
Hello. Good morning, Joseph. Hey, good morning now too. How’s it going? Good. How about yourself? Yeah, pretty good. Yeah, we’re just finishing our broker dealer registration. It takes very long. But finally I have the final meeting with the Ontario Securities Commission. So we’ll be a full That’s right.

Nice. Congratulations. Oh, thank you. Yeah. Is this the bureaucracy? Like we have we’re not like the states here. They’re, there’s more people are just more scared of things, like when they talk about big money, people are more scared here, but I understand. Yeah. Once you’re up and running, you’re up and running yeah.

Yeah. Good. How long’s the total process taking? It, so far we’re on, we’re entering month seven, but I’m not complaining. Okay. Because six months to three months is usually the timeframe. There’s some people that it takes up to two years even. Oh, wow. Yeah. Yeah. Just because we had a lot of the we have a, we had a lot of the things ready before and we just copied and pasted from another.

Broker dealer. That’s why ours was not, wasn’t too ridiculous. Okay. Good. Yeah. But anyway we’re just, I’m just hearing this call like Wednesday ones are pretty quiet, so any questions or things you wanna help me, you need help with Amir. If not, we can sit back and listen. But questions or anything or no.

I didn’t have any questions. I was just calling, I was going, just listen in on whoever was talking today. Yeah, no, no worries. So it may be empty or it may be full. So I’ll just hang out for the next five minutes and see it okay. Cool.

Hello. Good morning, Greg.

There’s only two, there’s only a couple of us on this morning. Yeah, no, this morning looks like a more of a quiet one okay. Yeah. Yeah. Actually I don’t have much this morning either, so it’ll be a short one, yeah, U usually I’ll stay on for 10 minutes and then if the traffic is low today then we can end it early.

Yeah, no problem. I’ll let Joseph go first. He was here before me, yep. Here wins. Unless there’s anything new, heres so, oh, okay. Yeah, no I got that David sent me that model for that oil and gas stuff,

project that burner a bit and just focus on some real estate stuff. Had a good chat with a, yes. Yeah. So yeah, we had a good chat about multifamily and stuff like that. He’s from Calgary. I thought he’s from Toronto, but he’s in Calgary, so it’s close. Yeah. No, exactly. At a, yeah, he, he was one of the first members on ra raises.com before we even bought the domain.

He was watching us for a while yeah, he lived in Vancouver and then he closed. Deal. He’s in fact, I was wondering why he was even living in Vancouver when all his deals are in Edmonton. Anyway yeah, he moved closer to to the place where he does his deals and then he did that 44 units a while ago.

Yeah. And said closing carwash next week. Next time he in, hopefully we’ll meet up for lunch or something, so that’ll be good. And then, yeah, no, just kind, kinda focus more on, like I mentioned, the, I think the private lending is kinda the avenue I’m. Yeah, I think it’s a better option and a better fit.

Cause the building and multi-family and

I’ll just wait until a good opportunity pops up then go into it, whereas the mortgage and the private lending, there’s always something happening. Every month there’s someone that needs money to be lent out. So it’s a long, some more. It’s a smaller deals, but you’ll do more of them.

So that’s my focus, I think going forward. Congratulations. Fantastic. In the, what’s really funny about this is and we can obviously stay in the area that you’re in, but then there, there are some people we were working with in Toronto that’s because I believe in the states, they allow people to buy notes directly from banks and then to sell them.

So some people, it’s a slightly different business model but something else that I’ve seen that’s really popular, but a bit similar is people just buying notes from banks and then selling them directly. It’s a strange business, but it’s really popular right now. Interesting.

Yeah. Cause I did some research. There’s, they just have different rules and different Different lending, what you can do on the mortgage side and lending and there’s different things you can do down there than you can’t do in Canada or haven’t seen in Canada yet. Oh yeah, no, exactly. But I’m good to know.

And then, and I guess the next step would be like, just on our side yeah. Whenever it makes sense too, we can always start doing the, the Cal, the Alberta Securities Commission subscription of Demon for that deal. Same thing, underwrite it, do your pitch deck and all that.

Whenever the time is rights, and then we can start start moving forward. Yeah. I question, I may have to look into this. Do I have to have a mortgage broker license to do this type of stuff? Yeah. Have to look into that suit. So I have to check. But the one that I know is the EQ on the anything.

Equity is the one that I know. Anything. Equity? No, because you’re the issuer. On the mortgage side, I’m not too sure. So they’d have to check if you need to be a commercial mortgage broker. I’m gonna quickly look this up in my side right now actually. Yeah. Cause I did a quick check on online here and mortgage licensed

wasn’t, but it’s, I don’t think it’s that hard. Of course, I think it’s a. Yeah, I’m always trying to avoid whenever there’s an opportunity to avoid that. I’ll try to see if I can avoid, lemme quickly look this up. Okay.

Okay, this is interesting. Just if you’ve seen it now mortgage sellers.

Okay, so I’ll send you this resource here. So I put it in the Zoom, but it’s something that I’m looking at. Okay? Let me show you this, okay.

Oh, so these are the required courses? Yeah. I’m just trying to find the equivalence, like the whatever the registered like the body is and seeing how you can get reception. Yeah, it’s for real estate. It’s Real Estate Council of Alberta. For Alberta. I think it’s Alberta Mortgage Professionals or something like that.

Ah. Okay. So look at this body. Let’s look at this one. Mortgage director.

Check this out. Yep. So they’re saying mortgage brokering activities. Yeah. I imagine Ontario’s similar to Alberta. Anything related to mortgages, you probably.

Yeah, so I’d be I’d be curious on I’d be curious instead of being, doing it as a broker, I’d be curious if you’re doing it again, I always come back to this as the issuer or as the person where you’re using your own money. But then cuz I can really I know the equity side of this more like the back of my hand because it’s more okay, we’re just using this to grow a business model and then we’re raising equity to grow operations, blah, blah, blah.

The equity way is a nice way around it. But then if you position it as a broker yeah. Then I think you’re subject to these these rules. I think so too. Yeah. Lend to then, yeah. Wouldn’t need a license or it’s simple, relative, simple transaction. But if I take money from Joseph, add in my cut, then lend it out to you.

Then I think there’s more requirements. Y yeah, because ADI was, he was saying something very smart on Monday because he was saying he structures it as a normal fund, which is obviously exempt from all these registration requirements because you’re using an exemption, so you’re free from all that.

And then when he talks to the broker in the broker’s language, he’s just oh yeah, you get this percent. But then he uses the fund structure to, to actually. Do the, give the percentages out, but then, so then that’s the side letter. So basically the side letter of his fund is the commission.

That he is given to the brokers and then to the people that are borrowing. But when it comes to the actual structure, he’s using the fund. Which is funny because that’s, I think that’s how he’s getting around all this, which is and it’s still proper. It’s just like a difference way to get around it, which is really funny.

So that’s the way that I do it, because it’s what I’m more familiar with, but I’m not really familiar with this, and plus it looks like you have to take a course and do all these things yeah. Which is, it’s.

Might be a necessary evil, but it’s cause you wanna make sure you’re compliant and everything like that. So it’s, yes. And I talked to a friend of mine’s, a mortgage broker. He said it’s not that hard. It takes, it said he took a, it took him two months, which is a little longer than I wanted, but he’s only working on it like an hour a day or something.

So if you study hard, I think you can get it done in a couple weeks or a month or something. Just be done and over with. Yeah, exactly. And like I had to take a bunch of courses on the on the security stuff and yeah it’s a bit, it’s a bit annoying, but eventually you get it. But the thing is that I think you would still, you’ll still have to cuz usually the pattern I think is you have to be parked at a brokerage.

So you know, there’s some brokerages that are probably like, you park and then do whatever you want. And then there’s some that are probably more fussy. Yeah. Yeah, I’m not too sure without more worried about, is there capital out there for this type of idea? And where do you find the capital?

That’s kinda what I’m more curious about. Cause you can go through all this, but if there’s, you can’t get the capital, then what’s the point? Exactly. So that’s, I guess that’s my question.

You had, what’s that? Is there debt funds out there or is there, like, how would your person go about raising the capital? Yeah, what I would do is I would just go to I would just get a, so the way that Phil does it, oh, yeah. We didn’t put you in touch with Phil. The way that Phil does it, he just goes to direct lenders.

And the lenders, they always say, they always say that, whatever money you put in, we’ll give you Stephanie. We’ll give you the other 75% of whatever money that you’re able to, but there’s always a 75% L t V thing, even for just loans. So what I see that they do is they raise the equity so that they can purchase the loans.

The question is not really, if you get the, could you purchase the loans and then do whatever you want off the loans, as long as you pay back whatever interest that they want. So that’s my understanding. I don’t think it’s hard to get the debts at all. I think the issue is more getting the down payments to get the loan.

That’s the, yeah, which is like the whole equity raise side or using or raising money from investors to do that. And then just getting investors to do that or getting even secondary lenders to, to do that. So that’s the whole campaign that we run is just to get those equity investors to put in the down payment that, that, that’s the way that’s we usually do it.

Yeah, that makes sense. Especially if you can get percent. I wasn’t sure about that. But if you can get the equity investors to come in, pay them a good return on their money, pay out the debt, the loan side of it as well, and then go forward from there. So yeah, one of the fir, exactly one of the first deals we did for clients Richard Reed we did 5 million for his debt fund.

This is exactly what it was. It was just he was taking some dilapidated properties in In Michigan there and then so we raised 5 million and then the, the 4 million came mostly from institutional debt and I believe the 1 million was just the equity raise. So that’s how we did with him.

Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Okay. That makes sense. Cool. Yeah, that’s all I have. I’ll look more into this mortgage broker thing and make a few phone calls today or tomorrow, and, Go from there. Cool. Yeah. And next step. I don’t know, have you, have we done the introductions yet, by the way? No, I haven’t gotten, got them.

So I’m just trying to, oh, quick question. Yes.

When you search through your investor list, is there, how do you filter it? Is there a way to filter it better or is there a good way to filter it? Yeah. Let’s see. Yeah, it’s pretty yeah, we’re getting a developer to make it more user friendly. The only filter is we, so basically we just went to this, we went to the Google documents and we just put it, put a bunch of the information on Google documents into one sheet.

So probably the Google documents and going through the quarters is probably easier, but yeah, that’s what I did. Okay. But if there can filter it here better.

So I’ll do type

real estates. Real estates a question I was curious about. This is how I would start for now. It’s a bit I mean it’s a little bit junky, I’ll just say equity or debts. Yeah. For the type and then for the location, let’s see, we have location as well. Let’s see, private debts.

Yeah, so you see type private debt, and then we can do it like that, the

type two. So then for type two it’s the same thing, just equity or is this keywords equity or debts or fund manager or family office. That’s the second way. The third way would be,

Even for the person’s title. I’ll say principal and then if the person is a principal, then that’s the person who’s running the show. Because the thing is that the list, they, we have the direct principles, but sometimes you get these little office managers, say you wanna get them outta the way, you wanna get to the The head of Yes.

Yeah. And then you had another question. I didn’t let you speak there. Yeah. So I was just curious is because with your outreach with all your, like the call center that you have that does all these investor outreach, do you guys track I’m sure they talked to, I know a couple hundred or how many other investors on this database that they.

Talk to, do you track like what some of those investors say that, and kinda like a CRM that says, okay number 2 93 here, John there, he invests in only X, Y, Z kind thing. Do you do a, I’m just thinking to leverage the ongoing investor reach out that you have with everybody that’s involved in it.

Is there a way to track it kinda thing? Oh, you, okay. So you mean crowdsource it? Like I get for example Jamil who’s doing his HVAC outreach. Yeah, I know what he did. And then I can use it to update this list. So that’s the kind of question you’re asking, right? Yeah. That type of thing.

It’s a bit, it’s a bit, the information is a bit the circulation isn’t as much as we’d like not as much because the best that we’re, the way that we do it is we have only the few clients that are doing the the quick answer is no, and we want to, because the quick way the longer answer is, Because we refer people over to the GOI level for those who want, who already know how to manage it themselves.

GOI level is the CRM that does the calendar, booking the outreach and all that. Okay. But we have our own version of GOI level that we manage for the clients, and then we can see all the investors. It’s just that there’s only been, frankly, there’s only been four clients that wanted us to do it for them.

And the information flow is there’s nothing really to Two outlandish. It’s pretty much the same so far as what people have put here. Oh, okay. Y yeah. But I guess the plan is as we get more people on GOI level with our own version, our own white label version of it, then we’ll see like the outreach and then the call recordings ourselves on other people’s accounts.

We’ll start doing that, like probably once we get the except market deal license it should be a month or so because then we can Track the success fees and the commissions. So that’ll be, that’s when we’ll really start doing that more seriously. Oh, okay. Okay. I was just thinking, cause then you can kinda leverage, there’s no point in talking to someone like, let’s say you Shaara as example, if he talked to somebody that onlys with hvac, there’s no point in me talking to that same investor.

We’re they’re different different industries basically. So just to. Piggyback what other people are doing, and then someone can piggyback off to me and it might help improve the capital process of my thinking. Yeah, no I hundred percent agree. It’s good feedback. Okay. Yeah. Okay. No, that’s all I had for today.

Whoever’s next there to Cool. It’s good. Get an update and then, yeah. So again, next step is Whenever it makes sense. So we can do the introductions. That’s probably the best way for us to get you institutional debt. Because you get the lenders and then after that we can say, okay, how can we raise the equity for those le to get those loans?

So yeah, no, absolutely. I think that’d be good. Cause once you get the institutional, the debt side, then I can go start looking on the race side and work on that side, put a bit of a team together and. Website and all that kinda stuff, and pitch deck and all that kinda good stuff. E Exactly. All righty.

So Henry, how’s it going? Whoops, I think you’re still on mute. Yes, I was on mute. Can you hear me now? Yes, sir. Now it’s in, it’s interesting that you guys were discussing having. raises.com really, quote unquote do everything versus trying to do it ourselves. So I came to the conclusion last week that I’m gonna outsource it all to raises and whatever to the extent that you guys are available and willing to, yes, absolutely.

If I have my ways I’m not the traditional money raiser. Don’t try to get me to raise money. Give me the tools to run a business. That’s what I know how to do. Put me in front of owners who are potentially looking to sell their business. I’ll close on it. The question is, would I have the money to pay for it?

Oh, fair enough. Yes. But no, that, that’s specifically what I wanted to talk to you about today is see if there’s a deal with RAs where I’m not the one really pushing that, but RAs ras.com is able to do it for me for, of course it’s gonna be tailormade, it’s not gonna be the same as the the offering that that I’m participating in now.

But I think that would be really beneficial for what I’m trying to do. Exactly. So I remember Barn had the same question. Barn is I think he was pretty far along. So the way that we do it, just for now, the way we have it is we can get you a sales rep and he would be the one. So it depends how much, but the fullest one is we get a sales rep, right?

And this is somebody who we hire on a third party basis like this. There are different people that are looking. There’s Adam, there’s. Super closer who have has a bunch of sales rep, but basically we get you a bunch of sales reps and they would take all the investor calls and close for you.

So then that can, they can do that. That’s number one. Number two would be getting an appointment setter. So then they’re the ones who build, get the appointment. So they’ll, what they do is that they go through our investor list, number one, and then number two, they would reach out on LinkedIn and start the LinkedIn automations.

Because, each accounts on LinkedIn has a limits on how much Massachusetts can send, how many Massachusetts can send. Now it’s, we can send on around 500 per 500 per person. Per that per accounts. So we found a way to rents out to rent as many LinkedIn accounts as we need. So what it comes down to and right here, We don’t make money off this just yet, we’re just shifting a few things on with their licensing and all that.

But, so the full-time sales rep. Sales rep so this one is, they charge 2000 per month plus. What do they do Plus negotiated commission. You have appointments that are.

That does 400, it’s 400 per month. And then there’s the LinkedIn accounts, which is what is, it’s about $80 per accounts. So here’s the done for you side of it the website. It’s important, but you, I don’t, you don’t really need it. But it does help. That one we have the white, so then we can refer you.

And then they are, what, $90 a month or 90, let’s just say $90 a month for the website. Or we can do ours raises.com. White label.

This one is, it’s around the same price. It’s just 200, it’s $200 more. Per month. That’s pretty much it. And you can pick and choose which one you need, but everything is like, when everything is more hands off.

Honestly, I think that’s I think that’s what I’m looking to gravitate towards. Got it. Yeah. That’s what I’m looking to gravitate towards. It would help me. Get to where I’m going. I’m finding myself spending too many time, too much time in operations and growth strategies for the company, anything.

But being able to make the time to raise money, plus I’m not that, I’m not that guy. Traditionally, I’m, I would love to be but one of the things I’m I’m beginning to do is really. Try to operate, if you will, in my in my area of genius. Whatever I’m really good at, I wanna keep doing it.

Yeah. And then the other portions I want to outsource it to the genius within those areas to get it done. But no, I’m interested in this done for me version and I really wanna move forward with it like, like yesterday. Okay, got it. We’ll get the ball. So all it is, it’s We just do introductions to the sales rep.

They’re hungry and then they’re always looking for stuff. So we’ll introduce you to the sales agency and then get you the sales rep. The appointment set, same thing. There’s no introduction for that. The LinkedIn accounts you know that one is the appointment setter. Does it are really?

I can do it. It’s really easy, whichever one makes sense. Website, same thing. We’ll send this to you as well, but I think the main thing is there is a little bit of time commitment to get them cuz you have one has to get them the emails like your email on your, whatever your company that you’re using for the fronts.

To use that to give them the email. And then and then the idea is like, whenever they have problems, they actually just contact us on support anyway. And then we’re usually the guys who train them if they have any other questions. But yeah, just it’s probably in the first week there’s like a bit of an onboarding period to make sure you have all the links and accounts and all the emails ready.

No, I’ll imagine that. Yeah, there has to be a set up period. There has to be that period where the line have written up. And do I want it yesterday? Yes. But of course I know that’s that’s a wish, if you will. Yeah. But no, this is what I need to go to. I honestly feel like I’m sitting on so many opportunities, but I’m not able to raise, the funding needed to take advantage of ’em.

And these deals have just started finding me by literally because I’ve put out so much I’ve put out quite a lot of feelers and I’ve reached tons of brokers and they just keep targeting me with the right deals. But yeah, all the deals in the world without the funding to close our name, not helpful, not really.

Y yeah, because it’s Yeah, too many people, like even log courses online, they always talk about getting the deal, but then you’re asking me the money to fund the deal to begin with. Okay, so we can get this going and it’s good that you acknowledge that’s the bottleneck. Yeah, just look out for an email that right after this call for this.

The thing after that too is we’re also launching a broker dealer in the next few weeks. We could set up escrow in the future. This is not now, but in the future we’ll be able to set up escrow for you and everything. But for now, the escrow would more be something on your side.

But then the person we recommend is north Capital their escrow is fantastic. Or if you have a legal like a lawyer around, using the your legal escrow accounts or your lawyer’s escrow accounts if they have one is a good idea too. But that should be the last thing.

Oh one would need.

And we can we’ll do the introduction as well. Okay. I’ll speak to my attorney a little later today, see if that’s something he is his firm can do for me, but if not, of course. Not capital. Yeah. These guys are, it’s I think it’s What is it? It’s I think between 100 and $200, I have to check.

But it’s very cheap. Like it’s very cheap. And it’s because they’re more of like a software platform as opposed to a lawyer that’s pretty slow and pricey and they’re a registered broker dealer. That just does that. So it’s a really good service. No, I can tell you right now though.

My China would be more expensive. Oh yeah. I can tell you just right now looking at that, that I probably wanna be talking to North Capital. Yeah. Don’t get me wrong, I love attorneys to today, but yeah they are what they are it. Yep. So sometimes I feel like the whole idea of having an attorney is this, so buy an insurance if you buy insurance and hope never to use it.

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. I’ve never heard anyone say that they love it, an attorney to death. You’re the first person, so it’s good to hear something different.

Okay. Yeah, I’ll look out for that email cause I really need this to to move forward. Okay, cool. So we’ll get that done. Last thing is There was a partial draft like limited partnership that somebody sent over to you. I don’t know if you you were able to go back and forth on that, but then there was this limited partnership draft I think it was for one of the syn, the last syndication you’re working on.

That is, yep. That’s correct. And I haven’t been able to get round to finishing up with that. In fact, gentleman called me yesterday to, to say, do you really want this money or not? Oh wow. It’s not bad. I’ll, I will really need to make time say today or tomorrow and wrap that up and, cause, cuz when your when your potential investor is saying, I’m, I’ve got it.

Kept away and I’m still I’m just waiting for you to put right paperwork in front of me essentially. Wow. That’s an interesting problem to have. Yeah so tell you this on that, because we started getting a lot demand for this. So we can just book a one-on-one call. Cause we now we’re doing more one-on-one calls because F one wanted it, so we just doing what people are wanting.

Just raises.com/one on one or just let me know when and then usually on Fridays. Some people, we have enough slots available, then we can just go in an hour just to finish that off. Because once you have that, then they’ll know that you’re serious. You, we get a red line and then it’s finished.

Then you can accept in everything in escrow. It’s ready to go. Then you forget about it, and then we can just more outreach. So I’m open to, to fix in the time. Now if you have time on Friday, just give me time. I’m wild open on Friday, which is good. Yeah. Let’s see. How is, so here it is sometimes here.

This place on one, it doesn’t matter to me. You pick and choose. Cool. So let’s do, lemme do it near the end. So I’ll do at four or four 30, Henry, what’s the email again? It’d be henry n y.my last name i w u n z e at i h. Group, G R O U p, us. Us. Yes. Okay. Okay. And then what’s the phone number so we can remind you?

8 3 2 2 2 72 0 0 5 9. Alrighty. So yeah, we’ll talk then and then we’ll finish this. The pitch check and all that stuff. We’ll finish that off then. That would be No worries. Awesome. Yeah, no worries. So what I’m, I guess what I’m learning here from you is I guess after the acquisition of the business, it just starts to suck up a lot of your time, eh, man and then it, he just took off on us.

I’m trying to control it so that we don’t, so that we don’t run out of working capital. Really. Yeah. But it’s got it’s got the potential to just. Astronomically explode. And I’m talking 40%, 45% margin. It nice. It’s un it’s unheard of, but it’s real. Another million dollars in working capital, and I’m sure by the end of the year I’ll be seeing data side of it with no less than million eight in, in profit.

Yeah. At that scale what’s the annual turnover again of this? Say that again. What’s the annual turnover of the business again? So the business is doing million two now. Okay. Yeah. That’s really healthy. No, that’s really healthy for that size. Yeah, it is. And you remember it was a small targeted acquisition, right?

Yeah. It just we are in the right space, right time. We are benefiting from all of the contacts that the previous owner ha had, but did not know how to work. So we just went back to his calling list, if you will, and started reaching out to contacts and their response was being phenomenal.

Plus we, for we to, we totally repositioned the company, right? New website, new attitude, everything. And just targeting the right people. The response has been phenomenal. But that in itself just thought I’m in it. It’s good and bad at the same time. I’m already looking for, I’m already looking for a manager who I can, yeah.

Have in place and, train for maybe the next three months. Be happy with where they are and what they can do, and just let ’em run it. Because if not, I’ll be stuck doing it. And I don’t ever wanna get stuck doing one thing. Yeah, it’s interesting problem. I guess the last and the last potential warning because there was a fellow his name was Este.

We’re working forever with him. And then he was, he reminds me of you in a sense because he was really optimistic. The only thing is that. Fortunately, you got your first one done pretty smoothly. But for him, like he was raising capital for more outside investors and then we stumble upon an investment bank that was very deceptive.

Yeah, cuz what some people, we have a bad list of, cuz when we start doing the outreach, you may start getting some interesting conversations. So we have a bad list of People that are more fraudulent and we don’t, that are more deceptive. Some of there’s one, it’s a registered, it’s a registered investment bank.

What they’ll do, they’ll start saying that, we’re gonna fund you X amount. They’ll say whatever you want any engagement letter. But then they say, okay, yeah, just put in the due diligence fee of a hundred thousand or 80,000 or whatever. A lot of people do it but they do it. They act as if they’re the principal investor.

They showed their own balance sheet. It’s crazy. They showed their own balance sheet and then they act as if they’re the principal investor and then last minute they would they would just like delay and delay knowing full well that they’re not going gonna invest. Oh, wow. Yeah. And there was this fellow Andrew Damon, like he lost $250,000 from them.

And I know, eight stories of people who lost money from, so I just really watched out for that. But besides that Everything’s Cause I just want people that we work with getting into that type of situation. Yeah. Cause it happened once once or twice before. So just to prevent that so that everything goes well in the future.

No, absolutely. AB one and because I I ran across a group that I got very uncomfortable with when we started talking. And and they were offering whatever, okay, yeah, we’ll take care of it, we’ll fund it. And then I started realizing that I would’ve to cough up money up upfront, so to speak.

And yeah, that just put me, and I did not continue that conversation. Yeah, it, those, there’s another one they’re called so the US Capital Global is the investment bank. There’s another one. It’s lending and what is it called there? It’s a lender. They act as if it’s the appraiser, because I’ve been through that I’ve seen people get, go through this.

So then they’ll act as if it’s the appra. They’re, you’re paying for an appraiser or a business evaluator. And then you pay the money and then you just go pay more money. And then they say, Hey, when you start asking questions, say, oh, I don’t know where I don’t know. You talk to the appraiser and then you talk to the appraiser, they don’t answer.

And again this is my business partner Andrew Damon he’s in the think few million dollar lawsuits with them because all they do, they just sue. So all kinds of interesting players in this whole world. So anyway we’ll see. And just protect ourselves from that. I appreciate that.

Because. Yeah. At the rate that I’m going, I need to, I, I mean I did get some feedbacks, when they started talking about appraising and it’s, it was gonna cost me 50 grand to do, not to do an appraisal. I just knew some wasn’t Right. I did not. Yeah. Lending Global Lenders, global Capital, what is it?

A global partners? Yeah. This company. Yeah. Just, this is the company I’m referring to. Yeah. This one. You want to be careful. They paid for, they paid money for those reviews. I think they got they paid for micro workers in Philippines to do reviews and things like that. So just watch out for them.

Yeah. Nice. Thank you. Appreciate that. Yeah, no worries. Anyway, enough of that. But next step, we’ll go on the call. We’ll do the limited partnership thing. We’ll do the introductions for the for the salespeople. And then on that second call we can also talk about like how we can start getting those Sales people to the table as well and just all the details above that.

I appreciate that. Yeah, I definitely need it done for me, that’s for sure. Ooh, alrighty. So just looking on the call Tanya, how’s it going?

Tanya? I think you’re still on mute now. So you got a full house this morning? This is pretty, it’s okay. Like Wednesday is usually the more slow day and then Monday is a bit more exciting.

So Tanya? Yeah. Hi. How are you? Good. How’s it going there? Good, good. I spoke by message to Gerald Shore I’m gonna try to have a meeting with them either today or tomorrow. Okay, great. Yeah. And did you update, see the account logging in? Would it change my login or my email? If you update my email to Tanya marra capital.com.

Log to raises. Oh, yeah. Let me add that. Somebody’s mowing their lawn. Just one sec. So what I can do, I can just add that email as should I switch it or should I just add that as another login? Just switch it. I have to update all my computer, but I don’t mind that like you can add it as another login. But all my emails that you send to me to update it to that email. Oh, okay.

Going forward. Yeah, no, no worries. Yeah, so what we’ll do, we’ll just put a note there. We’ll get you another account and then we’ll put a note to just send you to that email and cc it as well. Okay. All right’s. Good. Yeah. Final thing there is also Matt, there’s somebody called Matt here. He’s based in, he’s based in Ottawa, Canada, and then he has a lot of investors in f invest in his Floridian deals.

That’s another introduction we can make in addition to the jo, the Joshua Gogo introduction because he’s more I mean he’s doing it and he’s getting investors into his fund. He already has a structure up. I think he’d be happy to just have a quick call if you explain how he did it, cuz it’s all being marketed all over the incident.

Oh, okay. Okay. Sounds good. Yeah. I don’t remember, did you send me Investor intros of people I should contact or should I just focus on getting the structure set up first? The intros? We, I think there was like a, I think there were a few intros that already happened with what was it?

Camilla and Frank just started with, I think the person just sent a few limited introductions to start. We can always double check. Yeah, please. Yeah, but I think for now because knowing where we’re coming from, I think we just need to take action. So let’s just not to get to hung up on the details, we’ll just start talking to people saying what they want.

I think that’ll be the most productive way forward. It. And then and then they’ll just tell us what types of deals that they want. And then from there we originate the deals, we create the structure for those deals. And then just go from there. I think that’ll be the most productive way forward.

Okay. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Sounds good. Should I start making those type of calls or You should wait until you get the list. The list of people are in the US right? Oh, say again? The list of the investor interests are people in the us right? Most of them we have some in Canada, but most of them are in the us.

Okay. Okay. All right. And I was gonna ask about did you have a cpa? Didn’t you have a CPA that can do that does cross border. They deal with Canadians cross border US and Canada. They’re buying real estate in the US and in terms of having it flow through, if you’re gonna have a similar corporate structure in Canada the CPA is more the Joshua Gogo fellow because, he’s the cpa, but we just have CFAs that do advice, but but what’s the question you’re asking?

If we have CPAs that could build that structure? Yeah. Yeah. Yeah that’s Joshua. That’s what Joshua does for a living. Oh, he does that. Okay. Yeah. Cause I want, tell me about what he does with when I talk to him. Yeah. Yeah. He’s the expert in that. He has a PhD in he, he’s really deep into all of that and he can explain what he does.

Okay. Okay. Sounds good. I guess I’m just listening. I’ll stay on the line and listen. I have another question. I’ll let you know. Cool. Yeah. So next step we’ll triple check those intros, but yeah, we’ll just get you more email introductions and then if somebody already clicked the button on the back end and then just to talk to people explaining and understanding what their criteria is.

And then once we, then we proceed to originate those deals the other one was remember the conversation with an was saying, In terms of where I should register. And is that the Delaware website that you recommend? Is there a bar they’re doing? If I was to register with them, would it take long to get it processed?

Oh, if you were to, you mean the Secretary of States or the registered agent? Yeah, the registered agent. The one What’s the website?

Delaware inc.com. Yeah, those, yeah, those are the folks that I believe we recommended. And then what was the question with them? We, I was still trying to figure out which state would be the best for me to register, if I should do it in Delaware. Lowered Texas. He was in South Dakota. There’s a few different states, but yeah, that’s what I wanted to figure out.

Which one is the best? I’ll just do Delaware and then just move on from it. Delaware. Okay. Yeah. All right. Obviously the benefits to, and that day, the other week went through all the benefits and pros. Obviously they’re benefits to Wyoming versus Delaware, but I wouldn’t really get too caught up with it because again, because I know where we’re coming from, so I think we just need to n not get too stuck on the technical analysis paralysis, right?

Yeah, exactly. Okay. Yeah. All right. That’s fine. And Nevada, have you ever checked out Nevada? Not too, if that’s a good one. Nope. I just check out, I just used Delaware. I don’t think too much about it. Yeah. Alright. Is there another website other than the one you recommend to register? I’d look at, so I’d look at the registered agents only if you don’t live in the, cuz we’re Canadians.

So then that’s the only reason why otherwise I’ll just go to the Secretary of State’s websites. And then that’s like the closest to the metal you’re gonna get. And when I say close to the metal, I mean there would be no consultants or anything. They just tell you what the rules are directly and how to do it directly.

So it’s like our, it’s like their equivalence of the you know how in Canada you have this you have whatever it is, the official Canadian website to register in a company. So that’s their equivalent of that. We just go to the Secretary of State website. Oh yeah. The one you were showing me.

Yeah. Okay. Yeah, exactly. So usually the process, what was it called again? What was it called again? Secretary of State, I think. Secretary of State for Delaware. But in Canada to do it, it was, if you, if it’s an, is it a different registration? If it’s on, let’s say a provincial like Ontario incorporated versus.

Federal incorporation on that same, the government site you’re showing me y yeah, sometimes, yeah. Like I do the federal, I go to the federal website cuz all the companies I do in Canada are all federal. And then, During that federal incorporation process in Canada they have a question that you can ask to also incorporate in the provinces that you want.

So for me, like I did I did the federal incor, I went to the federal, I think it’s, I said it’s what it’s called. I S E D yeah, I think that’s what it’s called. Or I just, I literally just Google like Canada and corporation like. Because it’s easier to navigate Google than navigate our own government website.

So right then I’ll just go here and literally federal Incorporation incorporate a business and okay, incorporate $200 and click the incorporate button and boom, then continue to sign in. And then from there, when do you choose the entity? Then you can start choosing what province he wants it to be in for the local site as well.

So then you have the federal one, and then you also have the local thing. Oh, okay. Yeah. Can you put that link in the chat? Yep. Lemme put it right now.

Thank you. No worries. Yeah, so the other one that’s, I guess they charge because they are gonna make money is the other. Remember the other web, the one that’s linked with R bbc, they want people to register a business through them, but they charge a lot more. I’m assuming? It’s a difference between 200 and 300 bucks.

It’s a bit more, but I wouldn’t really you don’t need them. You can just go directly to the source. Yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. Okay. Sounds good. I’m trying to figure that for myself with being a mortgage agent instead of individual, just I can incorporate. Doing an Ontario ink.

That’s what I asked the lawyer and then he was, he sent me a QuickBooks article about being incorporated when you’re independent because you’re, when you mortgages your independent contractor. So I’m also looking to register for that okay. I’m just listening. Cool. No, that, that was productive.

And then so next step is just looking out for those intros and then and then away we go. That’s the next step. Yeah. So you said you sent it already. Are you gonna check again if it was sent? We already sent it, I think on a limited basis. I think there were just two that we sent just to see, for you to just talk to ’em first.

But we’ll send the rest of them because we held it we held ourselves back from sending all them. Yeah. Okay. Because I’m still having issue with migration. Remember that all the outlook is that Tanya thing. So I’m trying to move everything over to the Google the mar capital email If you probably did send, I’m sure you sent it, but I have to find it.

Oh yeah, that’s, yeah, probably. Let’s get that sorted before we go because we need to make sure we get on these calls, yeah. So let’s, yeah. Yeah. I wanna get on these calls. Okay. Thank you. Yeah, no worries. Alrighty. And then Joshua,

how’s it going?

Josh, I think it may still be on mutes. You’re speaking

Joshua Williams, anything?

Okay, so you’re still on mutes. I see you’re talking.

I think he’s on a business call. It looks like, yeah, maybe. Maybe he’s on another call. Yeah, I couldn’t tell. Yeah, so anyway That, that’s usually it. I’ll just hang out for one or two minutes in case Joshua has something to ask or something. But other than that yeah, the next call will be on Monday at 6:00 PM Eastern.

We’ll have matter on as well. We’re all supports. Just contact support@raises.com and then and we’ll be here. But otherwise, I’ll just stay on the line for just one minute just to make sure that I can address Joshua.

Thank you not to. No worries.

Okay. It looks like that may be it.

Not too. Can you just resend those in the intros then, because I can’t find it. Oh, sure. Okay. So we’ll do, and so remind me, confirm the correct email. Am I. Yeah, to Tanya at Merger Capital. I’ll put it in the chat for them. Okay. Please. Yeah, hold on.

I made it. That seemed when we talked so good. It. Oh no. Got it. Yeah. Beautiful. No, it’s good.

Very cool. Yeah so listen to everybody. I enjoyed the call. And same process. We keep on doing this so that everyone gets to their results. And then and we’ll talk soon, everyone. All right. Okay. Thank you. Have a good day. You too. Thank you. All right. Bye-Bye.

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