Alrighty. Just getting the call started. Hey, Joseph, you’re first. How’s it going? Hey, good morning. Not too, I’m great. How are you? Good. No, doing well here. Uh, just making sure that, uh, you know, we’re, we’re fulfilling the clients in our side, so pretty busy, uh, on the back end, so just a lot of work. Good, good.

How’s the, uh, you guys were getting your, um, security license in Canada, correct? Yeah, exactly. Yeah. No, we’re just preparing a, uh, a demo because we have to still, they’re pretty slow, but it’s just after that demo meeting that’s, uh, they say that they’ll book then, then the idea is, um, they’ll issue the license if everything goes well.

So, uh, mm-hmm. So far so good with that. Good, good. What, what’s your timeframe you’re looking at? I’m looking, it could be, it depends on if they go off, but I, I know that they, they register many of EMDs around June, July. Okay, cool. Yeah, that’s the targets. Um, so unless somebody leaves and goes outta office, you know, we’re looking probably by June.

Sometime in summer we’ll have the, uh, exempt market dealer license. Good, good. Congratulations. Thank you. Let’s not celebrate too early. Wait, and then, uh, then we’ll promote it. Right. Yeah, I understand. Alrighty. So, so any, any, uh, how’s your deal in any, uh, you know, questions or, or where, where is everything?

Uh, no, not right at the moment. Just, again, just wanted to listen in today, see what other people had going on and see what they’re experiencing. Okay. No. Fantastic. Oh, all right. See Greg. How’s it going?

Oh, good. Um, Just working on a few things. I, uh, I think she works with you. She sent me some contacts and stuff, so just contacting those people and made some good connections working on that. And then just wait to hear back. I some, uh, in the states, there’s, there’s a few lenders that’ll do white label lending.

So they’ll basically, you know, use their backend, their financing and just put your, in the front of it. So, and then there’s some companies that do private labeling, basically the same thing. So I’m just, the challenge is a lot of ’em, they work in the States, they don’t work in Canada, so it’s, it’s just there’s, but there is one or two I found that potentially do work in Canada.

So I’ve reached out to them just waiting to hear back cause that ideally would be perfect. You know, I can use someone else’s backend infrastructure, have my brand or front end use some of their financing capital. Obviously there’s a fee to it and cost. Um, so that would be perfect if I can just find someone that does that in Canada.

Wow. Okay. I’m sorry. Let No, you, you got go on. I think you’re being, this is, this is, this is very similar to what I am looking for too. So, so I am, I’m glad I’m here. So you found a white label lending companies. Are they hard money lending companies? Are they business lending companies? Uh, both. There’s some that do hard money lending that, like the mortgages and stuff, the challenges, the ones that I.

Are in the States and I’m in Canada, so it’s Oh wow. If you, where you’re at. Um, basically I just did a Google search, private label, uh, white label mortgages, uh, or lending lender to lender financing. Uh, so if you set up as a lending company, you can find another lender that’ll fund you like on a line of credit or a credit facility.

So I’m just, So they ask, they ask you to put money down, like do they give you leverage? Like one is to five, one is to eight. I’m not sure yet. I’m still trying to figure that out. Okay. Of how much leverage they’ll give you and stuff, would you mind sharing with me, because I’m in US, so I’m looking for a US company who can do that.

Okay. Yeah, sure. Just send me your email here and I can send you some of the links and stuff and help you open. Yeah, most of the ones I’ve found are in the state, so I’m in Canada, so that’s a bit of an issue. I’m just,

oh, I just put my email address here to check. Okay. I’ll just write it. I don’t here,

Christine. That’s basically it for me. Really? Wow. So what is your plan? You want to do a landing, a white level, level. What do you want to achieve? Yeah, ideally what I’d like to achieve is find a lender or some financing Monday, borrow at, you know, whatever interest rate, and then turn around and relend it out, uh, on private mortgages or second mortgages at a couple percent higher in me.

You know, like one or 2% on the spread. Right, right, right. I see what you’re trying. Yeah. This is the, this is a very good business model. Yeah. Yeah. It’s just finding the company that can, the funding side of it’s, It’s gonna take a bit of time. Right, right. This is what I want to do in commercial real estate.

Yeah. And there’s some that do commercial, there’s some that do residential. I just, once I found out they don’t lend in Canada, that basically ended the conversation. I got it. I got it. Yeah. But there is, there is a few out in the states that do, do it, uh, depend. There’s, depending on which state you’re in, I know some they work in some states, sometimes they don’t work in other states depending on the regulations.

So, Just to be aware of that. I got it. Yeah. It’s also called table funding. So table, yeah, like table, like the kitchen table kind thing. Oh wow. Interesting. Yeah, so, oh yeah, please send me some links, whatever you have it. The companies really appreciate and I will do my research too. Okay. Will do Here. Sure.

Yeah. Good stuff. So then, um, we got some new, um, lenders, by the way as well. There was, um, yeah, and as you said, many of Earned America. Uh, I’ll still see if they do Canada, but then there was, um, you know, there’s a new firm out of Miami we found, uh, that we got an agreement with we can introduce to. And, uh, there’s also Paula Joy.

Uh, he was working on a transaction with us as well. And then he’s also lending. But yeah, mostly us. So the context that we sent you, Greg, I don’t, somebody helped send some some out, so, so how are those conversations? Uh, did it go somewhere or was it, uh, dead end for now. Yeah. No, I’ve talked to some of ’em.

Some of them are in the states, so didn’t really learn. But there, I talked to Phil out of California. He was really good to talk with. Uh, there’s a couple other, I’m just waiting to hear back from, there’s uh, one pub Brad out of Vancouver, so I’m waiting. Waiting to hear, chat with him hopefully this week.

So you’d be really good contact. Um, yeah, just working through ’em. Some of ’em not quite what I’m looking for, but some of them, you know, we’ll see. I, I’m just kinda working through ’em as we speak. Got it. Okay. Yeah, we’ll do, we’ll do Paul, uh, we’ll add the Miami group and then there’s also, uh, somebody called Abdiel.

He does some Canada. He closed a, a deal with, uh, VI Pool. So if you haven’t spoken to him already, we’ll get those three over. Okay. Yeah. Ideal is definitely one of the ones I gotta talk to this week. He’s kinda next on my list. Yeah, he’s pretty, he’s pretty good. Um, he’s one of our go-tos as well, so,

so any, any, um, any issues or questions that you want to go through while we’re here? Uh, Greg? No. I just missed Monday’s call, so I thought I’d just jump on today’s and touch base and. Listen in. Yeah, no worries. All the Canadians missed it. Uh, and then the CFAs are usually on the Monday ones, but then it was like all over CFAs.

Most of them are in, uh, Canada, so, so they, well, for this Victoria Day thing, uh, you know, it slow, it slowed some things down. So, um, but now we’re back and going, and then on a Wednesday calls and just me, so, um, you know, so you didn’t, you, you, it was just me, you know, talking about, um, you know, different transaction people were working on and it was pretty good, but, uh, it was short, so you didn’t really miss a ton.

And we’re, okay, we’re gonna upload the recording. Okay, perfect. Oh good. All right, Sachin, how’s it going? Good. So I have one question about lending. So yes, you connected me, me with uh, Frank. Yes. And Frank connected me with Rudy and Is Fpf F Services. He’s from uk, Ireland, Ireland, uk. So services, so I can tell you.

Okay. Hold on. It says SB f o S B F O. Shall I put it in the chat so you would know? Okay. Yeah, you put it in the chat. Yeah. Some of the Frank’s lenders are good, but you know, you want to be careful with any, don’t do anything when, when there are any fees or anything that are big. Don’t Yeah, yeah, yeah.

That’s what I’m coming, yeah. As, as b o service. Yeah. So they said they’re a facilitator and as I told you, I was looking at someone who can, you know, lend for buying commercial properties. Yeah. With 90% or 100% private lender. So I talked to, uh, One of your connection and they said the deal size needs to be at least 15 million.

They need to deploy 15 million. Mm-hmm. Start lending and I don’t have deals worth 15 million right now. Mm-hmm. So I was talking to Rudy and I said I need a small, a lender who can start me with like two, three, 5 million deal size. And then eventually, you know, I can, once I have 15 million, then you can refi go to the bigger player.

And the Rudy from SBF Service said, yeah, they have the lender who can do the smallies deal size like 5 million as well, but he wants $15,000, uh, fees, which is refundable. But they say if I’m serious and I need commitment, and I told him, Rudy doesn’t make sense. Yeah, don’t, why would I? Yeah, why would I pay you please for that?

So I wanted to bring it up to you as well. Yeah, the thing. No, thanks for letting us know. I wouldn’t do it. Um, just because, I mean, we want to talk to the, the lenders because he has mostly lenders that there’s nothing upfront. Uh, yeah. But there’s these, there’s this one lender that he is, he’s starting to bring up.

So I’m gonna have a conversation with him to just say, okay, listen, let’s not bring this fellow up. Uh, but then he has some other lenders where we used to get introduced to that weren’t, it wasn’t anything up front. So then they were actually pretty good. So, uh, see, I wouldn’t really recommend to engage because, um, I mean, that’s the whole points, the whole points is that we’re getting to lenders without getting more peace.

That’s the whole idea of this whole thing. Right. So, yeah. So I’m just giving you the feedback. Yeah. Good, good. Well, thank you for letting me know. Um, I’ve, I’ve had situations where, um, people didn’t let us know and then, and then people forwarded I think a hundred thousand dollars one time and uh, that was very big.

Yeah. So, right, because Yeah. Cause Frank is coming through you. So my thing is like, you know, he’s legit, but I’m not, you know, doubting his abilities. But the thing is, it doesn’t make sense to pay, you know, upfront. I agree. Yeah, it makes no sense. Yeah. No, thanks for letting me know. I wasn’t even aware of this, so thanks for letting me know.

So Frank is from Lending Capital net, right? Frank? Just want to make sure we are talking of Same Fran. Yes. Lending capital net next. Yes, yes. Yeah, he was, he introduced me to, yeah, Rudy. Yeah. Okay. Okay, got it. Yeah. No. Like we want, yeah, we want the commercial loans that he’s offering. So, so tell you this, so what I’ll do is I’ll have a conversation with Frank and then let him know, uh, first of all, second of all, thank you for letting me know, uh, before you get into any agreements, uh, you know, just so that I can, uh, you know, we can slow down and check.

And then the third thing is, um, we, we, we got some new, uh, relationships with lenders. Uh, and I’m not sure if we already introduced you to Paula Lajoie. Abdiel and, uh, there’s a new group out in Miami. So we, we send those introductions to both you and Greg, um, you know, just so we can get some more options.

But yeah, e exactly. So I wouldn’t really do anything, uh, uh, upfront if it’s, if it’s only, if only if the only offer is money. Yeah. And then it’s upfront and I wouldn’t do it, uh, for now. Okay,

good. And then the second thing with you is, um, the Martin. Yeah, so the fund, so yeah, we got David looking at it. He started looking at it last night and then he was asking me if, um, if there are any financials, and then I said, no, let’s just start with a, um, a blank slate, uh, template and then I’ll allow you to fill in the, the things in the highlighted places.

Uh, and then he said, okay, so he says tonight, since he plans to send over, um, an MC model. Okay, gotcha. Yeah. But in the meanwhile, we sent you just one that you can play with that we used for, um, another business acquisition. As well.

Alright. Alright, good. Yeah. Good. So, um, yeah, next step with you, we’ll get you some more intros and then, um, and then thank you for letting me know. Uh, I’ll watch, I’ll have a conversation with Frank and then, um, and then tonight you’ll get the model so we can, uh, tighten that up. Okay. Alright. Thanks. Thanks.

No worries, Manam. Alright. Bye-bye. Bye-bye. All right, Greg and Joseph, anything else before we hop off? It looks like today’s a more of a straightforward day. No, I’m good. Oh, thank thanks. Yep. Good as well. Thank you. No worries. Thank you gentlemen. And uh, we’ll talk soon. Contact support and we’ll be back on Monday, uh, with the full crowd.

All, all.



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