Hello everybody. Just getting a meeting. Hi. Hi, how are you? Good. Nice to see you.

Alright. The meetings was getting started. Sorry, just one moment while everyone is joining.

Alright. So matter. Our CFA is here as well. So yeah. Hi everybody. Welcome to the call. So yeah, as usual we’ll just go through everybody and make sure that we address every question as well. And and I see in the call the, so Sheriff joined, then it was Greg, then iPhone, I think that’s Craig, then Satin.

But I’m actually just going to address Satin because he’s a new client, so I’d just like to welcome him and then ju just to take some time to go to what he’s working on. Hi Satin. How’s it going? I’m good, natu. How are you doing? Good. Just a nice busy Monday as usual. Nice. Great. Before you start actually managed to take a look at the support note that you had two different deals and you wanted to get a data room started, but you wanted to just go through it to know what to enter in, correct?

Yes. Okay, awesome. So for that, yeah, we actually added, because we have a lot of people that start asking us. We actually have a section for a one-on-one call just to go through the data room. Okay. Because we just had a lot of demand and then we just, rather than do it always on the weekly calls, we can do it there, but then.

We can put the but we can also quickly do it here as well if you like. That’s what, I’m sorry, that’s what I did. I book a one-to-one call to finish the date I did that. Oh, okay. Good. I mean we can also go through it now if you like as well. Either way. Yeah, I’m fine. Either way is fine with me.

Okay, got it. So if you were to remind me what was the so there are two types. What were the two types again? One was for one is I’m sorry. Yeah. One is for lending. I want to start the lending Yeah. In two businesses. And second one is I want to buy, to create a fund to buy the properties like gas stations, convenience to retail properties.

Yeah, that makes sense. So no lending and how is everything with with civil, how is everything? With, I remember that company, civil, the that they did not civil. Yeah, they did not call me. I did not hear back from them. Oh, they didn’t, so you weren’t able to. Okay. So what we can try to do, because th there should be a way to book a a call with them.

So yeah, I did not call them. I was waiting that they will call me. They never call me back. Oh. And then I was going through the database of all the private equity companies. I don’t know how to find in that. I was looking at that database. I could not find companies like Si o who are open to learning.

So that’s another thing I need help with to identify those companies. Oh, okay. Yeah. This luckily this will be easy. So yeah, we can just introduce you to them. Like we just introduce you to Frank. Frank is from Lending Capital net. He’ll reply within probably one or two days, and then we just introduce you to people manually.

Yeah I’ll appreciate that. Yes. Yeah. So we’ll just get that process started. All right. So let me take a look at the Sorry, I’m just going to, the back end here, goes through the data room side. So I think next steps is, next steps are, we will look at the, we’ll introduce you to the lenders that we have.

Number one? Yes. Number two, I think we need to log into your civil accounts and then I can actually just take control over the mouse and then try to get you sure. A call of them. So I think that’ll be two good next steps there. Okay. All right. So Sasin Matra what’s the email again? That’s my name.

1 0 6 hotmail.com. Sasin Malhotra

one. Oh,

okay. Are you gonna use the, I don’t think you should use the Hotmail one for the fund though. If you have any like business email for the fund or, No, I have to create something I haven’t yet. Oh, okay. We’ll start here and then try to change it later. So I’ll try. So in the database, natu, are there any brokers also any third party brokers?

Or there is nothing like that because I know there are so many brokers who helped to raise, I know this is self, doing it by yourself, but they’re brokers also. You reach out to the brokers and then they help you, they understand what your requirement is, and then they help you, they charge some fees and they help you raise money.

What’s funny is that we have, people are sometimes complaining that we have too many of them, but I Sure, yeah, we have a ton of brokers happy to introduce. So we have the brokers via the introductions too. But then we also have them in the I guess three ways. So you just joined the group as well.

We have brokers that are there. And then the last way is that we have it on a list of all the investment banks. So investment banks are merchant bankers, so we have them on a list as well. And I’ll show you the specific list and I’ll send it to you. Okay. Right away. Let me try to find it. One second.

Okay. Let’s list, yeah. I downloaded this list, but I don’t know how to filter. Who’s a broker, who’s a private equity. Like I see them, but it’s very hard. Who’s a lender. Sure. So then we go to Google. It’s, let me go to master

thinking a little bit to load.


So invested data engine. So I really just go through this quarter by quarter. And then,

so I’ll load this one up and also just find one that I know.

Yeah, we have tons of them. But we have to just filter for for debts.

What’s the keyword? Invest investment bankers. Yeah. This is a good broker list. They’re all brokers, so I’ll send you this right now. Okay. Yeah.

And there are merchant banks here as well. Okay. So what is the difference between a merchant bank and a investment banker? They say the merchant banks usually work on deals that don’t go public. Like it’s not really true. But some people say that the merchant banks, they work on deals that don’t go public and then the investment banks do.

That, that’s one distinction,

but that’s not really true because I know investment banks that don’t work on public deals. Yeah, it’s just a small distinction. Share your letters.

Okay, but they’re the banks, they’re not the brokers. They are because they’re calling themselves like investment banking is the activity of it’s a it’s the activity of selling securities or selling debts to investors. So they’re not banks as in the, they’re not like banks as in Bank of America.

They’re brokers that are usually, they’re FINRA registered and they’re people that call themselves investment bankers because it’s like an activity of being a middleman. So this is not the banking where it’s, oh, I’m a bank at Wells Fargo bank. It’s a different type of bank because some of those banks, they have people called investment bankers who are the people that are trying to connect the investors in the companies as well.

But I, I just sent you the link on Zoom. Okay, cool. Thank you. No worries. So we’ll start there and then look for tomorrow morning you’ll get the introductions to the, some new lenders. Yeah. Yes. That is important. Yes. E exactly. And then last thing is on the next call we’ll be able to, we’ll take some time to go through civil but first the question I have is you have this debts so you have the debt deal and then you have the store.

The store fund. So then for the debt deal I don’t really think you need to raise equity cuz you can just use like a lender to have the debts assorted, I think. And I think it’s just for the the retail fund. You would need to raise equity for what are your thoughts for buying retail properties?

Yeah. For that I need to raise, but for lending, I don’t need to raise, I just need to Yeah. Partner with the lender. Okay, nice. Yeah. All right, good. So we’ll get that done. And then the last thing is I definitely think I recommend just doing one retail acquisition at a time as opposed to doing fund for multiple.

Okay. Yeah. Yeah, because cuz I, I know some of the, I know some of the things you worked on. I think it would just be easier to sell, okay. Got, so I’m just going through, I assume, no, we confirm this email doesn’t match. What did they change? Section gmail com section.

There we go.

Okay. So this is a, we’ll do it as a business acquisition, so matter since you’re on the call. This one, I’m gonna do this one. So he’s buying a retail. Store, I’m going to do this one as a limited partnership. But what are your thoughts as opposed to limited partnership versus shares? I prefer shares, actually limited partnership.

Yeah. Yeah, I think shares are better. It’s a company is much better to go through because of tax reasons and many other reasons. Limited partnership, you just doesn’t get that that kind of limited liability and all those things. Gotcha. That makes sense. Limited partnership you don’t, you get limited liability on LP or No.

But it’s a little different. I can’t honestly recall what were the differences, but I did quite a bit of research before I chose to do mine. And I went with the shares because I talked to a bunch of lawyers, but I can’t really remember what were the difference is. Okay. You already bought a business anyway, right?

So you did it yeah. No, I talked to a bunch of people and everyone recommended me going for shares and not going for the limited partnership. Very cool. Yeah. So then, so let’s proceed that way. And then so basically Sachin, the idea is we create a share offering and then, so then you’re saying some matter.

So then really it’s the target company that is the company that the shares are being offered from, right? Yes. Yeah. All right. So Sachin this deal, do you have it do you have it under contracts or do you have it in your pipeline? So I do have pipeline. And this is for buying the real estate, right?

Actually, actually more the. More the retail store and if it’s attached to the business. Okay. Yeah. Okay. Buying the real estate, the real estate and the business. And the business together, yeah. Yeah. I agree. Okay, so that’s what you said, buying the real estate store. So bio is I have 15 years of experience in the retail industry, gas station store industry and I have bunch of properties where that like bunch of properties with the proof of concept, like how to build up the business and build up the equity on those real estate properties.

In these assets. All right. All right. So then the numbers, like the, so then the equity num multiple and the, yeah, the equity multiple. We usually, we have somebody that can create a model that can look at the target and create a model for all that. So we can do that. Okay. Later. Sure. She’ll be determined.

Alright, so what’s the rough amounts of what’s the acquisition price of the of the, okay. One I have is for 2.4 million. 3.4. 2.4. 2.4. Okay. Okay. So 2.4. So I would like to have the, I think the minimum investment amount, a good a number would be between 50 to a hundred thousand. So we can try to put like a hundred thousand for the minimum investment amount.


All right. So here on the pitch deck, we have a place where people can put their past deals that they’ve either acquired. So what are some examples of some past deals we can put here for you? Yeah, so I bought one property for 1.35.

And I bought, okay, so do I need to tell this, describe about this property, what type of property it is and all that stuff, or no. Just so either like the re the bene, like the results, like what’s the, something about the return. Okay, so lease sell. So I have leased it on a short term rental of $12,000 triple net lease right now.

Oh, that’s a second. That’s another one in addition to this one, right? No, that same property. I leased it out right now on a 12,000 rent triple at least. And in the next two years, I am planning to, once the lease expired, I’m planning to because the business can support at least $15,000 rent on this property.

Nice. So after two years? Yeah, it’ll be rented for $15,000. Nice.

Nice. Any other ones as well? Yes, I bought another property. For close to a million dollars, let’s say a million dollars. And the present rent is sixteen thousand five hundred sixteen thousand two hundred dollars on this property. Okay. Nice. Triple net lease. Yeah. Triple net lease.


Okay. So I bought one convenience store in four years back for three 50. $350,000.

350. Okay. Yeah. It’s rented for $6,000 triple net lease right now. Store acquisition. And how much was the the triple net lease on this one? $6,000. Yeah. This is some good experience. So it’d be a really strong yeah, these were all rundown properties. It take me a couple of years to build up the business.

Then I, rented for this type of dollar amount when I bought them these properties, like no one wanted to buy them or very competitive. But once you build the business, it’s easy to, rent them high. Yeah. So would you, I guess this would be called it matter. This would be called opportunistic.

Once it, because it’s okay where it was more it was a questionable property to increase the value a lot. So that’s way categorized as opportunistic, I’d say. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Good. Okay, so then we have a part for use of funds. So basically the acquisition of acquisition of existing convenience store, spelling this really off convenience store.

So acquisition and then value add of it. So you’re gonna add value to it, right? Proving the operations. And I remember oncology was through improving the management. Yes.


incentives. Increase products. Yeah. Cuz you’re big on management and big on incentives. So those were the two things. I think that may be okay. But is there like a third category you’d be, you would put in here? I think.

Fixing the store. That’s important. We need additional capital to fix the store. Got it. Okay, so few last things about the background. Okay, so then we talked about the deals. So then you as a professional anything about the amount of employees, just high level statistic, amount of employees that you managed different roles that you had throughout your career.

We can just put them here as well. So my business model is a little different. I don’t run the stores. I have enough network to know who are the right operators, so I give them on ear to ear management these businesses to the right candidate. And they build it up. And every year once they build it up, I increase their rent and then give them the longer lease.

Nice. That’s the business model. Okay. Got it. So then I’ll just put like overall, or I guess overall

of several, I don’t know what’s it called?

Yeah, I think that makes sense. Yeah. I imagine always have to release those stores. Language, any, so in amount of years. Anything on years, like 10 years, 20 years, something like, people always say 10 years of experience in this 10 years experience in this or anything in the real estate site. I think five year experience. Okay. Five years in, in the running convenience stores. 15 years of experience in running my son.

Yeah. So we’ll put 15.

Okay. So this is good. So then, okay, so this is the address of the actual assets, which is not available right now. This is your phone number which is four.

6 41. 41 74 0 6. Got it. This is t b d. This was two, 2,400,000. Okay.

So usually for stocks. So matter quick question. On, on for the share side. So then would you when you did the acquisition, you used your own targets, you used the existing share structure of the target? Or did you make a new share structure matter? Existing share structure of the target? Yeah we used the same one.

Yeah, we did not change anything because it was a share purchase for us. So we did not do any of that. But if we were going to do an asset purchase, then we would have to, then we would basically incorporate a new company and that would have a new structure. But if you are just acquiring the shares of the company, which we did, so we just kept the same.

Oh, okay. So an asset purchase. So so you’re saying that if you did, if you got, what if you got acquisition financing for another company then you create a new share structure. But then if you didn’t do that, then you didn’t create a new share structure. Yeah. So there are two ways to acquire a company.

So one is acquiring the shares of an existing company, and the second is acquiring the assets and liabilities of that company. So if you’re ex. Acquiring the existing shares, then the company stays as it, and it keeps on operating as is. But if you acquire the assets, a new company is formed with new share structure and new assets and liabilities, and that would be the new operating company of the business.

Oh, okay. That makes sense. So Vincent, considering that’s, like in a typical, like a convenience store or a gas station or something like that where there’s real estate attached and there’s a business what are the benefits and drawbacks of acquiring of doing the asset way versus the just the shareway, because this looks like it maybe an asset play.

I think, sorry, what was the question again? Oh, I’m just asking. Yeah, the question is so section’s acquiring a a gas station, where there’s real estate attached and then there’s the business attached. Would this be better as a, would this not be an a, an asset purchase?

Like structured as like the asset type of acquisition because there’s real estate there. Yes. So if the majority of the value of the business is coming from assets, It is recommended for an individual to do an asset purchase instead of a shared purchase. So there are pros and cons to both these things.

Our case was a little different because the company was new and it had no historical liabilities that we needed to be worried about. But whereas in this particular situation, the existing operating business might have some unforeseen like historical liabilities that the business is not aware of.

So you don’t want to take that kind of a risk. So it is obviously preferred to do an asset purchase in this case. E even in general, it is to do that, but it just share, purchase has its benefits like tax. If there is a If there is a let’s say historical losses in the business, so then you can benefit from the tax and all those things.

But if it is an old company and majority of the value is coming from the assets, it is recommended to do an asset purchase. Okay. And there is one more thing to the deal. Once I buy this property, at the time of closing, I will lease it for one year to the right operator. So it’s always an asset I keep and I lease the business, but a very short term lease year to year based on who is the manager.

It’s you know how the big corporates do a franchise? But it’s not a franchise because I’m not a corporate, but I leave out the business right away. So they handle the management part, they make the money, they increase the value. I just advise them this needs to be done and I invest money in fixing the store, fixing the property.

That’s what I do. So it’ll be an asset purchase because the business will be leased. And then we are getting the rent outta the business. Okay. So that makes sense. And one more question to you before I can say this better. So how much is the total value, so you’re raising 2.4 million, is that the total amount or, yes.

Okay. That’s a total amount. And that’s asking price. Yeah. And how much of that would you say is just the real estate cost of like how do you divide that? So yeah, my question is how do you divide that 2.4 million between asset and between the business that already operates there? Yes, that’s a good question, Madu.

So business is valued at $300,000 with a $12,000 rent rate now. Okay, so based on $12,000 rent the guy who’s selling the property is asking for 2.1 million for the property, and there’s a tenant who wants 300,000 for the business. So club together is 2.4 million. Okay. Yeah. So in, in this case, yeah I definitely think it should be an expertise.

Oh, cool. Makes sense. So then that means that we have the new share structure. So then now it’s usually we just price one share at the minimum amount of shares. So because they’re 24,000,020 4 million raises, then we do 200 shares. Yeah, exactly. Two, two, 400,000. 24 shares.

It’s 2.4 million. Yeah. Yeah. 2.4. So then each share is a hundred thousand. So 24 share. 24. Thanks. So then it’s usually like better to increase the number of shares. Oh, okay. Yeah. Just have more shares than yeah. The value of a share could be lower, but the number of shares could be higher.

Okay. So then because usually I do limited partnerships here. So then for a share, a good amount would be like, let’s say 10,000 do two, yeah. 200, 400 share for thousand dollars this year. Yeah. 20 240,000 could, you can do either of these, or 24,000. Yeah. Something like that.

Yeah. Cool.

So then each shares a thousand. That means the minimum purchase would be a hundred. So then the price per share would be 1000. Minimum investments would be, as we said, is. We have a hundred thousand minimum investment. And this is just redundant, a redundant question. So a hundred minimum shares. Yep.

States. So what state does this this one in? This is in Georgia. Georgia, the company type. I don’t know if you’re, I don’t know if you’re aware of the type of company it is, but but usually we, for this, we, we say that there’s like a new new draft LLC incorporated or a new company I prefer llc.

Okay. Date is somewhat arbitrary, to be honest. Let’s just say, let’s just say June one. June one the company was formed. T B D, or do you actually already have this existing, an existing company line around an existing LLC that we can use? I have my own llc. There is already other assets in those LLCs.

So if I’m the shares it has new llc. Oh, okay. Got it. Okay, no worries. So it’ll be to be determined. This is redundance here.

That’s my own account. Yeah. So sometimes we get we use North Capital or there’s an escrow. This is an escrow accounts. Cuz when people send the money, there’s like an escrow account that we usually recommend. So do you have any attorneys are you’re currently using or should we just put our North Capital people here?

Your own escrow? I have no escrow at present. Okay. So this put North Capital and we’ll introduce you to them. All right. So a few more things. So I don’t know if we have this information now. So then there’s like the current shareholders of the company and then the ones after the people invest. So I guess, let me tell matters.

So matters. So then before, so because he is created a new company, usually we say that there’s like the shareholders before they invest and then shareholders after. What do you think is the what do you think is a good you starting shareholder amount? Because it’s like a hundred percent his company.

And afterwards he’ll sell all that, all those shares for investors to purchase it. So he ends at zero. What do you think for these numbers? This will be I’m sorry, I did not really get this question. So present shareholders and the new shareholders percentage. So you’re saying Yeah, he, if he has a hundred percent shares at this time, and then he’s gonna end up selling all of those shares.

Because what we, because if he’s creating a new company for an asset purchase, then it will be a hundred percent him, and then it ends with a hundred percent of the investors. Or just so I believe this would be, so the present shareholders would be, so in the new company how much holdings would the present shareholder have? So that is going to be such in, and if he’s selling a hundred percent of it, so this would be zero and the new holders would have a hundred percent of that. But if, let’s say he’s only selling 20 80% of it, then his share shareholder would stay at 20% and the new shareholders would have 80%.

Okay. That’s if he’s selling. So he said that’s if he’s selling like 80% of it, right? Yeah. Okay. So then cuz this whole thing is just for him to to fund a down payment. Cuz he can get a lender maybe for maybe let’s just say 75%. And this is just for him to fund at 25%. So perhaps he’ll be just perhaps he’ll end up having the rest of the company, the other 75% after he services the debts and then the rest will be him.

So that was my thought process. So it’s once I raised the down payment, then I have to go to a bank and then get the loan from the bank. Yeah. Quite often. Yeah. Cuz we could find equity investors for the whole thing, but I. Sometimes you can, it’s easier just to find the lender to do 50 to 75.

And then we do the other down payment with equity. I see. It’s better to do that with the mixture of debt and equity if you want it to be a profitable thing, because the cost of equity is going to be high and the cost of debt is going to be lower. So you want finance that with a mixture of it.

And on just one more point, not too on this when you’re saying 25% and 75% right, so the 25% is the equity part, and 75% is the debt part outta that 25%. So that company basically, that even though the 25% is the total amount the company, the company, the new company that is going to hold that asset is still.

Owns 100% of it, even though 75% is financed by a debt portion. Okay, that makes sense. Yeah. And also, so yeah, let me just give you an example. So let’s say it’s 2.4 2.5 million of asset. And 2 million is the sorry, 2 million is the debt portion and 500,000 is the equity portion. And let’s say Suchin chooses to raise 400,000.

He has his own a hundred thousand and 400,000 of additional equity for the down payment, right? So in the new company, he owns 20% because that is the 20% of that 500 K of equity investment. And the other investors would own 80%. So that is 400 K 80% of the 500 k. Does that make sense? But if I’m bringing the loan from the bank, which is 75%, yeah, I think I should own 80% and the other, but so when you’re getting the loan from a bank, the company is getting the loan.

You are not getting the loan. Okay. I’m giving a personal guarantee on that. Yeah. Then you can probably get additional some percent of additional, a percentage, like a few percentage. I don’t know like how you would value the, those things, but that’s how an equity investor thinks about this.

I see. Yeah. And what is 80 20? Because normally it’s okay, whatever is the profit, you do 80 21st and then 20% is like the management fees to manage. That’s the market. 20, 30 depends on due.

The management fees is 20. Yeah. Two 20. Yeah. The two 20 is two 20, is the 2% is the management fees and usually the 20% is the performance fee. So let’s say you end up doing a lot better than, like you said, that you would be making a minimum of 15% return for your investors and you end up making 25%.

So that 20% is the additional income that you made for the investors. And you will get 20% as a performance fee for those additional income in minimum shortly returns is you get 20%. Yeah. Yeah. Ex exact minimum. Exactly. Yeah. And then 2% is the management fees. So how would define 2% if the project cost is 2.4 million, how you define 2%?

How do I, and the two, the 2% and 20%. It’s more for a fund. For fund, yeah. Partnership. Yeah. That’s a little different. Like you’re, if you’re going for a fund or going for a different structure. I see. And all of these things are, these are not the exact, you have to do this okay.

Everything varies on you. Like how do you want to structure it? And then the investors will think if this is a good enough deal for them. And what I’m try trying to tell you is give you all the factors to play around with and decide for yourself. And we can have more discussions on this, but decide for what suits you the best.

So when you’re saying you’re giving personal guarantee and you want more equity for that particular reason, and that is completely justified to say, but. You have to play around with the numbers to see if the investors would be okay with that or not. Got it. Got, yeah. Yeah. Said. Yeah, exactly.

Because some people that will still value that as skin in the game or some people will say, oh, my existing salary would’ve been this, but it’s less. So that’s my arguments to say why I deserve to have more sweat equity. So that’s like a sweat equity type of negotiation as well. Okay, I understand.

Yeah. Yeah. And it could also be like what you are saying that you should own 80%, even though you are only putting in 20% of the equity capital. Even that can be justified as long as you can say, okay, the risk profile for this asset is so low that you are getting a good return, even with 20% equity even after getting the 20% equity.

Got it. Yeah. So it’s also a balance of risk return. Understood. Got it. So then just for the purpose of this little draft we’ll make is president, shareholders and then shareholders after so matter. So basically what you’re saying in a nutshell, it’s whatever people are investing into that down payments, people own the business based on what they invest in that down payment.

50% of the down payment, they own 50%. And then sa negotiates his way in, he owns the other percent kind of thing, is what we’re getting to at the end of the day, right? Yes, correct. Yeah. Okay. So I have one more question. Little different than what we are doing, let’s say in market. You can either buy the property in retail businesses or you can buy the whole only the business by paying the goodwill.

So I understand this is to raise capital when I want to buy the property. This is the structure. I understand. So is there any way we can create some kind of structure where I say, okay, let’s say the, like in this in this deal, the business is available for $300,000 only. So if I raise, the bank needs 30% down, so I have to raise $750,000 down.

Then I have to go to the bank, apply the loan, get the loan, which is a four month process. It’s a commercial property, gas station, get the environmental clearance. And there’s a lot of things that goes, so rather than doing, if the business is available for $300,000, is there any fund we can create where I can just buy the business for $300,000?

That makes it easier. And that is where everyone will have more returns. Cash flow is more because all the cash flow is coming from business. Just a thought. I’m just thinking. I understand this model to create a fund to buy the property. Is there any other way where we can create a fund just to buy businesses and give more return to the investors?

It’s easy and faster. Yeah. Let me just put it again, so what you’re trying to say is that you want to split the steel into two sections. So one is the asset of the real estate that is the under. You’re buying 2.1 million and the second portion is the 300 k, the business on top of that, that you’re buying them.

So what I’m saying, if I just buy the businesses and forget about the properties Yeah. And we create a fund where people only invest and I can just buy the business and give them returns on the business. Yeah. You can do that. Yeah. Okay. Yeah, there, there was one we did today with amu.

We were just launched it on Bloomberg. It’s that’s exactly what he is doing what the businesses or asset light, which is why he is doing, but yeah, you can do it and then you could, sorry, I’m just saying you go ahead. No I’m just saying it’s cheaper because then the real estate is not there, so it’s cheaper.

So you have to get a cashflow based lender that instead of an asset based lender you know, and then raise less equity. So put like 300, like 30 K in instead of instead of like hundreds of thousands in yourself or with investors. So smaller cap raise too that matter what’s up? Correct. Yeah. No, and the only thing I wanted to say is it’s difficult to get a debt based on the goodwill amount.

So if, let’s say you’re saying three, the business is 300 K and they don’t really have inventory, and the 300 K is just goodwill, for example. Yeah. It’s only goodwill. So it is hard to actually get a loan from a bank for those kind of deal. Yeah. Because they don’t fund the goodwill. Yeah. So how can I raise the fund if I have to buy the businesses?

That’s, no, you won’t be able to raise the debt from a bank, but you can still raise equity to buy that business. Or you can also get additional outside debt to buy that business. So you can do either of these things but you won’t be, so all I’m saying is you won’t be able to do that with a bank.

I understand. But don’t really accept it. Yeah, I understand that. Yeah. It’s more of these more these smaller lenders, like these more cash flow based aggressive, I hate to use the word hard money, but even some of those guys, like maybe that’s something to look at there.

I got it. Okay. All right. Cool. But, and is that what you wanna move forward with? Or would you like to just do both? Like the business and the property? Yeah, with the property, I don’t want to go to a bank because it’s a lot of time and effort. The way I want is I want to get the money from one lender where I can just buy and get over.

Because if I go to bank for one property, it’s a process. It takes six months just to buy one gas station. And it’s not scalable. Exactly. It’s not scalable either. I need to have a fund where the fund is giving me like, like I’ve seen the gas station reads and the best sheets are just giving investors six to 7% a ton, which is nothing.

If I manage a Reid, I can create maybe 12% return or more. So I know what I’m doing. I just gave three examples of the properties I bought and increase the value. So going to banks to raise 75% debt one by one is a very long process, which is not worth my time. So that’s the challenge.

Either it has to be big fund who is willing to support me, so I want to buy on cash. If not, then I want to create something where I can buy businesses on cash, raise money from people and buy from cash rather than going to the lender or hook up with the lender, like the lender I was asking you earlier, if, like you said if I put some money and they can gimme the leverage so I can use that money to lend business or buy business, whatever, it’s Yeah, exactly.

So I think the next step. Last thing I’ll say and just cuz I know a lot of people are on the call and and we do have one-on-one calls by the way, everyone. Just letting you know. But for you you can also get like non like moreos quick lenders. They could still come in on the property too Frank from Lending capital.net who introduced you to and Camilla and those guys, they could also be interested in the property as well.

So it may be not as bad as the bank, but maybe the interest rates would be a bit higher. I know, yeah. Harmony lenders. Yeah. Yeah. Somewhat. Yeah. But would that be okay? Or would you rather just go to business only route? Yeah. If hard money lenders come, if interest is something that makes sense, okay, like 10% maybe?

Yes. But if they say 14% interest on a real estate, then it’ll never make any sense. Okay. Got it. So let’s proceed with this draft. We’ll do, we’ll get this sense. And then the next step is on our alone time. We’re gonna do the civil thing. And by tomorrow you’ll get Frank and Camille VI and all those other lenders.

So we’ll get that going. Let’s just try to get, so basically we’ll say, we’ll try to get him to negotiate

let’s say 25 and then see what happens. Let’s just say this I’m sure his director own it after, so it’ll be 25 less. So there are 240. So 2,400. I’m just saying that you, I’m trying to get you to own at least 25 based on what we discussed. 600. So you own 600 shares after the investors invest.


Authorize shares, issued shares, so we can authorize and matter. One. One last question is for the issued shares for this case, would it make sense to issue additional shares, like outside of the amount of shares we need to raise the capital because these are only shares that would, he needs to raise the money, but then should we just issue additional shares and how much initial, how many shares would we, would make sense?

Yeah. That doesn’t really matter much, but yeah, we can authorize more than what we want for now. But yeah I’m honestly not a hundred percent sure of how the, this specific thing works, but I think it’s usually I’ve seen the author shares are more than the issue shares is what I would say.

Yeah. Start there. Okay. Before, Hundred percent and 25% and T B D. All right, so I’m going to get this sent out. And then so I sent this out. So next step is just to wait till tomorrow before we we start getting all the other introductions and drafts going. All right? Sure. Cool. Thanks Na. Thank you so much.

No worries. And look forward to getting you to the next step. We have a lot. There’s a lot. I think we can get a lot done for you because these the debt is not really that hard for us. It’s more the the equity is usually the hard part. Just look out and we’ll get everything going.

Alright, so on the call, I see Sharif is here. Sharif, how’s it going?

Sharif for Craig, I think you may be on mute.

Hey, this is Craig. How you doing? I’m pretty well complainant. How’s everything going on your side here? Good, good. Primarily I’m glad I listen in on this particular call. If we can just forget the tokenization situation for a minute. On our platform or access to the platform, your platform we have another partner that’s coming in with a real estate deal that’s pretty good.

And it almost was almost exactly like what the guy just demonstrated there. They were getting a, basically, I’m gonna say close to a hundred percent they were getting, I believe, 65 or 70% from a bank in the other 30 to 35% as a owner finance sale. Which I thought was great because they just needed money in the game kind of thing, and they came to us to put the money in the game, but just listening to what your last client just talked about. I don’t know if that’s the right structure for what we want to do. And I’m almost wondering if I can make this a situation where we can just raise the whole the whole thing there and do a share type thing with this particular deal.

So we’ll talk about that later. Cause let’s go back to our tokenization platform, but I, it was just a good call that to listen into because that may be another deal that rigor introduced to the platform. Yeah. But you can keep it even underneath your accounts if you want, and then happy to take a look at it and we can get the process started, but the next point you’re making.

Okay. What’s the tokenization thing? I think one of the questions Sharif, can you unmute there on that? For some reason he believes you have a system that allows us to grab virtual assistants and we use a platform that you have to do the email marketing and things like that. Does that exist or is that in the umbrella or under the umbrella of the virtual assistant?

Oh, yeah. There, there’s two pieces of doing that. So we basically use something called Go high level. So the quick question is, yes, it does exist. It’s basically something called Go high level, and now you can even go to, right now it’s a I mean it’s another service. Like it’s another service, but yeah, it’s Right.

Essentially it has all the We set this up all the time because when people are doing the outreach they just need to have a way, they need to have sometimes they need, depending on what they have, they may need to have the website. When the investors try to actually submit try to book a call, we need to automatically follow up with those investors.

So it’s just imagine trying to get it to, I’ll try to get it to load another window. For some reason the website is hit or missed. Sometimes we can load it, but but basically, yeah, what they do is that they they manage the email, they manage the, these, the texting, the booking, the websites for the investment.

And then also my after the investors invest, they can also handle sometimes the newsletter and the investor reports. So yeah, we have some templates that we just run four clients on there too. To answer your question. So either, either we do everything and then they just use it, or we just send people to the website on a referral code and then they can use it then.

So my question to you would be let’s assume we had a platform that has the website where we can black, we upload the the investor list, right? And the investor list, is there some kind of way you can target certain investors that would, would meet that criteria and it goes to a website, landing page type thing and they opt in?

Yeah, exactly. Once they opt in, once they opt in, they go to a C R M, right? A client relationship management system. And that also has the email and everything in there. Is that the type of system you’re talking about? So the other words, it’s a blast kind of a thing that happens first. Like a cold blast, or in this case it’ll be a warm blast cuz you have a email list that’s uploaded to that system.

So is that a cold blast that we’re doing or is it a warm blast or how’s that first interaction happen? Is it, how’s that happen? Sure. It’s mostly, there’s some that are warm, but a lot of it is more cold and on social because here’s the example of how it looks like on the backend, and you don’t have to get all into the technical leads but we have some people that we work with.

They, we set this up so you can see the calendars, the conversations, the calendars, the contacts, the marketing, the automation. So this can all get set up pretty easily and it’s like a hundred bucks a month. It’s extremely cheap. So this is more just doing any outreach to the so we put every we load everybody into the cr r m and then we usually just get the assistant to do the outreach to the people that show us contacts on here.

Now when she’s doing the outreach, is it through like a cold calling or is she just blasting the email? So it’s a bit of email and cold call. So email, cold call plus going on LinkedIn, so those are the other, those are the ways that they’re doing it. Gotcha, gotcha. Okay. It’s a combination of both.

Yeah. Okay. And that goes with a website. And then of course on the website you have ’em opt in and after they opt in, now you’re doing your pitch deck a thing. And hopefully they do opt in and you get to C rm and then you email and this is in your system here, you’re saying? Or is that some, a system that we have to yeah, I guess you just said it.

We have to buy that system. And that’s roughly a hundred dollars a month. Yeah it’s really a white label, so it’s ours, but then, we could say it’s ours, but I can, I’m just showing you the source behind it. So the source is goi level and we white label it, right? We just put a label. So either for people that, some people that already have a tech team and we just send them over to goi level of our referral code.

And then, but in week we can just do some extra we can just set everything up for you so that you just have everything ready to go and we have all the templates already ready, and then you just download the templates. It’s just one click and then it’s more of just getting the assistance who’s already trained on go high level to just work it and then just use it to call the leads.

So that’s really how it works in the, in a summary here. Gotcha. Gotcha. Okay. I believe that was a question he had. I didn’t see that. What you just demonstrated. Yeah. But I believe that was sif. Are you there still?

I think he’s on mute. Shif, hit your screen then hit unmute,

huh? Maybe he’s not there. Who knows? But I’m pretty sure that was the question he had. Cool. Yeah, and the idea is not to get too confused by it, because we just wanna focus on the main thing, which is just getting the investor calls because while, yeah, it can help and but really at the points is really we just want to get the investor calls and, because some people, they see the tech and then maybe they get overwhelmed or too into the weeds because we just wanna focus on the deal and the investors and keep the main thing, just so we can just focus on how the calls are going.

If we’re getting calls, if they’re replying, those things are way more important than how we’re doing it. But nonetheless, yeah, we can we can do that like a back hand, right? Yeah, because the great, the slideshow came out great, by the way. It really captured what we were trying to do. Good. On the contact page, we were trying to change that a little bit.

I didn’t really want it to go directly to my email per se. We have a specific email and I think he has the ability to edit that. In other places that we make, we basically wanted to go to our calendar, right? Oh yeah. So after they see the presentation, we want to go to our calendar. We don’t want calls coming in a thing until we call and set up our calendar.

So that’s what we need to put on the last page of the contact if you’ll good. So then, if you just in support let us know and then we can just change it clearly quick. But you have the PowerPoint but I know from prior discussions that. That you’re really busy, right?

So we’ll be able to get somebody to just change the change it with the target link. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah, no worries. And we’ll talk about the getting this system for this particularly, and then I guess the VAs that will go with to follow up with it. We just don’t have the time for it.

I don’t, yeah, exactly. Cool. All right. I don’t know if’s here or not, but that’s all the questions I have. Yeah, no, no worries. And listen. Yeah. So next step is this the hello? Oh, there, he’s, there we go. Alright. I’ve been trying to get on this the headphone has been hacked up, but what I wanted not to what I’m, what? I’m still you still hear me? Yes.

Yes, I can hear you all right. What I wanted now, too is for you to walk us through that how that part works. Oh, you mean the whole go ahead, level thing? Correct. Yes. All of that because I’m confused, so Sure. So I can walk through the points in the, in a nutshell, but then we can always go deeper at a later time.

But basically it’s a website where, it’s a website that does a few things. So I guess I’ll just write it down. So this does a few things. So it does your calendar booking the email, so automatic email sending. Automatic texting website.

Yeah. So is this software that does the, that allows you to book, how you can book a time with different people, like book a time with raises.com. Book a time with this. So we can do this, you can do, you can automatically send emails, you can automatically send texts, you can hand handle our websites and allows people to dial the phone.

So it’s a packaged software that we just template out for people that wanna raise money. So does that answer the question at a high level, at least to start? Okay. Basically, yeah. I from the time, can you hear me? Yes. All right. From the time you get the deck done and you put the deck up the you get the ai, they coming, not ai.

The virtual assistant comes in and they send out that link or email or something to contact that person, correct? Yes. Then that person, if they’re interested, they respond to that and they get to see the pitch that correct? Yes. Then if they like what they see, they click on something else to leave a message that they want more information.

Yes. But we, yes, but we try to get them on a second call immediately, because that’s usually where people are sold. So we try to get them on a second call. Like with you or Craig. So do you have a Calendly in there that they can set up appointment or you may email you back? Or how does that work?

Yeah. We just treat them, we just treat them like humans, right? So sometimes they would ask for, sometimes they’ll ask for the deal, or sometimes they’ll ask for a call. We try to get them on a call to go through the subscription agreements. So we have the scripts for that. But in the go of a call of you to discuss the investment to see if they want to do it and you’re just answering questions their objections on if they want to do it or not.

So that, that’s really it. It’s re we’re con you, you’ll be able to see everything they said because it’s underneath your email that we set up. But does that answer the question? All right you have the subscription agreements and everything in our system already, you’re saying?

Yeah. Yeah. And then the point is we’re just, we’re you, they’ll have the message, you’ll be talking to them directly, because all these assistants they’re going, the investors are gonna talk to you. So they’re just types of bases to get that call set up to try to get ’em on a calendar, pretty much.

Yeah. Before they do that, do they have to fill out a PPM or is that something that happens after they are really ready to go a thing? Yeah, really ready to go. The deal usually gets papered after they, they’re already sold, so that’s when the deal gets papered is when they’re already sold to do it.

Gotcha. Yeah. And I agree with Craig. The the guy, whoever did that debt, did a really good job for us. Is basically done. I’m just looking at a couple things to add and I’ll probably give it back to you tomorrow. And I know we are gonna need some more conversation, but for now we are gonna move on and let somebody else ha have the floor.

Thank you. Yeah, no, no worries. So then, so yeah, just reiterate the next step. Cause I like we’re seeing the next step. The next step for you is the the deck is done, so we just have to do the outreach and so I’ll answer any questions you have about the outreach and then that’s really it.

Alright, cool. Great. Sounds good. Yeah, no, no worries. All right gentlemen, so then the looks like next on here was Tanya.

Hello. Hello. Hey, how’s it going? I’m good. How are you? Doing well. Yeah. Can’t remember what I was gonna ask you. I think it was just about getting the same I have to get the deck, I think in the the preparation to ask, remember you, you wanted me to do this process cuz I was so focused more on getting my business plan done.

But you’re saying I should just focus on trying to speak with investors, right? Y yeah. B based on where we were. Yeah. Because From that conversation. Yeah, we just need to get, this is for just the warm introduction part, so I think we just need to get the process started for you. So yeah, that was the next step I remember we, we discussed.

Yeah. I had question about in terms of

I think we talked about it before, but I tried to find out if I could change it, l C, the one that’s in my name in Detroit, and they said they don’t know if how to change the name there I’m thinking I should just do the other one. With the company we were mentioning, To do the Delaware one.

I was gonna do it, but then I thought maybe I can switch the name of the LLC in Michigan to my company name and, but it might be harder to switch it. Have you heard anybody doing that before of switching? If you can ask the question succinctly again. So then you wanna switch? Yeah, switch.

So it’s right now like the L C I have in Michigan, it’s my name. Can you read llc? But I wanna get a corporation in my business name, Marger Capital. So that’s, and I was talking with them that set up the L C and what she told me is that she’s never. After registering the corporate, she’s never changed a name.

I think I can, if I filed documents to do it, and I’d have to go to Detroit to do all of that, I believe. But I don’t know, just to, the hassle of all of that is annoying. Okay. I wanted, I was just thinking to register another one, but what’s your opinion? Yeah, we’ll probably dissolve it and then just make another one.

Cuz you can make one in a day and yeah, like the amount of back and forth we, you don’t wanna waste too much time on, on on pushing paper around. So yeah, I, I think I’m a fan of if you’re able to dissolve it, if you’re not using it, then just create a, another one that, that’s just my perspective.

I wanted to keep it open because I still would possibly use it to buy real estate just personally for myself in the us. Okay so yeah, but what county are you in? What county are you in? Like the business, what county is it in? I’m in Toronto, pioneer. I’m in Toronto. But what I wanna do is do the business in the us.

I have an L C in Detroit, in, in Michigan, but it’s like what they were, wait, hold on. Wait. My name, wait, lemme look. Sorry. Hold on. Lemme look it up right now. So you have a L C in? Yep. Okay, let’s start there. All right. So I’m on the site right now and I’m going to see how they say on the site.

So just in case everybody probably knows it. I’m gonna say anyway, you can pretty much find any llc, anything, just by looking at, I guess look up the state Secretary of State. That’s pretty much everything. Have that And I’m looking at it now. Here it goes. Limited liability corporation changes. All right, let me see here.

I’m a, I’m gonna send this link to you okay. Directly in, in the chat right now. Okay. Lemme see here. All right. This is in the hold on. My computers just I wasted some juice. It’s been whole month. I really just need to get another one. So yeah, it says and I quote, I’m looking at it now, once you open that screen up, you’ll see changes in the business structure.

This is for the state of Michigan domestic LLCs. It gives you the links. It says, reasons for amending articles or organization. Okay? So yeah, theirs is similar to South Dakota. They, it’s not straightforward, change the name, you have to do’s called a article amendment, right? So here you are just going to write a an amendment.

So what they may ask you for is proof. I don’t know how Michigan LLCs are, but in South Dakota, it’s anonymous LLCs. But if is your business public? Is it available publicly? If I search your business, will your name show up in the state of Michigan? I don’t know the rules in Michigan. I Googled it, if you just put in Tanya Reid Lll C, but I’ll just spot just Yeah.

So each, so yeah. So let’s, I guess we can look it up now. So each state you can, you should be able to go on their on their site and look up your llc. And it should tell you, every state is different. Every state has different laws. I’m from the us I’ve had a billion businesses here. Matter of fact, I’m sending, I’m a it’s here.

Let me, my computer’s just acting just really slow. Let me Oh man.

Oh, maybe. Oh, I see. Why. Sometime it don’t let me sight. Okay, so look, I’m going to share this link here. In the chat. Pull it up. It’s michigan.gov court file online. And then this is another link. It should take you directly to it. So yeah, if you, if click on that, you should be able to find your business and then Oh, okay.

Yeah. Somebody else doing it. Yeah. So that’s it. So if you put your name, name your business there, it should show up. And if it shows up and then it tells you the details of your business, they may ask you proof that you’re owner of the business. Then all you do is submit proof to them with your art. Yeah, it’s right there.

Okay. Let’s click on it there. Yeah, so see there at the bottom where it says view filings. So what you’ll do is, okay, so you’ve already been doing some stuff, you know what you’re doing. So yeah. So view filings. Yeah, the filings. Cause it look like you changed the name before. If you scroll down it actually says no, it was, I, they filed it for me, but, oh, okay.

Yeah. So yeah. Okay. So yeah, all you have to do is file a article of amendment. So the state of Michigan probably has, I sent it to you already, but yeah, you can just fill that out. And yeah, just send it to them. And I don’t know who you talk to, but they need to be fired. If you just call them directly, they should tell you how to do it on the phone or just email them.

They should tell you step by step how to do it. It shouldn’t be. It’s not that, it’s so weird cause it’s the lady that files it, she’s just, she told me, oh I’ve never changed it before. And then I was like, okay, you know what? I’ll just talk to a lawyer or Google it or something. I’ll figure it out.

Because I was like, that’s one thing I don’t like with dealing with this is I don’t know if you’ve heard of Herb Rather. He is a, he’s done over a billion deals in real estate in the States and, but they’re out in Detroit and that lady works for him. I dunno, she just said she’s never done it before and I was like, okay, whatever.

I can get around it and figure it out myself. Or just get a new filing in Delaware. If you raising funds, so for my personal business, I mentioned this in the WhatsApp, my personal business is in different states, right? My personal businesses. The business that I raised money through, the vehicles that I raised money through, I use Delaware just because that’s just what everybody does in the States.

To me, that’s just what it is. So I’m not giving advice or anything like that. But if you raising money nine times out of 10, it’ll probably make sense for you to have that in Delaware. But if you have a personal business, you can have that. In Michigan, and I mentioned this before, but one thing I learned the hard way was you can actually make your LLC in Michigan, your holding company, and then just raise all your funds.

And when you create your business in Delaware, when they ask you who the incorporator is, you don’t put your personal name, you put the name of your business even though your business is in your name. But usually people create for anonymity cuz you know, the more money you make, the more wealth you build.

It’s about anonymity, especially in the United States. That’s why everybody uses. I like South Dakota, that’s why people use South Dakota. That’s why people use Delaware. But for raising money, I’m sure everybody in the group would agree Delaware is the go-to. Okay. Yeah, I know. They, it was just the, they were telling me cuz they’re my mentors, they were telling me just to put it in your name in terms of buying, but they were talking more about buying res, if I was just doing real estate deals in my own name, like buying residential properties, but to do it with an l C in my name.

So I, I didn’t, I at the time, I just thought if that’s what you’re recommending, and they kept saying, yeah, you should do that instead of do it in the business name. But, that’s how they do business. But yeah I definitely, for anonymity, I could change this into whatever. Not, doesn’t have to be my name.

It’s, it’s probably too late now cause they’ll be able to see the name change. The change will be, cause as you see, the public records tell you the name change. So they’ll be able to see, okay, she changed the name to whatever it used to be that. So maybe they are just telling you some good stuff.

Maybe if you don’t own any assets under that, it may just, no. And then Michigan, you gotta pay taxes. I believe. It may just be, no, no advice. But it may just be smarter to incorporate in the state without state taxes. And let me post a list of those states. One is Florida, one is South Dakota, one is Delaware.

Obviously for a personal business, not raising money. And the reason that I even say South Dakota and Florida, Florida’s not anonymous, it’s just no taxes. So that’s the thing with Florida, you’re giving up anonymity, but it’s no taxes. So if you do a business in Florida now, the only reason that I had one of my businesses in Florida is because I had international interest.

And I was like, just in case anything was to happen to me it’s public record that this, these people own a piece of this company. Because sometimes with anonymous, this happened to me actually when I had a business in Wyoming. It was so anonymous. I couldn’t even make the change that I wanted because they didn’t believe it was me.

I ended up, oh yeah, I ended up getting it through, but it was a lot of work. I had to send them everything. Bank state, like I had to send so much stuff with proof that I was actual person on the business cuz it was an anonymous state. So really it is just up to you. But Delaware for a personal business, the only thing with Delaware is you’re going to have to pay yearly franchise fees.

I actually posted it in the Google. You you gotta pay annual franchise fees, but if it’s a smaller business and you’re not raising money, places like South Dakota are anonymous as well and their fees is way lower. It’s other, Texas is another thing. Texas I was interested in. Yeah. Because I have friends in and family in Texas, so I wouldn’t mind filing it there.

Or Florida. I have family in Florida. I don’t have any connection to Delaware, but Delaware is closer to me in terms of, I, if I had to go there, cuz I’m in Toronto, you shouldn’t Delaware, these states you shouldn’t have to go there. I don’t know why that lady told you to go there, but any state like this, South Dakota, I really I’m mentioned this in the WhatsApp because they got same day LLCs.

Natu was saying you can create. Yeah. I filed for a limited partnership in Delaware almost two weeks ago, and it still has not been processed. So that’s the only thing about Delaware. It’s very, it’s so many people using it, it’s very slow. The good thing is they have live chat, but then when they can’t answer stuff on a live chat, you gotta call in.

And even when I called in, I, I’ve still been waiting. So if it’s a smaller business, I personally, I like South Dakota. It is, it’s anonymous, it’s private. And, but once again, if you gotta make change, even though I had to make a change, and you, when you make a change, you’re going to have to put a name to it.

But the name be anybody, it can be a lawyer, it can be anybody. Okay. But which which website did you use for the South Dakota registration? Let’s see. It was second. Okay. So once again I’m gonna say this for everybody, just so everybody know. So each state, if you just go to the name of the state, secretary of state office, every state in the United States.

But I’m gonna, I’m gonna send you a link right here in the chat. Every state has it, right? And each, yeah. Let me add it in the chat Now. I just added, but yeah, you can just go there and just navigate the site. And you can create a business. Yeah. So personally, when I create businesses, I look for states that don’t have state taxes.

Cause the United States taxes is how they make they money. I know a lot of other country taxes is not a big deal, but in the United States it’s a big deal. That’s why people incorporate in Delaware so much, and in Florida so much in states like that. Yeah, that was good. Yeah. So Tanya, you remember when we’re talking about the Canadian side, where you had all these companies that made companies for you and I said, just go to the government website.

So similarly in the US you just wanna go to the as Natti said, just go to the Secretary of State and then only go to those consultants if you need something that you can’t do by just calling them directly, which is probably not okay. I get it. Okay. So it’s the same process. Okay.

Exactly. Thank you. Yes, thank you guys. Yeah. And I wanna say this, I wanna say this last piece. If you do a business in South Dakota, so this is the thing, when you incorporate businesses that don’t have state tax, they charge you in other ways. They call ’em annual, they call ’em different things. Annual fees, franchise fees, they call ’em different things.

Delaware’s is about 400 a year, right? Especially if you’re actually making money and stuff like that. Florida, I think Florida is 200. So they’re gonna get you either way, but it’s, but if you got a million dollar business and you are only paying $200 in taxes, a franchise fee, that ain’t nothing.

Or even if you making 10, just to let you know, so if you do a business in South Dakota, they do have yearly franchise fees, but it’s much lower than Delaware. So that’s my last thing on that. Yeah. Yeah. And tax and taxes, obviously based on the profit you’re making as a percentage.

It’s better to, it is a fixed fee instead of a scalable fee. Correct. Okay. Yeah. All right. Do you know what it is in Texas?

I don’t listen. That is, I think it’s.

I don’t know. You gonna have to look, but I can Google it really quick. Texas annual filing? Let me see here. Oh. Okay. So they do have, theirs is percentage based. I’m looking at it now. I’m gonna add it in the chat. All right. Theirs is percentage based, so you might wanna, just do your own due diligence.

I’m not an attorney. All right. Lemme just be clear, right? Yeah. Yeah. So yeah, theres is, I posted it, it said Texas is 1% of gross reports of revenue or whatever it is, okay. That’s fine. Thank you so much. You’re good. Thank you. Nati and an nati. How’s it going?

Pretty good man. Pretty good man. They got me on this payment plans with y’all program. Man, that payment plan caught up with me, man oh, it’s all good. We’ll figure it out, man. But yeah, I was talking to ’em, they’ve been very supportive. Cause I was telling ’em, I was like, man, I got a million things going on right now.

I was like, I would love to stay. I know I give value to our lunch that they didn’t gimme no issues about it. So we just we’re figuring it out right now, yeah. I just got to the email on Monday, so then I was just catching up with everything like so no, good to hear. And then we added a a one-on-one call option because sometimes for creating the deals, the q and a calls, it’s not appropriate for everything obviously.

We just added that as well. Yeah. And I don’t know if this helps anybody, but I was mentioning it in the WhatsApp so I’ve been doing just. A ton of research about just the different funds and all of this stuff just came up as I learned. And I really, I’ve been studying this man for over a year but now I’m finally at the point where it’s okay, now it’s time for me to create my own fund.

And I was just, I received the limited partnership agreement, but the limited partnership, man, it’s number one. It’s 200 pages, man. It’s a lot of pages, a lot of stuff to read over. I’m a reader I ended up reading through it and I clean mine up really well. Obviously I’m gonna have, an attorney kind of review it and have y’all reviewed and stuff like that.

But anyway, in that process I came across some of the, and I’m also reading a venture capital book, so I came across a lot of stuff that may be beneficial to people. A lot of people talk about venture capital funds, but like I mentioned, I notice a lot of people are from outside of the us, but the US is big on regulations, man.

If you create a fund, you gotta know exactly what regulations, the exemptions that you can use. Reg D 5 0 6 C. That’s just one piece of the pie. As I started doing further research, I started seeing stuff like three Cun funds, three Cun five, three Cun, seven. Every different fund has different things.

We all look at hedge funds and private equity funds as being the same. But if you actually look at the details, there are certain rules of how much can be invested into securities. That’s one thing. What percentage of your company, what percentage of the money is invested directly? Securities? How much is invested directly to this?

And I even found out certain types of funds, you can’t even charge performance fees, like I hear people talking about, and that’s actually a mistake that I made. My first fund that I actually made through here with y’all I was gonna do the. 85, 15. But I realized that the type of fund that I wanted, for example, if you wanna do a reap, somebody mentioned a reap, you have to have a hundred investors, right?

So understand that in your beginning when you structure your fund needs to have 150, I mean at least a hundred investors. So that’s one piece of the pie, right? But then if you do other types of funds, for example, like a three seat one, which is a real estate fund, you can only have a max of a hundred investors.

So I’m just letting people know, man it’s a lot of details in this stuff that I didn’t even know until I actually started going through my limited partnership reading books and just finding out. And I actually told people, man, I’m willing to do a little consultation. I’m not an attorney.

But based off the information that I know, I have real evidence from the S e c I’ve read the 1940 Investment Act and all that good stuff. Cause I’ve already raised money before in the past. So yeah, I’m definitely open to do a consultation to help anyone that kind of needs that extra information.

I’m not an attorney, but at least give you more of an insight of how you can structure your fund and stuff like that. Cause on my fund, I actually I’m not charging a performance fee on my fund. I’m actually gonna get my money from this position fee. And it’s different fees too. It’s not just a management fee.

You can make money from disposition fees they’re called. That’s when you sell assets. You can make money from all different types of things that they’re called. And actually, on my fund, I’m not charging annual fees neither. So don’t think you gotta go by one size fits all, actually learn this stuff.

And he mentioned earlier, so you can customize your fund to what you wanna do. Cause you might have a fund not realizing that you’re a three C one fund. You might can’t even have more than a hundred investors. And you don’t want to be in a situation where you starting to make money and you raise money.

Then you get the a knock from the s e c. And up X RRP for those that know what’s going on X RRP and realize man, I done made all this money, I done did all this stuff, but yeah, you was outta compliance. So in the United States, when you’re raising funds, ladies and gentlemen, you gotta understand what’s interest you can make how to structure your fund.

And I’m gonna lay my plane there. No, it’s a good listen. I’m happy you’re figuring like a lot of this out. We’re always here. We’re just here to answer any questions or anything, but but I think that was like a good nail in the coffin for the call. Unless there are any other questions or anything you want to share,

Looks like that may be it, but okay, everyone, thank you for your time today. The next one would be Wednesday at 11:00 AM and we’re here every week recurring. We’re moving over to the iOS app. The we’re just fixing some small percentage of people have. Trouble logging in on iOS, but soon we’ll move off for WhatsApp and then get everybody to iOS.

But we’re still in WhatsApp for now. So thank you for your time everybody, and we look forward to helping you out support@raises.com for all the help and support. Cheers everybody. Thank you. Good to you. Thanks everyone. Bye.

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