’m giving that at least I called the guy and I said, Hey, do you want me for a coffee? Then I met this guy for a coffee and he told me this thing. I, I didn’t even drive all the way down to their locations, but I check in online. I’m like, that city doesn’t happen anything.

Honestly, there’s a school there then, um, there’s a huge hospital there. So those are the main income things in that city. Yeah. And um, schools don’t want not go and spend so much money then you are catering toward the hospital folks. Uh, and it’s good. But Megan is a rural area, well, that a is a rural area.

So I was, I knew that thing and I had a friend who bought like a 16 unit. She could not do anything. Literally she could not do anything. And we went back and forth, back and forth and I told her like, you’re losing money. You shouldn’t sell this thing. Is he just in bad markets? So, so are you saying that he’s just in really bad markets or, or what?

Like is It’s a, it’s a treasury, treasury market, right? Not secondary, not, uh, primary, not it’s a treasury market. In my mind. Car washes things are pretty good on, uh, primary or secondary market. Treasury market in US, in my mind is rural areas. It’s not you. So I know he told me the rule on Canada that you can wash the car because of the, all those things in there.

There’s enough land and in the water there, so it doesn’t make a difference. So anyone want to go to a lake and wash it, they’ll do it.

Maybe people want just ride the appreciation. Uh, maybe they write the appreciation. They don’t care about cash flow. That’s, that’s, that’s, that’s what I’m thinking. That’s true. Uh, I think you have a note, uh, because the, for me red flag came, he have a, like a storage facility and I asked him like, uh, on the behind the scenes and I asked him like, how much is, uh, fully utilized the storage facility.

He said, only 15 or something like that. Then I said, what do you mean 15? You should rent out a storage facility. That, that’s where I got the thinking to myself like, that makes sense. They have enough space. It’s not like they don’t have the space. So now what’s the catch? Is there is, there’s no enough demand for that kind of a thing.

So that’s the part. Um, so it’s a good little business for him. The guy who start the business. In my mind, ah, if someone can work it out, yes. It’s, it’s, it’s, it’s a long process in my mind. Yeah. Hmm. So, yeah, so I mean, it’s kind of, uh, so the only question I have is he, he has like these car washes, like what all around North America?

Because you’re saying that he’s the same, the only thing I, I don’t really understand, it’s like, is he, because AE has this carwash deal in Edmondson, and then you’re saying that this guy has deals in, in Atlanta. So he just has car washes, like all around North America? That in rural areas or what? No, no, no, no, no, no.

Uh, he was looking a deal in, uh, Georgia. Okay. And that deal is, I know I asked him like, what is it? Who’s it? Then he said, me and I was struggling because I knew the, there’s only three, four deals going on that area, so. Oh, okay. It’s a separate, okay. It’s separate than his existing cars. No. Got it. No, I just wanted make that Yeah, its separate.

It’s separate. Okay. Yeah. Yeah. No, what I told him, like, if something, if I see on Georgia, I would like to partner with you. So we can partner with and we’ll do something together. Uh, now he knows the business. I, I, I bring the deal and, um, and if you want me as a partner, I can help you out. And also I can tell you the good areas to invest or the, the deal wise, right?

Um, if you go further down on Atlanta, not a lot of happening. People doesn’t know that part. Like Atlanta have three big cities, Savannah, Atlanta, Columbus, then both cities are maker. So those are four big, bigger cities. Then if, as long as, if you living on that circle of Atlanta, like I call the perimeter or of like, uh, hun, like 75 miles radius on, uh, downtown of Catland, then you, you are okay.

Once you go further down, there’s miles and miles you can drive. There’s absolutely nothing happened. So well keep that in mind. I, I may, I may, um, yeah, just on this item, I may even ask you because, um, like I, I was looking for, um, Just personally, I was looking for either commercial multi-family and single family in, um, in the Southern states.

Uh mm-hmm. You know, so, you know, if, if, if they have an opportunity in Atlanta, I’ll ask you first, because, uh, I was also talking with, uh, satin, not Satin, um, there was somebody else, Dilip, and there are a few people that just came on that were based out of Atlanta. So, uh, I was asking their opinion on, uh, on how to market it.

Cause I, I don’t, I don’t know how the market works, so. Yeah. Yeah, definitely. I can give you input. Definitely I can help you out. Um, I, I have deals on further down, but those are good neighborhoods. Like the appreciation is nothing in there. Yeah. Cash flow is there. Right. So I have a deal in like, uh, 50 mile, not 50, I won’t call it 50.

It’s maybe like a 25 miles away from downtown Atlanta. Yeah. Uh, there’s no appreciation, but good cash flow. Every month I make $10,000 doing up to nothing. Good. I just. I pay for my property manager, all those things. But I’m still thinking it’s one of my, my business partner. But it’s a good thing. It’s a good deal.

Um, now I know it’ll take, if I want to sell it and get the actual money back, it’ll take some time. But it’s a good cash flow properly. So that’s the thing. If you have a, if you have a business partner that you, that you split revenue with, it’s nice when it’s a, what’s a passive deal instead of an active deal.

Cuz at least that way you’re not doing all the work and then they’re getting all the money. So I think that’s a good, uh, not pass. Yeah. So this is where I look at this. If it is in Georgia, the, my friend is in Pennsylvania. I’m in Georgia. He do all the online work. Oh, I do whatever thing happened on the ground, I’m the person who’s taking care.

That’s our Oh, that’s hilarious. He called the insurance guys. He call the mortgage guys. He called all those things. I take care of everything. My property manager calls, I’ll go. So, um, And yes. He’s not gonna get the benefit on the, what do you call, the driving back and forth part because he doesn’t drive.

He’s in the Sylvania, right? Well, yeah.

How many units is this again? This is, uh, this one have, uh, 16 units. Okay. In one unit, one multi-family deal, one family, one multi-family deal, um, or quadplexes. Nice. Nice. And then how did you end up, um, and I’m, I know I’m going off a tangent. I’m just generally curious, how did you end up, uh, getting the capital for that one?

Uh, for the funding on that deal? Yeah. Oh, this is my savings. Okay. Me and my, so I, so the initial stage things I’d done it, it’s just, I don’t know what I don’t know. Right. So I never knew the racing part. Right. Just like I’m old school men. Like, like my parents were like that too. Right. You invest what you have.

Right? So that’s what it is. You save, you invest, you save, you invest. So that’s, well, it’s a, it’s a good, it’s a good foundation. And then, um, Sam Zel, the, the inventor of the reeds, he died, uh, like what, five days ago or whatever. But that’s how he started. And then it’s only when he started like scaling massively, that’s when he went into using other people’s, like equity and raising equity.

That’s why I even invented the reeds, because you just raise as much capital as humanly possible from public markets. And then, uh, scale from there. So, but it’s good that you have the foundation because like even the business acquisitions, it’s much easier when you start talking to the people that are serious because, uh, unlike some people, you’re, you’re able to actually say, I’ve put my money here.

I know how you’ve taken some risk here. And then it’s, it’s really good because then when you talk to investors, they see that you’re, um, you’re not just talking, you actually live it and you’re doing, you actually invest. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Definitely. Definitely. That property took us. One and a half years. We didn’t got money at all.

First year, first one and a half years, no money. Second, uh, end of the second year onwards, uh, because we turn around all the prop, all the things. Yeah. We don’t turn around the tenants. We clean the place, we build it up, paint everything, and we build the thing to a place nicely. So after that, when we get post 700, uh, per do, then we increase to 9 75.

Now it’s thousand, uh, 1,150. So we’ll be able to raise pretty good and, uh, and we improve the property. Uh, yeah, it’s a, it’s a lot of work on initial stage because I had to go back and forth, back and forth every, every weekend I was there. And fixing, well, I won’t fixing, but I’m checking the people who fixing the stuff, so, pretty much Well, that’s why you’re so, you’re, because you’re syncing below the mortgage, that’s why you had to really add value.

No, it’s, it’s awesome man. Yeah. Good work. Yep. If you have a deal, let me know. Uh, yeah, definitely Georgia, uh, Georgia, North Carolina. Uh, I know very, very well. South Carolina, Columbus area. I know a little bit. Charleston area. I know very, uh, very well. Um, North Carolina, I know very, very well. Extremely well.

Same thing on Georgia. Uh, even the cities, I can look back and say, this city makes sense. This, this make doesn’t make sense. Uh, this population is moving on. Um, like that. Even the places like out of nowhere where you will see, okay, that’s a good deal. That because there’s a huge military base, like 15, 20 minutes away.

That means you will have huge market. So there’s a, there’s a certain things on local, local knowledge wise, and that’s how I knew the make and deal. Like literally out of the gate, I’m like, it’s just not a good deal. Yeah, it’s not a bad, it’s not a bad seller. He’s, he’s a genuine guy, but he, he knows that he can sell the thing.

So, uh, alright sir. Thank you. Appreciate it. Yeah, no, thank you. No good chat. No talk soon. Cheers. Talk soon. Thanks. Thank you. Appreciate it. All right, so Fabian, so let’s get everything rolling for you. Are you still available?

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