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Good afternoon, Josh. Hey, how are you? Hey, doing well here. Things are pretty it’s the same old, same owner and so how are things going with you? Just touching up some last minute deal points and trying to get everybody to sign an our way before we have to close on this property.

Yep. Just push things forward. So just. Like at a point now where I’m starting to itch shifting my focus and going out and trying to raise, fully. I think we’ve made a lot of like big leaps in terms of la what we’re doing with real estate, but also like businesses.

Yeah, got a lot going on. Nice. Good. You stay busy. Like I got on the phone with my partner this morning. I was just like, so what business are we gonna buy this week? Cause it seems like we’re buying business a week. I was. I’m just, I’m kidding though. We’re not actually, but yeah.

Yeah. No, interesting. When it comes to the business acquisitions things I know that we have to focus here, but then. Just let us know if you need any introductions to either on the sell side or buy side. We have we had somebody that closed their first their first one. It was very bloody but then eventually he got the 3,000,001 done.

He was trying to get a 40,000,001 done. He got in touch with an investment bank that borderline scammed him. And then we had to just work through it. He figured it out for the first one. And we had somebody else who he bought seven businesses with LBOs and then he’s doing his first one.

With equity down payments. So there are a lot of interesting stories like that, but but yeah, it’s treacherous we’ve seen as well yeah. I’m buying one that’s probably like 1.1 million and another one that’s 4.7 million. Yeah, I think mostly there’ll be straightforward already cause we’re not, I’m not leaving the seller in like really oner of them.

We’re just taking them out I don’t know, maybe there, there’ll be some like hurdles with respect to working capital and how we treat AR and, some of the business points. But we’ll see. Nice. Yeah. Last quick question, ed. What sector is there? Sectors or those Those one is in flooring.

So one is like a premium flooring company and the other is in lumber. Okay. Nice. Yeah. So we’re trying to own, like our entire, we’re trying to own an entire supply chain. So when we build that profit margin, Is our equity instead of equity for somebody else. So if my building materials cost 31% over my cost of materials, 31% on, 10 million worth of lumber is, 3 million bucks.

That 3 million is something that I don’t have to raise, and that’s more in my pocket. Just by owning these supply houses. So that’s what we’re trying to do. Brilliant. I like it.

So I dunno we’ll continue to on we’ll probably try to buy engineer and company next and we’ll see. It’s just whatever strategic, I’ve like long thought about earning concrete and asphalt, but that might not be worth it. Cause part of it, like my background is m and a.

So I see the runway with some of these businesses and like how we can do really well if we start buying businesses from the generation that’s. You selling, right? Yeah. Being in our thirties or being our 30, we can start buying shit for people that are 65 and ready to retire.

We can make a lot of money. I dunno, I think there’s like balance opportunities and like now is not the, to be slowing, so we’re gonna make our fortune off the backs of the next generation. So Exactly. But yeah, no that flooring business, for example, I see that turning into a 50 million business in just six or seven years.

If we can get something that is gonna create equity for us in like our core multifamily development business, and then also, return of something and when we sell it in like seven to 10 years. That’s the best of both world. So I dunno, can’t those are opportunities you can’t really pass up, right?

Oh yeah. You always have to because you never know when you’re going to see the chance to strike. I saw this domain, I wasn’t expecting to see this domain when I saw it that I I was just lucky that everything was just in the right position. So you, that being said yeah, you’re going out with the fund and the focus on the real estate, but then.

If you see an opportunity that’s amazing, then you might as well take it. Yeah. Yep. It doesn’t, like a management team doesn’t come around, so like an in place management team in a business doesn’t come around that often at a good price. I dunno. Cool. If you need any valuations or underwriting we have some people that can help in that.

I’m sure you already have your people, but just let, we’re always here to support it. Yeah, that’s great. I think, we’ll, I’m not, I’m gonna turn over diligence to somebody, but maybe we’ll do we’ll have somebody locally due diligence on those businesses, just so I can communicate with them. We can meet with them.

Cool. Yeah. All. How about the, I was, how about the the other side of it, the, because I know that you had this whole the newborn and all this. So how is the real estate side? So we want, real estate side. I want to get to a point where I’m like ready to raise like soon.

And so I think I’m gonna can I start raising without the ppm or do I need to have that PPM ready to go when I’m out there raising? Yeah. The way we do it, like we say that we have to have the subscription agreements. The PPM is, so then I’m just gonna speak so this is not the legal advice, but we just do the PPM mostly because for the 5 0 6 it shows that you’re, if somebody wants to sue, is just way easier.

And we haven’t seen many situations where Where we don’t use a PPM for the five or six C we’ve seen situations where we don’t use it for the five or six because those people aren’t being marketed too openly. But yeah, for the five or six C, yeah we really do that. But we can, the way we do it though, is we just have this form.

It auto populates is a fine and replace the 40 questions go in, it does the fine and replace somebody quoted it all up. And then there’s some actually, there’s actually some AI boiler plates and things like that. Then after that, then we get people to manually check it and change things around non-legal, just informational level.

And then, when people can look at it and say that, because this is where we tell people they can look at it, but then for them to actually invest, then yeah, get in a legal red line is pretty important at that point when they’re abouts to start signing it and wiring the funds at that point only.

So basically, I’m saying, what I’m saying is, Up until they’re right ready to wire the funds, then I don’t really think it’s like something that’s super urgent unless they’re about to start signing the documents and wiring the funds.

Okay. So

Were you, were you just suggesting that you have a PPM that can be auto-populated with data? Is that what you’re saying? Yes. Okay. Cause I was gonna hire we’re just gonna hire a law firm and spend the $15,000 or something like that to do it. And they said it’s gonna take three weeks.

We’ll just do that. Okay. But I wonder if it makes sense to like, wait on that until everything is flushed out. Cause I’m sure they’re gonna come back with questions

about how we’re gonna structure things and I think. Some of that might ultimately end up into the pitch deck that we create, right? Ye yes. I guess Chris Goodman’s a good example. So he got Ross Law Group. They’re they’re really good. They did Ray Dalio’s fund and so on, and we did the draft and then they sent it to their lawyers to just to say if it’s some time and cost because yeah, as you said, there are all these questions.

You just reduce some of that. And then they divided like the cost was a third. So from 45,000 to 15,000 or whatever. So then for a real estate investment trust. That’s one use case. But yeah. Is this kind of yeah, it’s this kind of for people that are more scrappy to move quicker.

So yeah, I see a lot of people trying to be scrappy. I get it. For sure. Yeah. Or you can just focus on the lawyer on your, it’s completely up to you. Some people do either or. Okay. I’m gonna share with you something real quick. Yep. Maybe we talk about this for a couple minutes. I, can I put an attachment in here or no? In Zoom? I think you can. Yeah, in Zoom,

it’s that paper icon, and it says file. Your computer, file your computer and then yeah, you should,

maybe we should do that. Cause maybe we’ll do maybe we’ll spend the money on the first one and then get real scrappy on the second. That way we can launch two at the same time. I don’t see why not. Yeah. Sure. Because the thing is they’re gonna also charge for the so then there’s a Form D violate and then there results to the subscription agreement.

And the PPM is amazing and it’s important, but then the subscription agreement is, I think it’s more important than the PPM in many ways, cuz that’s what they’re signing to send the money. So what I’m saying is that we do the draft ppm subscription agreements as well. Okay. I see. The thing you sense And then because they charge for the PPM in the subscription here.

Okay. FAQs.

So this is like what I wanted to walk through, make sure things make sense to you. Sure.

Yeah. This makes sense. And then

This is f this is fantastic. Yeah. A lot of this, a lot of this can be this is, this are a lot of questions that lawyers and drafters we’ve started to ask. But what I can do, so based on this and based on what we’re gonna do right now, what I can do on this call, I can actually just zip over to the form that we have.

I can fill in some questions for the next, not for this one, cuz you say that this one You already have a lawyer for the one that you sense, right? The banks were built. Arrange that one you covered. Okay. But then for the second one I’d be happy to a ask our questions and then, and then you can use that to get a draft in place.


So maybe, let’s see. Do we need to talk about a pitch deck? I feel like we need to talk about a pitch deck. Don’t worry. Let’s talk about that as well. I think to be frank, I think it’s very I think it could be really easy. But but yeah, let’s talk about it.

I think it could be easy too, but it might not be I don’t know.

So on the pitch deck there is, I’ll show you the templated cuz we start from the template and then from the template then we start customized. So let me show you what we do for the pitch deck. So just one second templating. All right, I’ll jump your calendar again for next, on Friday. Good. All right, let me just jumping on your counter left and right, like nonstop.

Hey that’s the purpose of us being here, right? So that’s what we want. All right, so lemme get the yeah, bear with me. I’m just getting the pitch deck.


Aha. Check this out.

There are many different directions we can go with this, but here’s, and then here’s how we usually do. So then we have a one pager, and then we have a pitch deck example. So here’s usually how it ends up. There’s the title, the subtitle. Disclaimer. Yeah, this one is a bit too wordy than what I’d like, but ideally just quick two sentence in summary of the entire thing.

So usually that’s what’s here, and then after that’s, you know what, like I feel like I’ve seen a thousand niches and I still always wanna see another one. I dunno. It’s, they’re just never ending. I never know it’s like you can always innovate with a pitch deck, so you keep looking at ’em. I dunno, that’s, at least that’s how it feels, yeah. To me they’re a dime a dozen. Because what’s funny is that sometimes they don’t even read, they don’t even read it until they’re more serious. And people end up having very short attention spent, so it’s just very lights.

But here’s what we do for the terms. It’s just whatever terms they wanna highlight for the fund or what have you, i r whatever. We just put them in here and these are the ones we usually use. So we have that, this is small, this is too wordy for my liking, but he insisted we add all this information in.

But then the, this fellow is doing a business acquisition like he’s raising the money via limited partnership to acquire two businesses at once. It’s an equipment leasing business, and a equipment financing business, like two in one type of package. He’s just explaining what it is.

Here’s a market opportunity. Things like this is from his original pitch deck that the graphic designer put here. You’ll be a bit less wordy, but it’s the same thing. Something talking about experience principle, and Thank you. And then that’s it. We just stopped it there. Didn’t this guy just do one?

Say again? Didn’t he just do an acquisition? Oh, no, he didn’t. He didn’t, I don’t know if he finished it. He has one in in Australia that he’s in Australia right now finishing one in Australia. But the one that we launched was just a We’re just bringing in investors for him just now and getting him on calls now.

So he hasn’t closed it from my knowledge, unless he closed it and he didn’t tell me, but he hasn’t closed it yet. Oh, okay. Maybe I saw like an email that, so that he was opening a fund or something. I saw something with his name out. Oh, so that’s the yeah, that’s probably the same. Let me see. Mau, it was, yeah.

What was this? I understand. This was the launch. So this was just the initial launch because this email went out to investors as well. This is actually to bring the investors into his deal. This is not like announcing that we closed it. Yeah, because he was a really quiet, he was more of a quiet figure.

People Googled him, you didn’t see anything. He was really out of the way. So this is just so that when people like, look him up, this is the first thing they see. So that. Just they see Bloomberg and then they’re like, oh, wow, okay. He’s serious. And we also say that it’s pre i p o, so it just fits the it fits the narrative.

So we just did that to do an extra. So can we do that with real estate? Oh, of course you can do that for everything. We just use our provider access wire. We have a special deal with him and we can do it for whatever he wants. And it may make sense, even doing this for this, it’s just that yeah, why not?

We can do this.

It wouldn’t be any magic or anything. Is this a nice like SEO type of type of No I know. It’s nothing magic. It’s just out there. Hundred percent. Okay, cool. So what we can do, we can get, I mean we can get started on this. I just would need to. We can literally just, I can do I can do the pitch deck and then I’ll send it to like our graphic designer who’s really good.

Nice. So I don’t think that’s problem, like the, like what is the,

what is the utility of the pitch deck? Should we have the pitch deck when we’re on these calls? I think the PitchTech is more of a, because when we lead, we’re leading more with the E, the call to action, to book a call, and then they book a call to see, and then we’re just seeing if they’re serious, if they’re ready, and so on.

And then the PitchTech is more of a summary, explaining the highlights of the deal. I’ve seen pitch decks used in two ways for that high highlight, explaining the summaries of the deal. And then I’ve also seen it being used for putting in a ton of like a graphic design version of a PPM because there was somebody that approached us who buys car washes in in San Francisco.

And then he said that he wants to have a graphic design version of a ppm. So some people use the pitch decks like that. Where it just is basically what the PPM says, but in a pretty way. That’s not just times zero font. So I’ve seen those two different uses of pitch decks. By definitely, I definitely recommend.

More things are just simple, straight to the points, and then the PPM is just there for legal purposes. So that’s usually what I see. I, but I really don’t see any success in people who email and send a PPM first, or who, when they go on the call and they call it right away, they just open the call to the screen share of the ppm, and then they just, or sorry, of the pitch deck, and then it just put the pitch deck in front of everybody.

I don’t really think that’s super productive. I haven’t seen that much success with it. And then I, we see mostly like venture capital type of more desperate founders that do that type, that sort of thing. That’s is what I’ve observed. And Grants Cardone has a really good example, I think. He doesn’t do pitch decks or Cardone Capital rather, Cardone Capital.

I guess he doesn’t have a need for the pitch deck, so he has the operating agreement, the PPM subscription agreement that come to PPM. Now,

his are very short by the way. It’s like less than 50 pages.

Huh? He doesn’t have slides in this though. No he doesn’t seem to have any slides, but I think the only, he can get away with that because they’re spending like millions on ads and he already warmed up the audience. So I think he can get away with that. Let me see.

Subscription booklet. Yeah, it’s just times enrollment, font,

wire instructions, operating agreement. You have very boring documents.

Hold on a second. Sure. Hey, I’m on a call right now.

There was another client that we have, Brandon, he uses AppFolio and yeah, he has a pitch check inside of AppFolio. So when you get, yeah, you can click on the pitch check from there. We have AppFolio too, yeah. All right. All right. So we have pitch and then what’s,

I dunno, maybe we can walk through like how an investor call should go. Yes.

So we have two types of investor calls usually. So then we have the one where is more qualification and then we have one where it’s more, more to the serious conversation. So we can start with the quick initial one. Let me get the outbound scripts outbound and

investor outbound call.

I’m just getting the documents here. Kate in with investors.

Okay. Investor outbound call, and then we have the investor inbound call,

call scripts.


and I’ll send this over to you, but

Okay and anyway, just go through it. So yeah, cuz when people are using the. Do any outreach. Some people they or even using the sales rep or using somebody or even yourself or somebody does it either we’re calling the investor from a list or from a LinkedIn connection or from a website and we’re calling them directly.

And then there’s like a script for that. And then, or a process or a script for that. And then for the people that are taking in the investor calls, for example, they just find you somewhere and then they go to your website to call you. Then there’s another script for that. And then for the more serious calls.

And to be frank, we haven’t done a ton of the more serious calls, which are really important, but this is really more of a candid q and a or F remember that FAQ documents about about the the investment opportunity. So we just answer questions because there are a lot of people that go really elaborate.

I think it was Capital School, Brad Bla, Brad Blazer. He has a lot of these. We don’t have too many of these. We’re just more. About the product, about the, oh, sure. Do you have any que Sure. Happy to go through any questions. And it’s really just open question and answer about the opportunity. And then that’s really it.

It’s just answering what, whatever questions they have until they don’t have any more objections, and then saying, okay. The next step from here if you feel it’s appropriate, is this, to prevent to sign the subscription documents so that we can we can allow you to partake in, in investment.

It is pretty. Honest. Should we go through all of these? Or which one would you like to focus on?

I wanna be able to train somebody for the outbound calls, so let’s, maybe, let’s do that. Sure. Like these appointment centers, like we gotta train them right. Yeah. But yeah we try to get the people that already have experience that have that speak really well. We have a few that are like that.

The outbound caller that we placed. He’s actually foreign, but he sounds like he’s from Brooklyn. So those are the ones that I recommend say again. I just laughed, that’s all. Yeah. Yeah. It’s crazy. Cheap as well. So this is the script that we have for this guy, and obviously you can change it to put your situation.

So let’s go through this. Okay. Okay. So this way he does it after he connects with people. So like the idea, the first part is he just looks for a reason to. To disarm the prospect because they’re trained on a lot of Jordan Del’s courses and things like that, right? And so that’s the tonality that they either trained on.

So we’re just looking for something to disarm them so that they don’t think we’re a telemarketer. We’re just looking to see, oh, we saw that this is uncommon. You remember? And then when they, when we ask them like in this case, hi name and my tonality is not as good as, some of the other people we hire.

But basically it’s hi name. It’s my name from We saw that your connected with one of her colleagues on LinkedIn. His name is, name this, that ring a bell. And the reason why we’re asking this is because we wanna make them think about something that is not just us calling them so that they actually start being disarmed and then they just, they’re not an autopilot thinking that we’re some sort of telemarketer.

So then their brain is like stunned. And then when their brain is stunned, whether it doesn’t even matter if they say yes or no. Then they’re just like disarmed. And then when they’re disarmed, then we attack, we say, oh, the reason why I’m calling, I just wanted see if you’re open to, partnering in off market and search sector to hear deals.

So build to rents, multi-family, whatever the person is doing. So in this case, the build to rents deals that bring you more income. You got a minute and in the God a minute is just to get them to. Say that. Okay. To get them to, be qualified. So basically they have five minutes to go through a qualification call to see if, oh, they’re a serious investor.

They’re looking. So that’s the purpose of this call, is to see if, number one, they’re an invest lifter qualified, which means that hey, they’re an accredited investor, they’re looking for investment opportunities, and then they’re open to investing into the type of business. If they don’t have, quote unquote a minute, Then what we do is say, oh, sure then when would be event?

When would you like to do it? And then what we do is we get them to be booked on another on a 10 minute call. So we probably have to make another event, just an internal 10 minute call for them to be called again. And then in that second call, we’re just, it’s not this serious call it’s just another 10 minute call to qualify them, to see if they’re serious, if they’re qualified, if they’re credited.

So far so good. Yeah, sure. So then if they say, oh yeah, I’m interested, I’m happy to, or I wanna listen to what you have to say, or I have a minute, or, yeah. And then what we do is we’ll just ask them, oh, it’s not what you’re working on. So apologies. This cross, cross-contaminated, are you.

So is this the, this is the sales framework from Jeremy Minor. So it’s okay, what are you currently doing to invest in the market? So what are you currently investing in? Yeah. Got it. What are you currently investing in? And then if the pro, because sometimes what they’ll do is sometimes they won’t answer you, or sometimes they’ll be like, they’ll be, they’ll say, oh, like I invest in this, but what exactly do you do?

I. And then we do a personalized introduction because sometimes these people, they may be closed off, so some people will say, oh, yeah, I do this, and then they’ll be willing to answer any question, or they may be more skeptical and say yeah I do, yeah, I invest in certain things but what exactly do you do?

What does your company do? And then we just have a generalized answer for them. So basically it’s like what we do is we help and then insert the investor type from the hypothesis sheet. So this is the so this is basically the type of investors that we’re focusing on. So remember of credit investor, newbie investor, sorry, credit investor.

And then the high net worth. I’ll try net worth. Then there’s the sophisticated investor. This will mostly be the smaller investors just because there’s so many of them. So basically what we do is we help. We help credit investors get access to income producing built to rent portfolios, to partner investing without the needless mistakes.

But the rest of the details would’ve to be discussed with their senior consultants for compliance reasons. So with that, is that something you’re potentially considering? So they say something like that, but with more they say that slower with more curious tonality. Now I’m just going through it quickly.

So then I say, sure. Okay. Oh, it looks like I already had this. Could you tell me about, yeah, I already had this one. So this is a bit redundant. What are you currently investing in?

What do you currently,

what do you currently invest in? You have they give a short reply. Oh. Can you tell me a bit more about that? And we just say, oh, is what you’re currently doing? Is it enough to get you to your next milestone? And the reason why we’re asking that is because we found that a lot of these investors are very, like alpha, or they’re very competent and they’re not really willing to disclose the problems or the, an annoyances that they have.

So instead, we use their like, ambition almost against them. We just say, oh, so based on what you’re doing, is that enough to get you to your goals that you want? And then they say, no. If they say no, then that’s probably good because it shows that they’re potentially looking for a solution.

Cuz we can’t really sell them anything if they don’t acknowledge that they have a deficiency somewhere. But if they say yes Confidently, it may be a bit annoying during a second call to dig out what deficiencies there are, or it may be a miscommunication from the person who’s doing the call.

Because some people, that’s why the people of experience are able to ask this question rights because they’re able to say, oh yeah, my plans to increase my real estate’s. Portfolio? No, it’s not enough. Or do you mean what plans do you mean my plans to invest with you? Yeah. There are enough. So some, the point I’m making is sometimes based, whoever’s asking the question is really important that a person asks the question, right?

And then next it’s like timing. So assuming we can help you do you think you’d be ready as soon as possible to invest? Or would you need a couple of months? And so this is important because we want to just see their timing. To prevent the timing Objection. That’s probably one of the biggest things, because a lot of them, they would say, oh I’m waiting for this deal to close before I’m able to use that money to liquidate and then work on this.

That’s the biggest objection that, some of the people running the campaigns are getting. But then the people that are, I heard a good one from like a Jeremy Aire podcast and it was like, Car salesman would always walk up to the folks looking at cars and he would always ask, you guys aren’t looking to buy today, right?

So maybe that could be a qualification question. You guys don’t need to invest like in this round, do you? Then they end up investing in this round. It’s perfect because then you’re not seen as a pushy person. And then you’re not seen as a pushy person. In the worst case and best case, they actually say, no, I am.

So it’s beautiful.

Okay, so then we get the qualification.

So then after we get the qualification, then we start the book. Oh. So what the usual next steps look like? We’ll just book you senior consultants. That’ll probably be you or whoever salesperson you have on a Zoom call to walk through how we can. How can help you? Let me fix some of this Zoom call to discuss.

So I talked to somebody that you put us some contact with Adam cardigan. Yes.

I interviewed him for a while. I didn’t realize it was gonna be an interview like that, but I think I liked him. I would probably hire him as a self manager. Yeah. No he’s pretty good. He’s deep in the whole real estate world and and yeah, because usually it’s the agencies. But then he was, he just approached me, we’re in a mastermind and he approached me saying that he’s looking to to do it with some of our clients.

Yeah I like him. I think he’s a good he’s young, but he’s really, He’s itchy. He’s hungry, so I think he’s, I think he’s a good candidate. I just again, I just give them a trial period and then if they don’t do the things that, that we’re looking for in that trial period then we’re not taking too much risk.

That’s the only thing. Yeah. It seems like he wants to come and work for one team only, yeah, exactly. So it’s not really like a lot of risk just risk on the team, yeah. Yeah, and then we still would have to use like an agency for an appointment center though, right?

Yeah, exactly. Because we have the we have the American ones and we have the Filipino ones with the English accents. Let me just, lemme just ask, what is the best agency to go out and find us, leads to, to find which leads. Generate leads, best agency to generate leads. I think the, who is this the best one?

It depends on so many things there. I think it’s somebody who’s really good at there’s somebody called CAR that I can introduce you to. It depends on what channel they’re using.

It depends on what channel isn’t there like a, isn’t there a firm out there that does like, that can do like multichannel and pull all of these things together? Yeah. There, there’s one they do 15 K per month. They raise capital and they just do yeah they’re like that, they do omnichannel, but they’re do mostly LinkedIn.

So there is one firm that does that, But then there are other firms that are more like ad agencies or a, or like agencies are specific to the channel. So there are like links and experts for investors or Facebook experts for investors. And there is different groups. And Andrew Damon’s guy does it as well.

And there’s another guy, Amir, he does it as well. He does it himself and I think he learned from an agency. But yeah I think it depends on the channel. Cause you can use one agency for Facebook and it could be really bad because, Maybe the market’s just not there. So then that’s why maybe either the A, the LinkedIn, I think either the LinkedIn guys or the investment people that are like omnichannel.

I, I think those are the best ways to go and that there are two agencies on the top of my head I can recommend you to. Okay. So we’re gonna need an agency, but then we’re still gonna need appointment centers though, right? Or could they be the same thing? They could like. It depends on the agency’s proposal because all the appointments that is trying to do is they’re trying to go on they’re taking in inbound calls and they can do outbound activity too.

It you’re it’s redundant because if you’re, if we’re getting appointments centers that are doing the outreach and then we hire an agency so that they get you more appointments either from ads, Or from outreach, then we’re just trying to, we’re just trying to, it depends on whether they have an appointment set is included or not.

And Mo most of them probably don’t. Most of them will just send you to calls yeah. So most of ’em will just send you to calls where your existing team has to take them.


Investment banks may end up being, it may end up being just investment banking would be probably the best agency of all time. Because that’s literally what they’re, what they are. They’re a company that is in the business of raising money. And then there are some, I’m not talking about the boring ones, I’m talking about the ones that are they’re more modern.

Castle placements seems to be one of the best. Yeah. Castle Placement is very good. They’re really old-fashioned. They just do email blasts, but in the context that they have are very good. I’ve seen a lot of good replies from them.

They’re not that cheap. They’re like 35,000 which is why sometimes yeah, that’s why sometimes I’m really a big fan of people being lean on the ppms and then using some of that money more for outreach.

Okay, so this is pretty much the summary. It looks like you’re thinking about something though in response to the agency thing or. Yeah. I’m just trying to map out like next steps right now. It’s really,

it’s really an appointment center. Or somebody or do the sign up through LinkedIn like you sent me, let’s see.

Okay, so I’ll make sure I get this stuff. You introduced me to like super closer beyond the peak. McAvoy, E N t, novelty, r e i. I’m assuming that those are all appointment setters, right? Or agencies. Oh, okay. Yeah. Let me just clarify. Let me clarify something as well. Yeah they are.

Brad, lemme just show you the rules. Okay. Yeah, the idea is they are, so then you have the salesperson

so you have the salesperson, then you have the

so then yeah, you can have, so then you can have the salesperson who does the So these salespeople, usually they just stay on the call. They just stay available to take in serious inquiries. But they can also do some appointment setting,

which is just sending out messages. That’s basically just sending out the messages. But in the appointment setter, all they’re doing is sending out messages. Now that’s all they’re doing 90% of the time. And then sometimes they can take the 10 minute calls. Because they’re really just 10 minute calls. But ideally they’re just sending out messages and then when they send out the messages to book the call, it goes to the serious call.

And then they just stay on that phone just being available for the serious call. And you, this is, this can be really affordable. You can find people that will do this all commission. But in the appointment center it is more traditional labor. So you, that one is like a cost some money to keep them going usually.

Yeah. So that’s just the breakdown. And Adam. Adam is the kind of guy who’s a salesperson, but then he can also do appointment setting. He can do both from what I remember last time.

Okay. Okay. So then you also you link, you recommended U Link, right? Yeah. Because Ulin is U Link is a tool that can get you connected with some inve people that are potential investors. So the idea is to book a call with them, or sorry, is to use it to get more calls, books and then the appointments setter or the salesperson, whoever you have, just goes on your link to.

To make sure that the the messages are turning into calls. And for every accounts there should be five calls, minimum every week per accounts.

Understand what U Link is. What’s that? I said maybe I don’t understand what you link is. Yeah. Per perhaps I can show you our instance that’s running. It’s basically LinkedIn automa automatic connector and message sender.

So I have my screen here. So this is our personal instance. So you have all these accounts. Some of these accounts are So do I to, do I have to, sorry. Do I have to sign up for an application? Through ing first? Y Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Okay. Yeah, so what it is, it’s, we have some accounts, some people are on our team, and we have five people on our team that gave accounts, and then we have three that are actually just profiles we, we rented from a service that rents profiles yeah. So they go on and then like we, we have it. So that sends messages on a schedule. You see the account schedule, it’s sending messages between six and three, 900 per week per day or per week. Okay. No, this is something else. This is the manager. Yeah, these are, this is the output per week, and so we look at the messages, basically what they’re doing for you.

They’re going through here and they’re saying, Hey hey, we’re both into real estate. I think we may know somebody in the area. Let’s connect. Absolutely. And then after that message,

let me see. Sorry. Lemme just see if I can find the rights. Okay. I don’t have it. But after that message, what we’re saying oh, thanks for connecting. We’re getting, we’re trying to get people to create funds, but in your case, you would say, oh, are you looking to Are you looking for potential cash flowing opportunities?

If not, and you’re happy to connect. It’s great to connecting. And we say that so that it diffuses them complaining that we’re connecting for them to give them something. So then they’ll say, yeah, sure. And then we just book them on a call, but then somebody has to manually go here to book them on a call.

So that’s all it is. And it’s all automatic, but then somebody needs to go in there as well to make sure it’s running properly. And that’s usually what the salesperson or the appointment center does. Okay. All right. Yeah, so the idea is you would get about 6%, six to 4% of everybody you connect to will reply it, and then the percentage of them would turn into calls, and that’s the idea.


I’m looking at your

You’re page. Prepare to work with an assistant.

Yeah, you can. You can, whether it’s assistants or sales rep. It’s actually all the same thing cuz like the sales rep is really doing the same thing. The only difference is that they’re doing less outreach work and they’re doing more sit-in on the call taking those serious calls.


So we have salesperson and we have appointment setters. Who else do we have? That’s really it. On the, that’s really all we focus on is just the sales and the marketing. So that’s it.

And the appointment set. I need to get one of those. The best one. Yep. I think, I don’t think we introduced you yet, so we’ll introduce you to a few people that can get you the appointment centers that can start doing all this work. All right. Should I get two? Yeah, I think so. But we will start, I think we should start with one.

Okay. And I think what we should really do is just get a lot of LinkedIn accounts for you. I think you need to get a lot of LinkedIn accounts and instead of paying for two, Let’s just fill up the calendar of when by getting a lot of LinkedIn accounts as well. So I think that’s what we should do.

Okay. All right. And then,

and then when a calendar gets filled, then we start adding more.

So calendar, getting filled means like five appointments a week. It depends on how much you can take. So if you can’t take any more then that’s the bottleneck. Then we need either a new salesperson or we need a new va. So whoever, however it’s structured, we just need to the constraints is always how many calls there are being booked.

Correct. All right. I really appreciate your time. I wanna go live like. It sounds like I might be able to go live without the PPM and subscription doc, but I’ll have them, I need to finish up, like whatever we’re showing on

the investor portal on AppFolio. So like maybe it’ll just be like a soft commitment or something. Exactly. And then it can just be, you can just use all the bor plate disclaimers. Like this is just for For informational purposes and all this. And and this is for discussion purposes. This isn’t constitutes an offering except through our ppm, you all those disclaimers.

So then you can go ahead and then and do that. Let me just send you over this sheet we put together, and then we’re ready to go. So share, do you, are you sh are you saying just put the disclaimers everywhere or are you sending me disclaimers? Oh no, I’m sending you the the call script for the, yeah, disclaimer is more something I’m asking you to put, but I’m happy.

I’d be happy to get you. It’s really the same thing as what’s on the pitch deck. Disclaimer. Yeah, I got, yeah,

maybe it, do we, do I have access to the pitch deck? This one? Yeah. I can send. I can probably just talk through direct too. Yep. I’m not really worried about the pitch that people, I don’t know why some people get very caught up in a pitch deck. I think it’s important, but but I don’t think it’s something, I think the harder part is more just talking to the investors.

Finding the investors, and bringing the investors in that’s like the only thing we should focus on, I think. Yeah.

I am. We’re gonna make you proud. We’re gonna get, we’re gonna get going, we’re gonna start getting soft commits. Nice.

Cool. So next step. So as we close, next step is we’ll just send over the introductions for the for the appointment centers. But anything else is, we’re always here and always ready to go. All right? Yeah. No, that’s perfect. I appreciate it. No worries. I’ll check. I’ll catch, catch you later this week.

Talk later. It’s yours. Talk soon. All right. Thank you.

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