All right. Good morning. Hey, guys. Morning. Morning. Morning gentlemen. Nice to see you. How’s everything going? Good. Good, good. Hear me okay? Yeah, no, doing good. Just, um, scaling up a lot of support, so, uh, things are good. So, um, well first of all, congratulations on just getting, uh, you know, your working, uh, your working relationship together.

Um, Adam, I think you’re very, you’re very fortunate to be working with Barn. I think that’s a a really, he’s re he has, um, a very serious management team here, so, uh, yeah, so we have a lot to go through. I have more than 30 minutes. Um, so I don’t really have a hard cutoff. So, uh, we can sacred times to go through the lead gen and sales process.

Yeah, that’s great. I’ll let Adam kind of take the lead. Adam’s gonna, you know, help with that. And, and as I mentioned to Adam and also to you now too on previous calls, you know, the idea is this is kind of the first small vehicle of, of a series that we wanna do. So hopefully, you know, Adam and I can work together for, you know, for, for, for a long time to come.

Um, because you, he’s got the right background to kind of grow with our company into a more, you know, more substantial role, you know, over time. So I’m, I’m very excited about that. Yeah, no, I am too. Um, I’m a little bit envious to be honest because, uh, Adam, this is a really good gig. So, um, so let’s just take it one day at a time and we’ll make it the most out of it, so.

Yep, exactly. Sounds great. Yeah. Alright, so before, before I just start, like, Adam, please, a as you, uh, Barnes said, just take the lead with any questions and then, uh, I’ll try my best to walk through, uh, what we can, uh, what we, some action items we can get started. So maybe I can just, so we’re all on the same page.

So where we’re at right now is that I have a draft presentation. Um, I have engaged a lawyer named Nicole who is working on the offering documents. Mm-hmm. Um, I have also engaged to have a platform where investors can go to and, you know, really make it very easy one to look into the opportunity to review the subscription doc, so PPM and subscription agreement.

Mm-hmm. And then three, an important process for a 5 0 6 offering is actually then confirmed that they are accredited investors, which in this kind of offering is on me, but they kind of take that responsibility on and they make it as smooth as possible. So that’s kinda where we are, you know, um, just to roll on the same page.

Yeah, no, that makes a lot of sense. Um, but then the, the only question is the, the actual, uh, uh, the actual, uh, finished. PPM and finish subscription agreement. It’s still underway by the law firm and they should be done in like two weeks, something like that, right? Yeah. I don’t think two weeks. I think it’s more gonna be like three, four weeks.

Okay. That’s my estimate, you know, so I have an update call with them on Monday or Tuesday to go through. I’ve provided some sections, you know, the, as you know, ppms are 80% the same stuff, if the same kind of offering. Exactly. Um, so I kinda know what’s different. So I’ve provided the background on the team, the particular risk, uh, factors for this kind of offering, the strategy, the executive summary, those kind of things, you know, I’ve offered so that, uh, I’ve provided already so that they can kind of wind that into the, um, Documents.

Um, we’ve got, given that our structure is a little bit unique in that, you know, nearly all of the GP profits are gonna go towards the charity. Yeah. For childhood cancer research, we’re just doing a little bit of extra work on making sure that the tax efficiency is as good as possible. Um, you know, and that’s why the GP and LP entity have not been incorporated yet.

Mm-hmm. But we’re gonna be doing that with, uh, CSC out of Delaware, you know, very, very, you know, well known registered ADN corporate service providers. So, you know, we we’re kind of using the people that I think investors would expect us to use. So, so, yeah. So we’re progressing slowly, always slower than anyone.

No. Fantastic. And then, uh, so, but do you have the, you have the appropriate, I guess, advisors for the tax side of it as well, and, and do you expect that, that you have that covered? You introduced me to a tax guy. So I’ve been working more on the, on the tax efficiency of the gp. Okay. Um, you know, the, the 5 0 6 offering, I mean, it’s kind of, it’s an LP vehicle.

Yeah. It’s pretty straightforward. Right. If you’re not a US citizen, you’re gonna have to have 30% revolving tax unless you have live in a country with a tax treaty. If you are US citizen, you’re gonna get, or us person, I should say, you’re gonna get a K one and then you’re gonna have to do your taxes. So I don’t think it’s, I don’t think it’s particularly complicated, but you introduced me to a guy that I have to follow up with.

Actually. I’m gonna do that. Yeah, no, he’s really good. He has a, he holds a PhD, he’s a cfa and, uh, he’s pretty good. So, yeah, I remember, I forgot what his name is, but I did talk to him. Good. Okay. Cool. So, so Adam, so, um, I have, I have my notes here, but we’ll take the lead of the questions and then, um, and then we’ll get it, uh, you know, walk through the process.

Yeah. Uh, I just remember when we originally talked, uh, I think the first step right, is creating some type of, uh, login for myself. So I have access to all your guys’ resources. Is that correct? Yes. So what I’ll do, and that’s basically it. So let me just quickly share over, uh,

exactly. So, so basically, I mean, we have, we have a sort of a generic, so of generic instructions are here, are here, but then everybody’s situation is a bit different. Uh, so then for you, we’re going to be more, uh, I’m gonna be a bit more hands on with you, so, uh, but yeah, that’s a quick answer. We’re going to, so we’re going to make you an account, that’s the one you make accounts.

So when we make the accounts, really there are three, there are three things that we have to focus on. Um, so number one, we have to. Build the list of, I’m just gonna use the word leads just to make my mm-hmm. So we we’re just gonna have to focus on getting the, the leads to reach out to, so building that list of leads.

So, you know, we have the, we have like around 170,000 or so, I can’t remember the exact amounts. But what we have to do is we just have to go through, you know, my list. And there, there’s also the aspects of the existing list on, on Barnes LinkedIn. If that’s something we can discuss, uh, then we just have to like say, okay, here are, here are the, here are the list of leads that we’re going to target.

Uh, so, you know, all the instructions behind that. Like we are, we all have it here, but basically all we’re doing is, let’s see here. So we’re logging in, uh, we’re, we have this little worksheet that we can go back and forth on, and I can help you on that. Mm-hmm. But idea is, we want to say that, We want to come up with a guess a hypothesis on the types of investors that we think are a good fit for this type of deal.

Like for example, um, we can, we can say, Hey, you know, we can target like doctors out of like Ohio, who are also investors, whatever, just any, so we can come up with like a set of guesses on the types of investors who wanna target. So the way we’re gonna do it, uh, so step one, let’s see. So step one, uh, I’ll give you this notion for you to duplicate.

Awesome. So really the first step is, uh, duplicate this template and then step two, then we log in. Yeah, we log in. I’ll give you an accounts, uh, right now, and then step guess step two here. That’s step one, step two, really what we’re doing is we’re going to, um, uh, fill out this like little worksheet so that we can confirm the types of investors.

So the worksheet is actually at, I don’t know if we finished it yet. So communicating with investors.

Okay, so lemme pull this up. Da da. Okay, so you got it from you. So then that’s really something I can just provide it, uh, plan raises.

Yeah. So I mean, there’s no magic here. We just need to come to an agreement of the type of investors that we want to target. Um, so essentially we have to just here on this call, we can even disagree. Like, like basically where, where are they located in the United States mostly. And then it’s like, what state are we gonna target?

And we’re gonna say like, what, like what are they going to be? Um, you know, more of the small check of credit investors who are below $250,000 per investments. Or are we gonna just focus more on the, uh, you know, on, on institutional large check investors that move more slowly. So this is basically what we have to come to.

It’s like, And then why do we think that that’s the best? So, barn, any, any quick thoughts here? We don’t have to go through this. I, I think we should go for guys that are two 50 or less, just because one, you know, we’re not looking to raise a ton of money here. And two, bigger investors tend to have much more opinions about the structure and strategy.

Um, you know, and I think, I think here it kind of, it is, it is pretty straightforward. So I think we keep it, we keep it simple. We go for smaller guys. Mm-hmm. S okay, so then the assets. So then I remember that your pitch deck, so then the assets in the fund, they, so it’s m and a, so it’s, it’s a, it’s a lot of things.

So then you have, uh, well it’s providing, it’s providing debt on real assets, right? That’s what we’ll do. Yeah. That’s the only thing we’ll do. Oh, oh, okay. So be, because some people they like, I noticed that some people, based on the types of assets, they would target an investor based on. How much they understand that asset.

Like, for example, Amir, who we’re, we’re working on this campaign, he’s targeting medical doctors because he’s doing a medical, uh, buyout fund. Uh, but then because your assets are, are more diversified and it’s debt, perhaps we just target a credit investors period. And then after, as we go, then we can be more specific on Anish.

Uh, what are your thoughts there? Yeah, I mean, I think either, I think real estate investors probably would, would like this, um, or hopefully like this because, you know, they understand the dynamics of the market and, and what effect, you know, the regional bank failures have had on those markets. So they might, they might understand this.

Um, I think people within the medical fields, um, you know, might also be interested in this just because of the added angle that, you know, you’re actually. You’re not just investing, you’re also doing good. Right? So I think, um, you know, doctors, dentists, you know, those kind of, you know, uh, physiotherapists, you know, whatever, you know, I don’t know how granular this, this, uh, diversification becomes, but those kind of investors, I think might, might emotionally also collect to the offering because they’re like, okay, yeah, I’m gonna make money here and I’m actually gonna be doing something that I know needs to be done, which is from childhood cancer research.

I, I think I’m just speaking out loud. Well, well, it’s good for us to think like this because we’re, we’re just, this is the whole, uh, hypothesis. So I tend to agree. We see the most success with, um, these are the niches we see most success with. Uh, I, I just think as we go, as Adam starts taking the calls, uh, then we will look at, we will, we’ll start to notice by month one, for example, there’ll be one group that is way more easier to talk to.

And then the other ones are just time was, so we’ll just double down on, on the ones that are more, so I think that’s, this is okay for now. So then, yeah, so then the idea is, Uh, there, there’s the, uh, accounts and then the lists, you know, which we’ll get you access to. But then there’re also, there’s also the scripts and any outreach.

So lemme just, uh, organize this a little bit. So then we make the accounts for Adams Make Adam’s account. Hey, now two, I have a question for you. What’s up? Um, the list that you guys have, the hundred and 70,000 leads, um, are those all the high end investors or are those also a mix of those 250 K and less guys?

Many of them are 250 K or less, and I can walk through them right now, uh, but like, probably, probably the majority of them are the large tech investors. So then we have to now do more work and, and which we’d be happy to do, uh, in just getting, feeding you directly via email leads that are more small, uh, check investors.

So, I mean, the list, frankly, the best way to get access to the list, it’s really just on the, um, I mean, investor list is just going through the Google Docs. What’s the wrong one? I guess it is

because we have everything here in, in one, um, embedded sheet. But, uh, but the Google doc is just easier. So for the last few quarters, we just compiled all the, all the contacts here. Right. And this gets updated every quarter then? Yeah, so every quarter, so this, this la this most recent one was, uh, second quarter.

Right. So yeah, many of these, like, many of them are really big. So we may have to go back to the, uh, to the other list that the investors are more small. Cause these are all family office, family office, family office. Uh, let me just go down a little bit. Your experience, not to the family offices that you guys have in your database.

Um, what kind of check do they typically write? Because some of the guys here are, are huge, right? Like absolute return. Those are like very big, big guys, right? Op invest, they’re like mega lotio or like really mega big investors, right? Yeah, yeah. No, they’re, they’re all, they’re mostly big. They’re the only ones that are smaller, more the, uh, the single family, but majority of them, they, they take minimum $1 million, uh, check size.

Okay. Yeah. Yeah. Cuz the only angle I think for, for the family office one, one, I, I personally, I personally dislike, I’m just being honest. I personally dislike talking to the family office as opposed to, to many family offices because, uh, I, I just find, I, I just find that there’s a lot of, if I can speak freely, there’s a lot of bullshit.

There’s just a lot of bullshit. So, so I think, uh, you know, unless they’re doing, unless they’re a fund of funds, uh, then it’s much easier. Um, so that’s one. Two is that sometimes these guys are better if you want to, uh, get them to introduce you to one of their investors. Uh, so I wouldn’t really go directly, so Adam, I wouldn’t really go too crazy with this list because.

These are more for like, if you want them to introduce to their investors and three, if they’re a fund of funds, that is, that’s a really good angle, I think. Because then they, they can major say, oh, you know, just be part of our fund if that’s something that you do. But yeah, I think, um, they’re a bit slow.

Let me show you the more small checked credit investors. And where, where do you, in that list you were just on, where do you see whether it’s a fund to fund or not? Yeah, let me check it.

Uh, yeah, I don’t think we have it disclosed on this list. So on the other list we have it disclosed. Okay. Yeah. So we may have to, so either multi-family office, but then we have to just manually go through. Uh, so lemme just go through all of these. So quarter two. Okay. We script quarter one and go to quarter 4, 20 22.

The venture capital funds, debt letters, invest general.

Okay, so yeah, this one we have the fund of funds and, and all this in, in this one right here. So I’m just download them and make sure I send ’em to Adam. Perfect. Download CSV

download plan. Yeah, just bear with me. I’m just going to sort through this. No, no. Got fine. All right. Asset manager.

Okay. So you wanna look at foreign list, uh, titles. Um,

we wanna focus on small check, but, uh,

Okay. Just information. Ask manager. Corporate investor. Mm. Corporate investor. Nah,

I mean, we can always try them like, but I just wanna look for the quickest way to get Yeah, exactly. Mm-hmm. Endowments multi.

You know what, we, we can just try them. Let’s just, um, put this here in the office. Multiple.

Alright, so as I’m digging through this, so Barn, do you have any, um, Do you have any, uh, you know, accounts going on LinkedIn as well? Uh, you mean contacts or what do you mean? Yeah, so are you, um, like, do you have like a, a nice man because some people what we, we’ve seen big success with for the smaller check investors is, uh, doing outbound LinkedIn campaigns as well.

Yeah, so I, I’ve been on LinkedIn almost since LinkedIn started, so I have, lemme check, actually, I’m just logging on LinkedIn right now. Yeah, I have about, where does it say how much? I have, I have about 1400 connections on LinkedIn. Okay. Okay. So that’s good. So, um, yeah, no, you can get you, there’s, there’s a way, I’ll show you some, some things that we can do because depending on, depending on the amount of freedom we want to give people, we can do a few things.

One, we can use your, your teammates, get them branded with Polar Star, uh, capital Management, so Polar Star Fund, and then we send them all to the same calendar. Uh, number two is we can get additional links in accounts with the same branding to do that as well. Uh, number three, for everybody that interacts with anything that you, you post on LinkedIn, uh, we can have Adam, yourself or Adam just respond to all the people that, uh, re I, I think you, I think one of my people probably even, uh, replied to you on my LinkedIn because I think you, you commented something and then they said, oh, hey, are you looking to do this?

That was just, that wasn’t me. That was just one of my, um, my people in, uh, me, that, that was after I engaged you guys already, you know, and I just, yeah, they, they, um, we, we don’t have, uh, we don’t do false positives because we’re more on the crazy side. So that was assembly in Lebanon or something that just working on my account.

So, so if he wants, you know, Adam can do something like that, or just for other accounts. The point I’m making is it works really well, um, just to put calls as well. Well, well, our, you know what, what, what Adam and I discussed is that, you know, we’re gonna add him to the bio, to the team section on our website.

Nice. Um, and we’re also gonna make a profile through Adam sending me his background. So I’m, I’m just, you know, um, I’m just making a bio that’s kind of similar to the bios that we already have on the team. So that Adam can then also add the role to his LinkedIn profile. Um, and then, you know, I can, I can reach out, if you tell me how mechanically to do this, I can reach out to my contact and Adam can reach out to, you know, whatever context you have on, on, on, on LinkedIn or through this database that you have so that we kind of maximize the, um, the uh, the feedback.

Right. And if, and if we, um, if you think, if, if not, do you think that there is a good, it’s a good investment to set up other, that virtual accounts, then I’m, I’m open to that as well. Right. Um, you, Adam is very technologically savvy, so, you know, you know, he will figure that out very quickly. Yeah. No, I think, I think it’s one of the, I think it’s one of the, it’s one of the best things I think you can do to get, get the ball rolling for you.

I, I think it’s one of the best things you can do. Yeah. Um, so I, I highly, highly, highly, it could be even better than the investor database, uh, just because the only reason I’m saying it is because we’re seeing results with it from some of the other people and it’s a smaller fund. Uh, so, uh, yeah, let’s, let’s.

I’ll write the instructions for that. So, okay. So actually real quick, move on on that. Are you talking about the, there’s more success with your warm network on LinkedIn or are you saying actually reaching out to, um, you know, people that you’re not connected on LinkedIn? LinkedIn Auto, uh, is automatically, well, b both for outbound for us, outbound small check, uh, like outbound is us going out to them.

Uh, that works really well for, um, for these smaller check investors. Uh, for the bigger check investors, it, it doesn’t, it doesn’t work as well. It doing the, uh, the links and outbound thing. The email works better for the bigger check investors and then the inbound, nothing’s better than inbound. So when they already interact with you, nothing works better than that.

Um, you know, the only thing is that you have to, we have to make sure that they’re obviously investors before you do that. But, uh, so, so right now I just wrote down these are the people that we have to, to call on a list, uh, for the big check and for the small check. Let me just get a few lists for this small check right now.

Uh, so we go to, uh, from investor data engine tool, uh, renewable real estates, so British Columbia, aluminum Investor Limited Partners. Uh, we have clean data. I don’t have clean data. Raw data, okay, I’ll get this to you.

So I downloaded it and

I’ll add renewable as well.

Oh, debts, we, oh no, these are more, um, lenders. That’s not what we want. Renewable, this is non-US so we need to get us. Let’s just start, let’s just start here. We’ll just start at the basic real estate investors and then we’ll make more queries to get, uh, more Es people that are interested in E s G and more doctors.

Um, so then we do that. I’m gonna quickly walk through next the scripts and the process.

Okay. So scripts. So we have outbound. And just to clarify, Adam, are you doing, um, the, your engagement? So you’re, cuz some people they just sit on a sales call, uh, and then they just, so, so you’re just working with Adam to do, to get the appointments, to get the bookings in and to sit on the e Easy going be end to end sales.

Both. Both. So in the beginning Adam and I are gonna do, um, things together. So kind of Adam gets the hang of it, but Adam has a, has a, you know, has a, has a good background in real estate. So I think he’s gonna very quickly pick up. You know, most of what there is to know. Yeah. Um, and then the idea is that kind of Adam does the majority alone.

Of course. Sometimes there might be people that want to call when Adam’s already occupied with, with another call, and then I’ll, you know, I’ll jump in and, and help as well. Right. So that’s kind of the arrangement we have. Adam gets rewarded, you know, whenever an investor comes in, regardless of whether I’m helping, he’s doing it alone or I’m doing it alone.

So, you know, we’re kind of fully aligned interests. Okay. Okay. So, so that’s really good. What, what, what, what could be productive is, is if he, uh, takes a lot of those initial fielding calls. He just takes the, the ones, the, some of the, the majority of the quick fielding calls to see if they’re serious and then he can direct the more serious people to you.

Um, so that, that could be a good way to start. And then as, uh, as you said, like once he starts to get the hang of the deal and understand it, then, then he can start doing more. You can start to delegate more responsibility for him to take the second call to walk through some of the more serious things about the deal, the subscription agreement.

But, uh, so we can just say that, you know, phase one. Phase one, uh, Adam would say, I call ’em triage calls. Triage calls. Uh, and you can do some outbound.

So you take, you can, so Adam, so we’re going to reach out to the investors, but then you, there’s a process where you can reach out to them and then there’s a certain script for that. But then if they come to, to Barnes calendar, to the Polar capital Fly’s calendar, you can take some of those initial calls just to see if they’re serious.

Uh, and so that’s, you take an inbound calls and so there’s like a difference script for both of them. Uh, gotcha. Yeah. So let me just quickly share the scripts as well. Uh,

okay. And I’ll just share the link with this.

So, outbound. Outbound, whoops.

Uh, we don’t have to go through all this here, but, but this is basically the, the whole, um, this is just a script and to see if they’re open and willing to invest in, uh, we’re checking if they’re in a credit investor. We’re seeing if it, it’s something that they have dry cap powder, if it’s something that the timing is qualified, and then we’re checking to see if they’ll be open to, uh, Yeah, that’s pretty much it.

And then we’re just seeing that that’s all we’re doing and anything, so. Yep. Adam, what I, what I did a couple weeks ago, um, it was probably, you know, a little bit too early in, in the process for me mm-hmm. Is I took the examples that Natu has and I kind of using CHATT four, I kind of described to Chatt, okay, this is the offering that we’re gonna do.

And this is kind of the, the benefits, right? It’s quarterly income, it’s, you know, debt on real assets and the funky things that, you know, uh, almost all the profits are going to go to childhood cancer research. And chatty PT very quickly wrote some things that were pretty cool. Very, very short, very to the point.

The funny thing is that, um, what’s the name of this movie? Um, um, Leonardo The Capri. The Capri, the guy that was like really good at selling finance, the Wolf of Wall Street. Oh, Wolf of. So Wolf of Wall Street, right. Was based on this guy called Belman, right? Mm-hmm. So what I done is that I told Chad is, okay, write it as if you were Beman, not Adam Beman, but you know, something.

It was, it was phenomenal. Wow. Amazing. What came out. You gotta do it. Wow. That’s hilarious. Yeah. Yeah. Holy moly. That’s hilarious. I didn’t know, I didn’t know it had that much training data on, uh, Belfor. That’s good. Absolutely. Yeah. You’ll be amazed they come. That’s hilarious. Don’t give away our secret for at least another two months.

Okay. I won’t, I won’t. Belford is, uh, he’s the tonality God. So anything, tonality, especially, uh, Adam, like, he’s the, he’s the best on tonality and uh, and obviously on sales, but in the tonality, like that guy is, I haven’t seen anyone as good as him on tonality. Uh, yeah. He has good stuff. Oh yeah. So then, Okay, so then the, the outbound, yeah, we’re just, you know, this is when we’re calling them, and I’ll tell you when, like when are good times to do outbound.

Outbound, we’re calling them, uh, we’re getting them to see if they’re serious and then we’re getting them on a second call. Inbound is that they’ve, we’ve sent them a message on LinkedIn or via email, and then they’ve booked in our calendar, so they’re coming to us. So when they come to us, we just have a bit more, uh, we have a bit more control, but when we go to them, we have to be a bit more gentle.

Uh, so it’s, it is just a bit different. So anyway, so you’re gonna have the scripts and then I will do one for the, I’ll show you the, um, triage one. So investor communicating one for investor communicating with Cate. It was going to portal already communicating with investors.

Let me just, uh, get the actual full script. Just one second. Mm-hmm.


Okay. Inbound script. There we go.

Okay. It is, it is almost the same stuff. Um. It’s really just, it’s really just b, it’s like we treat it like B2B sales. We just say, um, you know, if they’re available, if they’re looking to, to invest equity into a deal, we just get permission to ask questions about what they’re doing. Uh, we see if they’re accredited, see if they’re qualified.

So basically they’re the decision maker. They actually have a need for it. Um, you know, basically we’re trying to see if they’re serious. Same thing as the outbound, but we’re just a bit more, we’re asking a bit more questions because they’re the ones who are coming to us. Um, and so here’s a script on it as well.

And the idea is like we, we have, we connect with them, build rapport. Usually we just take a few minutes to see if what you’re doing is in the scope of what we can, we can do for you. And it’s like what type of mandates are you working on? What type of, you would say investments or what type of, um, deals are you looking for, looking for?

And if they ask what you do, because sometimes what happens is that on these calls they’ll say, oh, hey, what, what, what exactly do you do? Um, and then you want to fill in something called a personalized introduction because basically all this stuff is from, uh, Jeremy Minor, uh, and Jeremy Minor. He does a lot of investor sales.

So we just say, oh, you know how real estate investors sometimes can’t find deals with, and then whatever the mandate is, deals that have good capital appreciation. Uh, well, what we do is we help, uh, real estate investors find deals that have the capital appreciation through our, through our unique strategy.

Through our strategy. So is that something you’re potentially sourcing? It’s like, yes. No. Okay. So, so what are you doing to deploy for deals in your mandate is for your mandate or for deals in your mandate? Uh, mandate may even be more, a bit more, uh, it may be a bit too, uh, sophisticated. Uh, so you can ad lib the mandate, like what are you trying to do to find deals here are in your criteria.

Mm-hmm. We try to see that. Are you able to, like, if there’s a pro, are you able to find deals that are in this mandate or not? And then if there’s, like, if you talk to smaller investors, you know, like maybe that fit into your financial planning. Right. Something like that. Right. Thank you. Oh, that’s a really good one.

Maybe mandate is more for like, you know, if you have family offices or, or fund to fund investors. But if it’s a smaller investor, maybe you know, their financial plan. And then probably many of you guys, they don’t have one, but it, it’s a really, no, it’s a really good idea. So then what I’ll do, I’ll make a duplicate, uh, let’s see.

Small check.

Yeah. Mandate is very sophisticated. So we can kind of tone it down and just say you’re your financial plan.

Cause many people don’t even know what a mandate is, frankly.

Financial goals, financial plan, even financial goals,


and Adam, feel free to, um, we can always book some calls and go through some role play. Uh, happy to do that as well. Cool. Yeah. But an idea is, okay, so main, the main idea is we’re getting their current situation. We’re building report first, getting their current situation, seeing if there’s a deficiency in them hitting their financial plans.

And then if there’s a deficiency or there’s something that’s missing or some desire there, then we’re looking at, okay, so what we usually do next is we’ll walk through the idea of, you know, solving this, uh, you know, helping you get to this financial goal. Um, would it be appropriate to go on a, at a call to walk through, uh, our investment opportunities that could, that could alleviate this for you?

Or, or what would you like to do from here? Because we wanna just get their permission to go on a further, on the next call where you can actually present the deal. So, um, so that’s it. And then you just go into the, uh, so all you’re doing, you’re just being human and then you’re just going to Barnes calendar and saying, okay, when, when, when will be available.

And then the idea is that you’re booking a call to Barnes Calendar or calendar or whatever he is using. Um, you know, and you say, okay, yep. How about, how about tomorrow at the same time? Or, or when works for you? And then we’re just booking them in. Uh, the last thing is, ideally there would be some sort of follow up, like if there’s like, because you have issuance, so ideally, like right before that second call is booked, they’re being fed like all the deals, like over and over again because they’ve already verbally c consented that they are accredited.

So I guess in theory then we’re able to send them to deals. So, you know, we, we just need to set it up so that when they get books to your calendar, the de the whatever website that the deal is on gets sent to them. And so, so that would be it. Lastly is, um, there’s lots to cover, but anyway, that, that’ll be okay for that.

But then we also have to make sure we have a good voiceover IP software because, just for compliance, I mean, the US lets you record calls if one person has permission. So, uh, which basically doesn’t mean anything. It means anybody can record as long as it’s not a wire tap. So do you have any, uh, voiceover IP that you’re currently using to, to call people?

Or, or would you like a recommendation? Recommendation? Yeah, so, um, there are two of them. One is and, uh, It allows you to just dial away and then it records every conversation automatically. Just so you know, we can audit and, and train everyone. And if, just for compliance purposes, let’s say like somebody said that they’re accredited and then later on they’re saying that they’re not accredited, and at least we can say that we had some sort of proof.

Uh, so is, is is the best for that. Uh, but then there’s also go high level, uh, I don’t think you need go high level because you’re already using, um, yeah, there’s so many ways to do it. So you’re already using issuance, issuance shows them the deals. Go high level is better. If you want to send them follow ups and automations, uh, and text and all that automatically.

It’s really good for that. And I can help you like, you know, just show you some, uh, templates and get some templates built for you if you, if you wanna go that routes. But either one, uh, is, is, is, is good enough. So I would recommend probably just close our comments. It’s really simple, not really crazy. And then we can just do the automations on, um, on Calendly, just to keep it simple.

On, is that, um, calling just individual numbers or will it ring multiple numbers at one time and then whoever picks up that’s what it rings to? No, it’s, it’s mostly individual because, uh, it has a few things. It has, uh, the calling and sms, so you can send a text. Uh, it the best, it’s the best UI I’ve seen for, for outbound that is really cheap.

Uh, so it’s good for that. The only thing is that it has a power dialer. So you can have the, the people we can import to people and then we can power dial. So then if they don’t answer, then it just goes to the next one automatically. So it’s really good for that. Uh, it doesn’t have a voice drop, so I think you’re talking about voice drop.

Um, voice drop is when it, it just dials and then automatically goes to voicemail without you, well, without having the ring. Uh, and then you leave the voicemail. It doesn’t have that, nor does it have something where you can dial multiple people at once. So, um, they’re just FYI that that’s what it Cool.

Gotcha. Yeah. And let me just write this at the top, like, uh,

have you had anyone use the voicemail drop before? Uh, I haven’t, yeah, I haven’t gone to that point. Usually we’re just focused on the basics, just like, like the basics things of just getting the messaging right first, and then that’s usually like 90% of the work. That’s more of like a, like a growth hacking tool that people that are already like doing it well, they want to get more the data use.

I’ve only had like two people ask for that. Gotcha. Yeah. Used it in the past, uh, for LinkedIn, so that’s why I was wondering. Oh, nice. And well, the reason why, and without getting into the rabbit hole, the reason why I really think the LinkedIn is good is because you can automatically feed the, the connections and you can export them into, uh, close with the name, email, phone number, and then from there you can dial anyone who has title of investor.

So that’s why I like, I like close and, uh, But we’ll, we’ll get into that as we go, but, okay, so where are we? So here are the scripts. And then the third thing is the actual presentation.

So this is mostly, we’ll just say mostly barn, we’ll take the lead. Um,

this one, honestly, like, it, it’s really there. There’s less, there’s less scripting for this, it’s more just, um, I guess it’s more just rapport, uh, information gathering.

I don’t wanna use the word quick, but I. Uh, short presentation, um,

because the idea is I was talking to Fabian, uh, he’s an investor there doing a, a 6 million raise. And then for him, uh, we agreed that the presentation, because we’re sending them the issuance stuff, so the issuance has all the information about the deal, everything. So for the presentation, that’s why we’re saying usually we recommend it to be short because, um, we don’t wanna boredom.

Right. We just want to, you know, just keep it engaging and then, and then we’re just there to answer their questions. But yeah, I don’t really have to do a lot of recommendation on the presentation. Uh, but really we’re just doing reporting for gathering and then you presenting the opportunity and then answering our questions.

Well, you, you’ve seen the presentation, right? We’ve gone, you know, we’ve given feedback twice already, so I’ve. I’m fine tuning it, but I’ve incorporated a lot of, a lot of your feedback. Adam, I’m not sure if I’ve sent you a draft. Actually, I’ll do that after the call today. Um, it’s, it’s, it’s the only couple slides, you know, because it’s not rocket science and I think if it’s, if you go over 10 slides, I think a lot of people just like start drifting off and just Exactly.

They don’t, you know, they, they gotta go to the end of presentations. Okay, what do I, I like this, or what do I do next? If they want more information, then they’ve gotta go to the link, which is gonna be polar star, you know, com, And then once issuance is, is live, once you go to that link, we’ll direct and directly to issuance, right?

For now, all they can do if you go to that link is effectively register your email, uh, to be notified when we launch the offering. Um, and once the issuance is live, then that link is automatically gonna direct them. That’s kind of how I set it up so far. Nice. So, yeah, I, I totally agree. You don’t wanna be like these low because they’re these, a lot of these low quality, um, you know, startups and stuff that they just board people to depth.

So you already, you already have the good, um, you already have the, I mean, you already know what you’re doing here, so that’s good for that. So then all I’m saying is for phase two is like, you know, that’s when Adam, you know, can start taking more responsibility. Perhaps you can start sharing the, uh, sharing some presentations, but probably like a small percent.

Uh, I wouldn’t really go given Adam a hundred percent, like too quick. Uh, I would just say like after, uh, you know, there’s, there’s some success in terms of the, uh, after he is getting some good volume and then you’re busy and then you start getting more busy, then you can allocate more. So it’s basically sharing more presentation calls with Adam, uh,

because we’ve had people where they’ve delegated to, uh, Sales representatives like a hundred percent right away. And then it wasn’t really that, uh, it was too much of a jump, but if you start to slow it in and then Adam can take the resting

jar more call volume. Okay. So then that’s for the script. So let’s talk about, uh, the actions that we’re going to do, I guess mostly Adam’s gonna do to get the calls. So then here, and where do you get the lists? Mm-hmm. So there are two, two ways we’re gonna get the calls. We’re going to, you know, we’re gonna do basically emails.

We’re gonna do messages on LinkedIn and we’re gonna do outbound dials. So the way we’re gonna do them and so outreach, so we’re going to do emails, we’re gonna do out loud, we’re gonna do the third one is, uh, LinkedIn messages. Alrighty. For emails, we need scripts for the emails

for outbound, you already know what to do for outbound

c5, c5 a

messages. This one’s really important. So yeah, so we need to get, uh, so I recommend to get you link, so that’s the link to you link. That’ll get you the automations and then get, uh, some profiles as well. This will just get you some links and profiles, but then start with adding your profile.

And I need you to make, um, between, let’s just start between 200 to. 200 to, you can’t really go up to above 200 connection requests and outbound per day.

Yeah. So we just need to start getting some act outbound activity from, from you, uh, to, uh, you know, to start booking calls. Right. So the idea is like the, the thing with U Link is the reason why it’s good, it allows you to do 500 per week. This is actually per, sorry, this is per week. So we, U Link is good because it allows you to do 500 per week.

And so that can easily get five calls per week per accounts. So every accounts five calls at worst. So that’s really easy and achievable. So the idea is we want to just start by getting you on link, like as of even today or tomorrow, just starting doing the outreach. Right. And then in the meanwhile, I need you to, you know, set up a U link and I want you to take the lead on, uh, Barnes U Link, uh, you know, so that you put your name on Ulin and then Barn can put his team on Ulin.

And then we can start getting AI accounts on Ulin just so we can slowly start. I’m growing that, but it takes a bit of time. So, but then in the action item right here is like, let’s get you on LinkedIn and then I’ll share you, share with you some scripts right now that we can start sending out some book calls.

Let me pull this up here.

All right, where is Dana Room? Communicating? Communicating.

All right, Adam, I haven’t seen your, uh, can you open up your LinkedIn or share me your LinkedIn and just so I can take a look? Okay. Because, because you’re gonna take some call volume, they’re gonna be researching you as well and Googling you and everything.

And I’ll send it in the chat. Thanks.

All righty.

All righty.

Okay. Let me take a look. Okay. Okay. Okay. This is good. So, so tell you this, uh, here, here’s what I think. So I think that, uh, I would hide the. This is just my, I mean, obviously you don’t happen to do anything of this, but, but this is, we want to, we want to raise some money here. So I, I really strongly suggest doing these things.

So I, I would remove the graduation dates of the u of the university in high school, uh, or I’ll still think you’re a kid, so I would just remove, um, yeah, I’ll just remove, I’ll just, because there’s a way on LinkedIn, you can just hide the graduation dates and you can still keep the, um, the university. And so this is all good and this is great.

This is fantastic. This is good. I’ll keep all this. Uh, but the only thing is that obviously I’ll add, uh, Barnes, uh, polar Star Capital Company. So I’ll add it there, and then I’ll keep the messaging on that, uh, uniform. And so when we get it up, I’ll share some examples and this is all good. But then, I mean, we’re, we’re looking at book calls for an investment, so I’ll just like put, like, I’ll put this probably somewhere, I’ll put it on some shelf that you can use later on.

But I’ll just replace this with the copy for the, uh, for barn steel. This is, this is, okay. Like I, I would get, like, I’ll get a suit, I’ll get here, I’ll put, put yourself in a suit. And then, uh, tire, tire is optional. Uh, just put yourself in a suit, okay? And call to action. There, there’s a place, there’s a place to put call to action to, uh, an invest button.

And now I would do that. You can put yourself, change yourself into a follower accounts where you can have, uh, you can have the actual button that links to his calendar. So everything, everything is just optimized to get on the, the, on the triage calendar. Like everything is like optimized for that. And then, uh, that’s pretty much it.

And I think this is even good. You can even keep this here. Uh, this is okay and I’ll keep this here, but you can change it to a city because sometimes city is good, but this is good because you don’t wanna come across as too salesy because I’m with Mitch Gonzalez’s, um, one-on-one, uh, mastermind and, and so on.

And so he, he suggests, um, Bernie, LinkedIn, he doesn’t keep it salesy at all. So, so not being too salesy or else you’ll put people off, uh, who want to invest. Uh, so that’s pretty much it. And so I’ll just. Take some quick notes. So basically on uh, on LinkedIn, remove graduation year. All right. And so how about, so Barn, how about the, the, uh, mine is, mine is the same, but just, okay.

Yeah, that’s me. Okay, good. Yeah, Adam, you see the way that he’s in a nice suit, you know, you know, something like that. Uh, see, Bardo Foundation. So Bardo Foundation, that’s, that’s the company, right? That’s the charity, yes. Okay. But, but then the fund is different, right? The Polish Star. Aha. Polish Star, that’s the fund.


Would it make sense then for me to put both, not only Polar Star, but also the charity as well, the foundation? Or, I mean, I don’t think so because, you know, we’re not really pitching the foundation. We’re pitching the polar star. Gotcha. Cause, you know, the charity that it goes to might change over time.

Gotcha. I agree. Exactly what I was gonna say because, uh, yeah, we’re trying to get them, we’re trying to raise money. Right. So, um, and then we just wanna focus their attention. So this is good. We just need to just, uh, have the, um, so this goes into the, the link. So hopefully this has like a nice link where they can, uh, book the call, uh, register.

Okay. The email. This is good. Uh, call, call in my opinion is better than email because, uh, call, we can talk to them. Email is really good as well. Um, you know, as well. So then, uh, either call or email and then, uh, yeah, I’ve gotta update this picture. Cause I see that it’s not the, the, the, yeah, it’s not, it’s not come through.

Oh. Yeah, it’s cut off. What, what kind of link, how do I set it up? So to book a call, like, is that with, is that with the That I would do? Is that the link I would use or, sure. Or the Cal link. Sure, sure. So that one is Calendly. So that one is, uh, and I can quickly show you here. That one is really just going to, um,

and what, what do you host your website on, out of curiosity? Um, I use Wix. Okay. Wix. Yeah. You should be, uh, pretty straightforward. So yeah, you just wanna go to, um, your Calendly and then there’s a way to click share, and then you can click add to websites and then Oh, I see. Yeah. And then it’ll be nice there.

Boom. Just book a call. Okay. But then I guess that should be then Adam’s calendar, right? If he’s gonna be the first filtering. Adam, what do you Yeah, not too, what’s your, that would make sense to me. Right? I, I, I totally agree. And, uh, There’s a way to, and then, you know, depending on what kind of, you know, requests you get, you then just add me to the call, you know, to, to the schedule.

If, if, if you feel like there’s, there’s a benefit to that. Yeah, that makes sense. I, I, I totally agree. I, I just think there’s also a way to, uh, to have it so that everybody’s under one corporate accounts and Calendly, and then you can, because as you, maybe you grow the sales team and then, uh, you can do that later.

But then for now, I think it’s just good enough just to have Adam’s calendar there for the initial calls, and then he’s just feeding through all the, all these people, and then we’re just focusing on the series people. So yeah, let’s just get Adam’s, uh, uh, thing there. But yeah, I strongly recommend, uh, later on to just put your own corporate, uh, account there and then later, that’s how you can stack on the, uh, the sales reps underneath, underneath you to, um, and then you can say that, Hey, 50% of calls go to this guy, 50% of calls go to that guy.

And there, there are ways of rotating it when everything on in one account. So later on we’ll do that. But for now, let’s just get Adam’s, uh, calendar going. All right, so then, and then the events. So then the event type, you’re going to just call them directly, you’re just gonna use to call them.

Uh, and then the, the idea is we’re calling them on, on, uh, via phone. Mm-hmm. And then we’re, we’re sending them, ideally, ideally it’s a, uh, a Zoom call with barn. So, so ideally, like they’re sitting down in their office because people, they want, they shouldn’t be like in their car or distracted or whatever.

They should be like, like us, kind of like serious, you know, for the serious second call. But in that first call is more just like seeing if, if they’re who they are. Nice to meet you. I can send, I can, I, I’d like to book you and you want to really play up Barn and say that, okay, well, we’ll introduce you to the c e O for, um, I mean, we, we, we’ve transacted in, in the billions here.

Like, you really want to really like play like, because it, it’s, it’s the truth. So you’re not been playing it up that much, but you really want to, um, almost like you’re like a, uh, like a filter, right. And then to see if they’re serious enough to be worthy of going on that next call. So, so that’s how we want to do it.

Okay. What’s that? Just edify him majorly. Well, well, but seriously. Yeah. Well, well, seriously, right. So, uh, because if not, they won’t take us seriously. If we don’t take ourselves seriously. No one take us seriously. So we just have to take it, uh, uh Okay. Um,

calendar, Adams calendar on your website. All right, we’re, we’re almost done. So, for messages on the connection, so when you do the outreach, do you have LinkedIn Premium, Adam, or no? Um, I do not. No. Okay. So I guess, I guess, you know, that’s between, that’s between you and Barn by, I think it’s worth the investment of you just getting links in premium.

But the idea is you want to send InMails. So send, send InMails and connection requests.

Start manually. But then that’s why I’m saying let’s go on, get you on you links so that it automatically does it. So send the request and then the points of the, the connection, the points is to connect with people who are real estate investors or, and say that they’re credit investors. So go, go to LinkedIn and then, um, and I’ll show you right now how we do it because the reason why sales navigator is important, you can search more things, but, but just for now, what do you want to do is, uh, and, and barn, where do you happen to be located?

What state? In Florida? Well, I’m mostly, it’s Wyoming, but I’m mostly physically in Florida, so east coast. Okay. Okay. So then there’s a lot of opportunity. So, um, so what I would do, I would say, um,

So let’s go as specific as we can. And then, uh, once we, if we’re too specific, we can branch out. Uh, let’s see here. So second, second, second, second. Okay. Real estate. And then we do location all filters. Location. Do second degree add me and Barn on LinkedIn so that you can have more bigger network. Yeah, exactly.

Yeah. And then location. We just do Florida. Do make it as specific as possible. Florida show results. Let’s see. Okay. Too narrow. So then let’s remove e S, G. Let’s see what happens. Okay, so, so let’s, so let’s just try this. So let’s try real estates Accredit investors

graduated from year, uh,

By the way, you know, Adam, if you don’t have time to take your, you know, professional headshot, there’s an app called Reto, R E T r R E T R A T O, whereby you upload a bunch of pictures of yourself and you can, you know, have them make a, a good LinkedIn profile automatically. Nice. Takes about two hours. Once you’ve submitted the pictures, then they just need a bunch of pictures of your front face and you know, they can, you can, you know, you can look like a movie star.

You can look like LinkedIn professional guy. You can look like a ceo, look like whatever you want moving or like, it’s, it’s hilarious. But LinkedIn. LinkedIn. And what was the website again? It’s an app on your phone. iPhone, um, re reto. R E T R A T O. Hmm. That here’s cool. I didn’t know that.

Okay, so yeah, so, so Adam, the idea, so the idea is you’re connecting with them. The goal is, the connection is to connect with them. The goal isn’t to sell ’em because if you sell ’em too early before the connection, then they won’t connect. So then we want to sell the connection. Once we connect with them, we’re just looking for any reason to connect with them.

My CEO is in, in my CEO’s companies in Florida and, and I’m in real estate, and, you know, just, we, we just wanna connect them. And then the idea is a day after, you want to ask them if they’re looking to improve their financial plan or if not, I’m okay with just connecting and you want to add the, if not, I’m okay with just connecting, just so that you want to diffuse the frustration that they get because they get hammered.

So you wanna diffuse that by just saying, oh, if not, I’m okay with just connecting. Right? The next day you just follow up again. You say, are you sure you’re not looking to improve your, you know, look for, um, passive investments, you know, in an area. You know, and then you, and then you wanna follow up one more day as well.

And then if you know, and then the last one is more of a Hail Mary. We want to say, oh, you know, our team has transacted, you know, hundreds of millions of dollars in, in real estate and we’ve seen a lot of substantial returns. Are you sure you’re not open to just having a quick 10 minute call about the types of things that we can, uh, take a look at?

The idea is that you want to get the Hail Mary in that third one, and then we’re booking the call and we’re sending the call book into the same link that barn put on his website’s, booked, our initial 10 minute call, right? So then we do that and, um, so do it manually, but then we’re gonna get you doing it automatically, uh, as well on you link.

So join these and then you’ll do that. The last thing is that unfortunately I have to go on a call, but the last thing is that now we have to track. So we have to just make sure that you track everything. And so here’s what we’re, here’s how we’re tracking everything real quickly before I, I hop off. But basically we need to track,

I mean, here’s the real points here. We want to just track the amount of outbound outreach. We want to track the amount of outbound activity. Like the teaser are sense, the initial calls, the, uh, the term sheets received, the term sheets closed, and that, that’s really, that’s really it. Right. But within that, there’s so much more to track, but let’s just focus on, on these numbers.

So let’s just look at the, um, teaser sense. Initial calls

tracking, teaser by, uh, you mean like the messages Teaser? Yeah, teaser are, so here’s where like some people, yeah. Some people they do the teaser by, um, by email. Well, let’s just focus on initial calls because some campaigns we have into that the teaser are sent by email before the initial call. But then for us, we’re just focusing on initial call.

So let’s just do this, uh, initial call. So initial call, we’re tracking that. Uh, after that, then we’re looking at, um, so term, I guess offers made. Because this is more, this is more for big check investors. So let’s look at this sheet. So teaser sent,

we’re gonna send a teaser after the initial call. So we’ll just say, um, presentations, presentations, books. So initial calls, presentations, books. So this includes inbound and outbound

presentations, books.

So you wanna count the amount of yeses to term sheet

and obviously the closes. So we count these. I’ll make a, uh, I’ll make a custom. Um, Spreadsheet as well, because it’s a bit different than the B2B sheet, who will make a custom spreadsheet for this. And then more important, the last thing I wanna say before I hop off is the out we track outbound activity very carefully.

Uh, so I’ll show you a spreadsheet that we do for outbound. Just one second. Uh, outbound

scorecard. Uh, yeah, I’m just doing this on another, uh, screen, so Aw. W okay. Scorecard data.

Ah-huh. Okay. So dials, connects means books, dials the bookings.

Mm-hmm. So you’re tracking all this and you’re also tracking. Your your outbound calls. So then outbound tracking, uh, paste on links, paste. So we’re tracking the amount of dials, the amount of connections, like how many they pick, how many times they pick up. And then you’re gonna get the pickup percentage.

You’re gonna get amount of meetings booked. So these are the second meetings that are booked. And then you’re gonna get like a connect to booking percents, and you’re gonna get a dial to booking percents the percentages autopopulate. So you don’t have to do anything there. But the, the one that you have to put in are the, the amount of dials you make, the total connects, and the amount of second means booked.

All right. The last thing is you wanna make sure that you double dial when you dial. Uh, you always wanna double dial when you dial. It just increases the pickup rate. So that makes sense. That’s double dialing. What was that sir? What is double dial? Yeah. You call, they don’t answer. You call again. So many people are getting spam calls, you know, if you don’t recognize the number, then half the time I’m not picking up, you know, but if I see it, call me back again and it’s like, okay, they must be actually reaching out for something.

Yeah. Yeah. And when you get the, when, when we get close. So the next steps in really a nutshell is let’s get you on and then you want to, we want to get you a phone number that is in Florida. We want to target people that are in Florida and then keep the area code the same. It, it almost doubles the pickup rate.

It’s crazy. So, uh, yeah, let, let’s keep the area code the same and then dial the dial the leads that are on the list. Um, you know, we wanna do that, make the connections with the people on LinkedIn. And we didn’t even cover email, but we want to send, we actually want to send email. We wanna start with manual, then we do mass email.

But altogether, the idea, the whole point of this, we wanna get a lot of initial calls. We wanna get as many of these as possible using all those methods. And then we need to track like what method is working the best so that we get the most amount of initial calls possible. This is really what we’re focused on.

Just get as like as many initial calls as we can, um, you know, using the outbound, the LinkedIn, the list, and then what stage do, how, what tools do I use to reach out to my contacts on LinkedIn? Is it also U Link or how do I do that? Yeah, yeah. You, I recommend getting you on Ulin, but um, it’s u link, you link to make new connections.

Uh, but then for everybody that interacts with your existing, the, the material you put outs, anybody who reacts to it as well, um, to, you know, message them and just say, oh, I saw that you, you, you, you commented on my post. Uh, we, we actually have a new investment opportunity. You know, is that something you’d be open to discussing everybody who interacts with, and secondly, when you go on NewLink, you can export all your contacts.

And then we can import them into close and then we can have, uh, Adam outbound dial them as well and say, oh, I saw that you’re connected with our C E O. Uh, you know, would you be open to discussing this new, uh, opportunity? I mean, they’ve raised, like, they, they’ve deployed hundreds of millions of dollars.

Like it works really well. If we, we, um, we mentioned the, the connection on LinkedIn from before. Sounds good. Yeah. Okay. Well now to, I know you’ve gotta jump, but, um, Adam, if you, if you have some, some time after the call, maybe we can just continue a little bit and just agree on kind of a action plan and who’s gonna do what.

Yeah, that sounds great. And then now maybe we’ll, we’ll, uh, we’ll look at your calendar and, and maybe book a follow up call in, in, you know, early next week if that, you know, that’s convenient for Adam. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah, you have my full support here and then, uh, we’ll keep it going. We have a lot to work to do and I look forward to seeing us, uh, get this thing moving.

Perfect. Very good. Thanks for your time today. Thank you. I’ll send you a separate Zoom link in.


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2. Struggle with:
3. This is not for those who

If Accepted, You Will

1. Join masterminds
2. Ready Your Raises
3. Start Raising
4. Systematize, Delegate and Repeat
5. Get added to the numbers has assisted firms in creating fund and acquisition vehicles for hundreds of people and raising

and closing an excess of $152m in under two years through direct, compliant channels. You will be added to the head count of raises closed. offers licenses for a select group of people to access a membership for a year.

We begin by mapping out a customized process for your raises from set up through to completion.

If someone qualifies for a membership, it will include:

The price for annual membership is currently in the upper 4-figure range for those that qualify.