Hey, good afternoon. Hey, what’s up man? How are you? Good, good. Yeah, just, uh, you know, doing a lot of support today. Catching up on a lot, lot of support, but, uh, but it is, yeah, it’s good. Awesome. Awesome. Yeah, so I’m just getting this call together to, uh, cuz what we can do, we can be really productive. We can basically create the draft documents and basically there are several questions, right?

And then the questions mm-hmm. They’ll lead to, um, us doing the ppm, the financials, the pitch deck, um, the subscription agreements, uh, for, for, for the fund. So yeah, we can get that started and then I’ll just go ahead and share the screen and then, uh, I’ll walk through. Sounds good. Nice. Sounds good. All cool.

So pull it up right now and how, how’s everything going on your site in general?

I think it may be on mute if you’re speaking.

Okay. Okay. Found it. Okay. There we go. Let me share the screen.

Okay, so screenshot is just loading.

Steph, can you, uh, hear me?

Can you hear me? I can hear you okay. Yeah. Okay. Just checking if, uh, we got disconnected. Okay. No,

sorry, just a second bit. Slow on my side.

Just a few seconds. It’s a bit, um, a bit slow on my side. Seconds. Close and reopen.

Can you hear me now too? Y Yes, I can. Yeah, I just have some close my browser and reopen, uh, was, was uh, just a little bit slow,

so gimme one second. Hear you.

Okay, so,

so ee computing.com right? Is is your email. I’m having a speaker of her shoes. Okay. One sec. Yep.

Alright. Can you hear me now? Yes.

All righty. So then, okay, so this, so I have a question. So this fund, you want to use it to acquire multiple cybersecurity companies? Uh, or are you just using it to acquire one?

Oops, you’re, you’re on mute, so if you’re talking,

sorry, can I hear you at all? Gimme one second, please. Yep.

All right, can you hear me? Yes. How’s it on your side? Am I coming across? You can hear me

jumping on a different computer. Sorry. Oh, okay. No worries. And, and you’re just a little bit muffled. That’s the last thing. I think we’ll be good. Okay. Is this better? Yeah, yeah, that’s, that’s fine. We’re, we’re good? All right, perfect. All, all right. Cool. So, so then, yeah, because I was just gonna ask you, are you looking to, because there are two ways of doing it, we can do it so that it’s for one cybersecurity acquisition, or it’s for multiple, or you can just raise the money and then you can use it for multiple.

So then you’re looking to do it for multiple, correct? Yes. Okay. So now just say business and, uh, we’ll just change real estate with business. Okay. So yeah, here just a, it is just a few questions, so we just need to take a little bit of time. So, um, first off, what’s the name of the, what would you like to call it?

I’ll probably call it E three s Farm. E three S fund? Mm-hmm. Okay. Okay. So, and, and, uh, so then this is like before incorporation, right? It’s not, the limited partnership is not incorporated? It’s not incorporated, no. Okay, okay. We usually like Delaware, but did you have any plans in mind for the states of where Incorporated?

I haven’t, so I haven’t chosen a name, so this will be a new name. So we will, we’ll walk with you to get it done. Um, we’ll pay the fee to get it done in Delaware. Okay. Okay. So put Dell. Where? Dell? La where? Alrighty. So what were you thinking for the first fund? Uh, in terms, how much would you want to raise for that first one?

Um, I don’t know what, what was the best, the best place to start, but also around 25 mil. Okay. 25. Well, my feedback is, um, so 250,000, 200. Yeah. So my feedback is, yeah, it’s good. It is just that they’re like, I kind of see things go into two different directions because some people, they, the raises that are above that are above 25 million and, and like above that 10 to 25 million range, a lot of the time they see it being more institutional and it depends on how many people you wanna have subscribed.

So some people they have into that, it’s like a big raise. And then, you know, these companies, like some of the ones that you were talking to, like, uh, bond Capital and some of those other companies, you know, you could try to work with them to for the larger deal. Um, but as you know, it’s like a bit, they already know what they’re, where, what they want.

They’re more just serious. They have this underwriting process where it’s like three months and it’s bigger and then it probably will demand more control, whereas, If it’s like, you know, in a 10 million range, you can probably just get anybody who’s in the credit investor, anybody who’s just rich or, you know, off from the internet to convince them into the, the deal.

Uh, and it’s more of like, they’re more inexperienced. They’re not as big as like those big investors that can do like 20 million in one check or anything. But you, you may be able to get like many people in. So, so what my, my points is just like, it depends on which one you prefer. Whether you want to get a lot of people in at a lower tickets, you know, like below 25, uh, 250,000, uh, or you want to get a few that are, uh, that go into the fund.

The only thing, the probably problem of the people few into the fund is that it’s like an uphill battle to try to convince them, even though you’ve done, you know, you’ve done the small one, but it’s an uphill battle sometimes to convince em. So my, my guts, just tell me my guts tell me 10. Uh, you wanna do 10?

Yeah, let’s do 10. Yeah. I, I, I don’t wanna hold you down or anything. I’m just saying because. No, I agree with you. Um, it’s sometimes, like you said, it’s easier to get that multiple, lower amount than one big, large amount. Yeah. And you could still bring a big guy in because even there was a fellow working with his name, his barn, uh, he owns a REITs and everything is super experienced and he owns a public res for good fricking sakes.

And then he’s doing 10 million for his first one with us. So, uh, I think it’s reasonable, so, okay. Um, yeah, the dates, yeah, this is just, uh, marketing really. Um, we can just say, uh, like this is really arbitrary. Uh, this is not really that important. The unit amounts, this is more based on the minimum amount that you would like to have somebody come in at.

We see anything between 50,000. So basically either like 50,000 or a hundred thousand is usually what we see. Yeah. Let’s go over what? Hundred thousand. Let’s do a hundred. Oh. Unit. So then we have to divide this by, um, By 10 million. Yeah. Or, uh, what is it again? Yeah, this divided by 10 million. That’d be, that’d be 100.

Or the, oh, oops, I do this. Right. Uh, so a hundred units, so x amount of units times, um, a hundred thousand equals, uh, 10 million a hundred investors. Yeah, exactly. Cause we’re dividing both sides by this and Yeah, exactly. So a hundred units a unit is just the, uh, it’s the same thing as share. It’s just what they say for the, for a limited partnership, uh,

states. So then there’s a general partnership. And, and tell me a, and, and just just for context, how, how deep are you into all this whole fund line lingo? Like, are you, you already know all these things or? Are you more new to it or? Um, I know a little bit, uh, but not on the fund side. I don’t know much on the fund side.

I know a lot of the Lego for capital, I mean the finance Lego around getting the acquisition process. Um, but not, maybe not lingering regards to when it, when you’re doing a raise like this one, if that makes sense. Yeah, no, I, I, I get where you’re at. No worries. So then, because some people they use the general partnership for the, uh, that, that’s you, basically, that’s you and your company.

Uh, and then partnership is where the investors are putting the money. So, uh, do you have any LLC line around or any, uh, if there’s an llc, ideally with very little background history, uh, you could use that for your general partner, uh, or you can, you know, consider just creating a new, uh, L L C, uh, just for the fund.

So, so that’s what people do. So just if you have one line. Yeah, that’s what I said. The E three s Okay. We use, and then the end-to-end Enterprise Solutions, which is who we are, uh, will be the, the current holding company technically. Okay. So, okay. So there are two companies. One is the E three s, that’s the limited partner, and then the other one is, so our current company Right To End Computing.

Um, so that’s our current company. Right. Um, so we have changed the name last year to enter End Enterprise Solutions. Oh, okay. Yeah. Okay. And the L L C or which, or C Corp or Yes, in N L C. Okay. Nice. Yeah, let, let’s try that and then, uh, we’ll try to use that as the, uh, general partner. There’s a solution up the, up the enterprise solution Solution.

Singular or plural, plural. Um, that’s where the, that’s where the E three s come from. So just e threes the first two letter, the first two letters, and I mean, uh, the first three E and the S Yeah, it’s like a, it’s like a e of the power three kind. It sounds really like smart, you know, I get the brand, so, alright, pre return, this is the minimum amounts that you, you may basically the minimum returns before you get your cut of the profits.

Um, you know, it’s, it’s, this is really to protect the investors. So like, basically some people really, really, I recommend eight, anywhere between six and eight. Some people they do 10, but I recommend eight. But basically it’s like after your returns go higher than, uh, let me just write this down. Uh, rent re.

So if the returns, if returns, Or less than, uh, eights percents. Then, uh, GP gets no splits, and then if returns are their eights are greater, then uh, the, uh, GP may get, then we can, then we can like, then it could be like 30. Yeah,

30. Whoops. Oh, somebody’s using my Apple device. It’s kind of scary. Punjab. Yeah. You’re a cybersecurity, so that’s kind of scary. Uh, do not allow. That is scary. Yeah. Got it.

Can you gimme one second? Sure. It’s good, Simon. Sure.

Okay. I had to just change my password because, um, kind of frightening. So.

My apologies. Oh, no worries. No, it was good. Good timing. Um, everything good? You still have some time?

Everything Okay. You still have, uh, some time to go through this? Yes, I do. Mm-hmm. Okay, good. Yeah. So what I was doing, I was just offline. I was just going through some of the questions, but, uh, but yeah, what, what I was saying is like the pre is just a threshold and then after you hit it, after the returns go over the pre return, then you’re splitting the profits.

And then if it goes, if the returns are worse than the pre return, then the investors, then the investors are not sharing profit. So it is just a way to make investors feel safe that there is this very normal for it. And, and, and that’s all. So the lower it is, The, uh, I guess the, the less insurance the investors have, you know, so usually like it’s between like six to eight, and that’s, that’s okay.

So basically we’re saying, Ooh, we try to get like an 8% return, and then you, you, you guarantee it all your, uh, we’re not even taking part of their, our management fees and our performance fees until we hate 8%. Yeah. That’s all we’re saying. If that makes sense. Yeah, that makes sense. Okay, cool. So I put it as eights.

And then for the rest of these things, um, the next step is like we, we just put in some, well, I guess even before that, um, there’s, there’s the, there’s a part where we look at the split between the investor and then the general partner. So usually it’s two in, uh, two in, uh, or sorry, 20%, uh, and 80%. So it’s 80% to the limited partner, 20% to the, uh, general partner.

But it all depends. Like it could be half and half. It really just depends on what you can negotiate. Uh, yeah. So I put it for you at 70 for investors, 30 for you. But then some people, cuz again, some people they, they say like, you know, if my return is like really high, I’ll take half or I’ll take most of it, you know, so, so what are your thoughts on this is based on the, this is, this is based on the returns.

This is how it will be. It will split between. Okay, gotcha. Yeah, no, I think, I think it’s, I think that’s fair. Yeah. And if, you know, if you know for sure that, oh, I have a deal and I know that’ll get a really amazing return. And then, I mean, then you’ll be incentivized to like, make it higher. Like if you say after 25% return an outtake like 60%, because even though that’ll be really scary for any investors, you’ll know that that’ll be your bonus.

And so you can always add more as we go along based on the deal because you, you know, the business and, uh, more than, more than any investors at this point, but, Yeah. All right. Management fee. That’s just the year annual fee that you charge investors. Like 99% of the time it’s 2%. Okay. And then annual return of the units as it percents.

Uh, I’ll just leave this for the c f a after they make a model for you to, to check what that would be. Because to be honest, I’m not really priv. I don’t even know what the suit be. We’re just doing an example, so I’ll just leave it blank. Um, minimum purchase in dollars. That’s just the minimum investment amount.

Minimum unit amount. That’s a minimum amount, amount of shares, quote unquote, that somebody can purchase. Uh, I’m assuming that you’re not, uh, registered with finra. No, we’re not. Okay, no worries. And, uh, yep. This is here. This. So then how about the other directors?

Um, Carlton. Carlton. Harris. Yep. What about the e? Say again, without the e at the. Okay. And anyone else? Um, will Fredo Candel. Candelaria, how you spell it? Uh, will, w i l Fredo F It’s one. It’s still one. One, okay. W w I L f r e d o. Candelaria. C a n d e l a r i A. Okay, got it. Any, any fourth one or just the three?

Um, that’s a, that’s a, that’s another one. Um, but they, they’re on less than 2%, so yeah. Not, not really. Uh, it’s more optional than it. Okay. So then now like for the pitch deck and the sales part of it, you know, they’re the past deals that we highlights. Just because like we, if you’re raising the fund for cybersecurity, then we look at some companies or deals you’re involved in, in cybersecurity and some of the, uh, some of the returns that they’ve been getting or the numbers that revenue numbers or profit numbers.

So, you know, there’s, there’s, there’s your firm and then there’s like the acquisition. So, uh, any highlights that you want to sell here for the, uh, for the acquisition here? The 3,000,001? Um, the 3 million is an AI firm. Okay. Oh, ai. Yeah.

Okay. A anything on the numbers, um, profits or anything? Um,

they made, they made 1.6 last year. Um, their profit was around 300 K, but because everything goes into the business. Right. Yeah. Um,

um, so that wasn’t any with any add back or any, anything like that? So basically that was around 300 K profit. Oh, okay. And then, uh, and then the revenue was how much their revenue? One, one was 1.6 million. Okay. So I, I want to talk about the revenue because it sounds more like flashy. So I’ll just say, uh, 1.6

outta curiosity. Was this, um, this was a free cash flow valuation that, is that how they got the 3 million or was it, you know, multiple of ebida? Um, it was, it was, it was more of a strategic acquisition than Got it. Um, they, they are, they run the NASA autonomous platform. Oh, uh, for example, they’re currently developing reciters, um, satellite that’s gonna be autonomously controlled, uh, that we monitor the back of the moon later this year in September this year, uh, that’s gonna be launch.

Um, and as well as we are about to work with the Canadian Navy, um, to develop for them, um, crisis management, that AI driven capability to help the na, the Navy fight fire on ships. Um, so, so it was more of a strategic hire than a strategic, um, because of the space that they in and they build autonomous systems and autonomous and intelligence systems.

So, um, these guys, um, are the forefront of their capabilities when it comes to ai. Um, not just str, not just ity type of ai. Yeah, yeah. This is this, um, basically the, we build tanking system, right? Mm-hmm. Um, tanking ai, right? So basically the way that send, uh, the way we develop AI is basically the way that a human tank, and that’s how we, we implement, um, ai.

That’s the type of AI that we implement, the way that human beings think. Yes. So, so you’re talking about, is this, is this AGI or is this something that is too, uh, far like, farfetched for that? Or is this something else that I don’t know about? Well, nobody does think in AI so far, right? So everybody has, everything that people do Right now is, is boot force ai, what we call it boot force ai.

Um, basically. They’ve developed towards that specific task. Yeah. Um, reinforc, um, for us, we don’t do that. Um, so we use a digital twin, uh, model. So, um, every, most of the AI development that we do, we do a digital twin, but it is a digital replica of whatever that that object is. It could be a dig, it could be a network, it could be a shift, for example.

But we use that digital replica of that, of that environment to reason over everything that happens. Hmm. We’re going to ship, um, to reason, for example, on a boat. So we, we just, we just demoed, uh, we just partnered with this, with this group in four weeks. Um, that they, they told us that we wanted, um, the ability to autonomously make this small boat do, perform a mission.

In four weeks, for example, uh, developers developed something from them that they were able to dis to disclose, I mean, to display today actually, um, before the Navy and other, and other people, uh, law enforcement and so on and so forth. A small, small votes that cannot go and accomplish a mission without having to be remotely controlling it and things like that.

Yes. So it can, it will account for wind speed. It will account for current, let’s, this one is a boat. Uh, we will account for, um, if it’s, it’s on internal system, it’ll account for that. Um, for example, if we need to shut down the system or two or three or five, it will shut them down so that it can go and accomplish its mission, uh, autonomously.

So you don’t have it just. Um, let it go and it it be able to navigate the waterways, um, to be able to stay away from, um, bigger boats or smaller boats, or from avoiding collisions. Uh, um, so all this calculation is taking place on it by itself, and as it goes and accomplish the mission, it’s a mission, mission-based autonomous system.

Okay. And then when, just last, last tangent, but what is the benefit of, um, of replicating what a human would do in control in remote controlling the, the, uh, the vehicle? So a remote controller have to be near the, that vehicle. Oh, okay. Right. So you have to be, I think the, the, the longest that you can be away from it.

Um, I think there’s somebody who has it like, um, three or six kilometers and some people says there’s, there’s things that can be like 40 kilometers. Um, From the remote, uh, system, um, unlike satellite where if it’s in a, if it’s a plane or the person can be a couple hundred miles away potentially, but they will have to have another, um, thing in the air that will basically bounce the signal from the base to that other planes that’s in the air through that drone.

Right? So, but this one it says, okay, but uh, this is gonna sound creepy. We said, go get natu, right? So if it’s a war robot, it’ll get in the train, get in a taxi, navigate the street, wow. Wherever going and be able to go and knock on your door and say to Amir to get you, for example. So these are the type of system that we.

Wow. Yeah, that’s pretty, uh, anyway, I guess, I guess these are all gov. So NASA is governmental, and then it’s all governmental too, so, um mm-hmm. Not really surprised cuz DARPA created the internet like it was a darpanet. So, and then, uh, I think esco to oracle’s first cu com, uh, Oracle’s first customer was, was, um, was the government too.

So like, I mean, government’s always more ahead. Yeah. Um, SpaceX and all of these other people, the first project was the government. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Yeah. Well, I mean, and space. This is, um, but it is still private though. They just set their contracts. They’re all government? No, all their customers and contracts.

It’s, it’s private, but the, the, their $1 billion contract is on the government. Wow. So initially Elon Musk was basically spending his own money Yeah. Into SpaceX until he got that $1 billion contract from there. That’s funny. You, you’re still, so then you’re still in, um, cause I’ll put this here. You’re still in Washington DC for like, for your general partner, right?

Okay. Yeah, Virginia, which is a Washington DC area. Okay, got it. Okay. So, so should I put, is this okay to put it as a state or should, that’s fine. Oh, okay. Oh, awesome. Yeah, no, it’s, it’s, um, you’re doing some big things. Um, my mother, we, we developed, we developed, um, banking system basically, um, system that can, or if it, if, if they want it to be autonomous, it is a, it is a system that basically can, that can go without any human intervention.

Nice. Uh, you give it a, you give it a submission and it goes and accomplish that mission. It reminds me, oh.

No. So for example, we use neural network, we use statistical ai, we use, um, cognitive ai. We use, basically we can leverage each one of those things, um, to make, to make it more powerful, right? To do to, as part of the mission set. But those things like, uh, so, um, chat, G B T for example is cognitive ai, right? So a generative AI, I should say.

Um, so these are basically the lowest level, basically work for the most part in the unit. Um, um, but for us, we, we build, we build, we build, take system, system that can take on, on its own, just like a human do. So we use something called the ood loop, um, basically for the, for the, our object to be able to observe, just like a human does, right?

You observe something. You orient yourself to that. But that’s something then you decide what you’re going to do. Um, if you’re gonna drop, if you’re gonna run, if it’s, if it’s a threat, then you act and then you act. Right. Um, and so this is basically the, the way that we do, we do things, um, we use the U Loop and with everything that we develop and we develop a digital twin and digital twin, we use it to basically, uh, make the decision and tell the AI platform, this is the decision that should be made just like a human would’ve, uh, make it, uh, if they are counter the same thing that the war robot, for example, would account.

Well. And that’s exactly what, um, yeah, it’s like a military like cuz I heard of that before. I think it came from the military, right? Udu? Yeah, that’s correct. From the Air Force. Yeah. Mm-hmm. In world wari. Yeah. Okay. So, so, okay. So, and then what you’re doing here is. I guess it’s not quite like the theoretical AGI thing, but then you’re just kind of building your own framework for like how to, how to, how to build ai and then that’s kind of what you’re building and marketing here.

Yeah, so yeah, we have, we have a, a platform called Nimble. Yeah. Uh, that we have, we have developed, I mean, we still have to get it to, to the finish line. So we gonna make, we’re gonna make it available, um, publicly for people to be able to leverage as well as a ide, uh, for people to be able to consume just like you have, uh, Salesforce for example.

So it’ll be something like that where you’ll have all the libraries, all the stuff and people can build on top of it, uh, for rapid prototyping and making the system should be able to do whatever they wanted to do and tank, just like any inhuman would, would tank them. But not open source. Like, are you gonna do open source and then you’re gonna charge on top of that?

Or is it gonna be pure open source? Or is it gonna be all paid? It’s not gonna be open source. It probably will make some of it open source for, especially for universities to, to, to start using. Yeah. Um, the reason why is because people recommend things that they know. Yeah. Right. Uh, it’s for universities to have a very, for example, like a small amount of storage for like seven days, for example, for people to be able to do a project.

Um, but everything else will be, um, there would be a license cost swap. Nice. Well, I mean, here, now’s the time. I mean, everybody’s throwing money at, like, now it’s on the other extreme where everyone is overhyping it. But, uh, actually we need to, we need to, to, to, sorry about that. Uh, no worries. We need to get funds to finish, to finish that as well.

Oh, okay. But right now we’re bus strapping it. We, we need to start getting some funds to, to develop it. Uh, And more, um, to basically make it available, but in the next 12 months, yeah, we, we have some, I have a call this, uh, there was, there are a few investors I had a call with and, um, and we can same thing introduce, but then, but then would you pitch this fund, this fund here?

Are you gonna pitch this one as an AI one or as a cybersecurity one or, or just both? Because the AI thing, I mean, I mean, people are just, uh, going crazy over it, all over the place and they’re over-hyping it. So you can, we, we can turn this one into the funding for, to develop this platform I just mentioned and our nimble platform.

Yeah, because like you can act yourself as one of the, uh, like the assets underneath the, um, underneath the partnership. So, and then, but it, it’s, it’s, um, like it’s, it’s, there’s some good cash flow there, right? Like, like how’s the cash flow for a frat? Because like sometimes, like, I don’t know if it’s gonna be these long hockey stick type of companies, or it’s like cash flowing on day one, you know?

Um, So,

so nimble, the AI platform I talked about is something that we are developing. Yeah. Um, it’s, it’s far along, but we still need to be finished within the next 12 to 18 months. So it’s not something we’re developing from scratch. Cause most of it is already there. Um, so we, but we do need to finish it. We do need that funding to be able to finish it within the next 12, 18 months.

Um, if not, then it was gonna take us a little bit longer. Cause we have to make the money to invest the money into it. Yeah, exactly. Um, but whenever we do all the acquisition, we do plan on acquiring potentially a couple of the AI firms. Um, we, when we do an acquisition world, number one is basically that whatever the, whatever we acquire, except for.

Whatever we require can take of itself, meaning that, um, you have enough revenue that coming in should be able to afford to take a loan and to be able to take out the note, um, if makes sense. Oh, okay. No, that makes sense. It does. And would you, would you, because the going public, um, would you like turn this into like a, uh, a penny star could do reverse mergers because now is really like, there’s a lot of money to be made on, on that side too, if you, even if you tell people that we would go public or we would try to go public.

Uh, so is that something that you’re open to for like maybe the underlying uh, the underlying Yeah. Actually we are working on that as we speak. Nice. Um, public offering, uh, we already have the 20 20, 20 21 audit done. Nice. Wow. Well done. I, I’ll be speaking with Markal tomorrow. Visiting him tomorrow to close 2022.

So don’t get audit can be done on 2022. Yeah. As well. Well as an interim, interim 2023. Cause you have to be within six months is the listing gonna be in Canada? Uh, with a cost listing at the na. Wow. Really? Yeah. That’s pretty good. Yeah, that’s, that’s pretty good. Uh, we’re probably in the, we we’re gonna be within the next, I guess two, three weeks.

We’re gonna be in the process of raising the first 200. Yeah. At the lowest end. That’s gonna be So to be able to be listed. Yeah. Um, we did not wanna sell it too cheaply, so we gonna raise the first 200 of $750. Uh, they cannot invest more than hundred $750, but it’s gonna be like 5 cents or something like that.

Right. Uh, so to bring in the 200, uh, this is the, the friend and family piece. Right. Um, And, and then we’re gonna do another raise where the price is gonna be higher. So we’re doing that two. Yeah. Yeah. Well, I mean, I mean, even I’m interested. So I mean, any, anything, anything, uh, you can share with me, I’ll be interested.

And then, uh, but that’s a good idea. I have the, I have the one sheet and, uh, uh, prospectus and things like that. I can send you, I can send, yeah. Yeah. Like, yeah, I’m really interested, uh, because you can, you can use as, as one of the things in the fund because you know, the, uh, people are just, you know how people are.

They, they’re, they’re just really, um, easy to, um, they’re very, they’re very susceptible to whatever’s trending. But, uh, so, so you can really get this thing going. Are you, so you listening on the tsxv or is it the csc? I think it’s a tsx. Okay. Yeah, I think that’s where I, I have to do, I have to double check that, but I think that’s, that’s where it is.

But I know we’re gonna also have a cross list on, on the NADA as well. Okay. Are you using any, uh, like any, there are a lot of these firms that we know that they are bankers and firms that list, are you using any one of them or are, are you just going directly and then Directly Okay, good. Or anything like that.

It’s just gonna be direct. Good, good. The only thing, the only thing is like, um, perhaps just consider the, um, those, those ones are good. You’re not doing OT C though. No, I don’t know what OT C is. Yeah, it’s, it’s, maybe it’s better that you don’t, it’s because it’s over the counter. Yeah. Is, is this, is this full of dump pump and dumpers?

It’s a, it’s a, it’s no K one If you have like a non-dilutive, uh, share structure, um, but the exchanges that you’re going on are more regulated. The OTC is right down there in the States and then it’s, it’s very, anyone can go on there. You have companies that made 10 K in revenue that are valued at millions.

It’s really crazy and, uh, people come pump and double it. Crazy. But my points, the only thing I’m saying is like, um, I, I, I think it would be important to make sure that you have some strong, uh, non-dilutive, uh, share structures. Like if, if you just spread the word out with anyone in your network or, or have even us, we can take a look.

But just anyone just non the cup table that we just, we just developed, uh Okay. As well. So I can, yeah, I’ll definitely work on the feedback. So the goal is to have, for me, Carlton and Freddy to have 51% to retain 51% of the shares. Okay. And basically, you know, 40% of the shares would be, for example, would be traded.

Okay. Okay. Got it. Yeah, that, that’s pretty good because, um, cuz some people, they, um, they have this whole, there was somebody that I used to work with, he. He converted, uh, prep shares to common shares, uh, at a certain ratio just so that um, in the future he could keep on dividing shares out and issuing new shares without him, um, giving up like his control.

Uh, and he could also raise more money. So like, um, yeah, just, just something on the back, your mind and then I’ll happily take a look. Uh, cuz I find this, this stuff that, that could make the bulk of the money for the fund to be honest, if, if it’s done, uh, if everything goes well. So that’s really good. Yeah.

Um, yeah, so that’s basically the whole, the, the, the biggest thing that’s holding us back really is the, um, how do you call it?

The, the thing that’s follow us back, the, the, the, the most is the audit. Um, you would’ve zoned the audit. They had taken a long time, um, on that. So now we are getting, we. It was supposed to be done last year, actually. Wow. So, but uh, it take, it takes, uh, it takes longer than, than we were expecting, um, for them to, for them to do.

So now we are about to speed data, cause um, I’m earning loan cash, to be honest. Um, with, with all the stuff. And I’ll also include a strategic plan on here as well for you to see. Thanks. Um, yeah. Um, you know, I’m using, so I’m registering as a broker dealer in Canada, an exempt market dealer. And I got an a, an opening books audit.

So nothing too serious. It’s just the opening books when there’re no transactions. But then their next auditing, uh, their next audit, the next auditing is gonna be around like 20 K or something. And then they have to look at the, um, the books. But I’m kind of confused. So, I’m a little bit, uh, I’m a little bit confused why it’s like taking so long.

Like what are the differences between the audits that they do for, for, um, your pre i p o company versus, uh, like do you know the compilation report and all that stuff? Like, like what, why is it taking so long? Uh, are there a lot of transactions in there, like a ton of transactions or what? No, it’s just, I don’t know if they’re too busy.

Um, but we’re not gonna use them for the 2022 for sure. You are or you’re not? We’re not, we’re not gonna use them for the 2022. I mean, they were, they were a little bit cheaper than, cause everybody was asking like 150 to $250,000 to do the audit. Um, but they were doing it for like 30 K. So we used them, um, instead, but the, the tip, it took a little bit too long for us.

So, um, We’re not gonna allow them do the 20 20, 20 22 audit. We’re gonna have go to another firm to do it. Uh, the, is that I s F or I f Sr or whatever? Yeah, yeah. International, uh, whatever standards for what? Like the, the, the international standard? Yeah. I I F R F R S. Yeah, exactly. I F R S, uh, that’s which you wanted to send it to?

The support email or the, the, yeah, the support, support email is good because I mean, I, I have personal interest in, in that, in that transactions, to be honest. But, but I’ll, but the support one is good because we, we can introduce, our auditor is not that expensive either. He’s in, he’s in around the 20 to, to 30 K mark.

Uh, it’s good for people that are just getting going. Uh, I can introduce, like, the thing is like, uh, we just did an opening books o opening report with them, and then the Ontario Securities Commission approved us, but he, he’s in Montreal and he’s in Canada, so he can do years potentially, but. Maybe it’s best that you stick to the, uh, us but I, I’ve heard a lot of people below.

I’m surprised it’s so expensive of 200 K. Like I hear a lot of people below 50 K for like, uh, for pre I p O audits, uh, that actually are good. So we can introduce,

um, D I M O V. Um, I use, I use them, uh, but I think we’re gonna, our accountant gonna suggest somebody as well. So Good. Uh, that can get it done quicker. We also need to get done the, the new ac the acquisition that we did in February. We also need to, uh, the AI company, we also need to get that audited as well.

Um, cause every acquisition has to be, they have to be, um, iffr. Audited. Yeah. Audited. So, um, So these are, some of these are the stuff that we’re working on, right? I just sent you the email, send it to the support email. Um, so you should see it soon, um, of where we are. We, we are extremely close. Um, the raise will be done, the first 200 raises will be done very shortly.

Good. No. Awesome. So then, um, it’s huge. Well, um, yeah, so, so yeah, I’d go your, your auditors, you know, there are a few, the one that did our books, like I can introduce if you like. And then, uh, there’s a, there’s a second one that’s I got recommended. Uh, it was out of our budget, it was like 50 k. And then, uh, and then I hear good things about them.

They do pre IPOs, but yeah, as long as you get past that phase, it’s a bit of a, a pain. So. Alright, so let, let’s go through this. So then, um, you have that 3 million, that 3 million deal with the strategic buyouts. Um, clients include, include NASA and. The comedian Navy. So any, any others we want to list here?

Uh, like your existing company or, or even the, uh, real one? Yep. Um, we have fema, FEMA is one of our client.

Okay. Um, we have,

the state of Texas is one of our clients who just won a four and a half million dollar contract on them. Okay. Let, lemme lemme put this more on track record because, uh, because these are more for like, oh, I bought this business and so on. But then for track record it’s more like, oh, I’ve done this amazing thing.

So then fema, uh, past clients included clients include fema and then you said State of Texas. State of North Carolina. Okay. Uh, lemme see. Mm-hmm. US Civil Rights.

And then what? Civil Rights? Us, US Commission on Civil Rights. Okay. Um,

who else? Um, Noah, national Oceanic Atmospheric Administration. I think that’s the word. Yeah. There’s an association for everything, huh? Yeah, association. I think it’s administration. Okay. I can just, whatever it says. Uh, um, administration. Okay. Administration. Okay.

All right,

cool. And then, um, just any, uh, so, so a few things. One is like, okay, so that’s the only acquisition, but, um, I, I suggest summarizing this AI company. So then, uh, you could say, uh, uh, leading or develop is it, it’s not really a deals and they’re not really returns yet. So I think I’ll just keep it in track record.

So, um, uh, what was the name of it again? Uh, of the, of the company that is a pre i p o, the company that we bought. Yeah. D two K Technologies. D two K. Mm-hmm.


platform for software development. Software development kit. Is that what it is? That how you can say it? Which one? Oh. Um, so for nasa, we developed, um, the, uh, NASA platform for autonomous systems. Okay. Actually, I just posted a PDF in there. I see some of the works that we do. Okay. Nasa. Okay. It’s loading

clicks open.

Yeah, no, you’re doing some, uh, pretty cool stuff there. Yep.

Okay. Okay. And then this is the company, so this is the same company that, uh, that is pre i p o. This is the clients of that company that’s pre i p o Or is this the company? This is the clients of the Incident End Computing. So NA is our client. D two K is a company that we acquired. Oh, okay. Got it. Does that make sense?

Yeah. Good.

Okay. So they’re the, they’re the one who developed the NASA autonomous platform. Uh, and we also run it right as well. Oh, okay. I understand. So, calendar.

Oh, it’s okay. Technologies. Okay. Yeah.

Okay. Okay, cool. And then, uh, something, do you have something about like, uh, the number of employees that you manage or just something flashy that we can add here as well that’s just, uh, about the team? Like, you know, you managed, you have this much, this many years of experience, or you had a team of this size?

Oh, for me, in it, I have over 20 years of experience. Um, so, so as the team, as far as the, the, the leadership of the team, um, has together has over 50 years of experience in it, in it cyber securities. Um,

yeah, we really want to really want to just sell this five decades of experience

in it. Ai. Yeah. And ai. So Cause Yeah. Yep.

All right. I’m, I’m much happy. This is, I’m much happy this is treading, uh, than NFTs because NFTs, I still don’t understand what the value was, to be honest.

Okay. I think, I think that’s okay. And then, uh, team size, something about team size or just something else that we can think about for track record. Yeah. Right now, um, so I have managed, um, on a personal level, I have managed, uh, a team of 25, um, dealer reports, uh, when I was at the government. Um, but our firm currently have 35 people.

Um, we’re about to add another 25 to it in the next week or so, uh, within the next couple weeks. Um, So we will likely have over 50 employees, uh, in next couple weeks. Okay. Experienced management team. Experienced management team, uh, overseeing over 50 IT experts or professionals? Yeah, professionals. How come, how come the new hiring wave, is that what you’re, is it because of this D two K or is this like another hiring wave that you’re doing?

It’s a hiring wave because we just want one half million dollar contract from, from Texas. Nice. So basically to onboard, to get, to get those, this project done. Nice. Yeah, it, it does. So then out of, uh, I think it will be productive for the bios. I mean, we could just, I mean, if there’s somewhere on LinkedIn or, or, or even.

Yeah, yeah. We can, you know, just use GPC or something or summarize something together for the bios. So board of directors for the fund, uh, would you get one together? Yeah, we do have a board of directors. Okay. You do? Okay. So would you own more than 10% of the limited partnership units of the fund? Uh, would you be, in other words, would you put money into the own, your own fund or, or no, to what fund?

I’m sorry. Yeah. Into, into this fund. Into this, this fund that we’re doing here. Like would you put 10% of it? Of, uh, like would you put money into it? Is the question uh, own money into it? Yeah, you don’t have to. No, we probably want, um, cause every money, that money that we have goes towards developing our, our platform further.

Yeah, exactly. So then, okay, so three term, usually the funds are in a five year term. So, uh, if, if that’s okay, then usually the Terminate director is the same of as the term of the fund. So I’m just gonna put five here, if that’s okay. Uh, limited partnership, T B D, because it’s not even out yet. Uh, the phone, this is just your phone number, which I can dig up or you can tell me, but I’ll try to dig it up.

Uh, phone number is five seventy one.

5 71. Mm-hmm. 2 97. Mm-hmm. 23 0 1. 23 0 1. Okay. Okay. GP unit on another units. Uh, so zero list on exchange. So then this is for the funds. Some people, they list their funds on an exchange. Mm-hmm. Like, I’m kind of, uh, ambivalent to it. But what are your thoughts? Exchange, um, what type of exchange are we talking about?

Uh, re really it’s any, but, but usually, like, the path that I see a lot is, uh, o TCC and an up list to nasdaq. But you, you already, you already have your hands full with your, uh, I’m just being practically you, you have your hands full of this, this auditing for this deal underneath the fund. So perhaps maybe just focusing on, on that one for the, the I P O.

Yeah. So I’ll say no for this, um, closing date. This is usually arbitrary, but we’ll put, you know, about two to two to three months after. Now, some people, they have an investment, we’re almost done. And some people, they have an investment manager that, that’s like a third part, that’s like a third, third company that is underneath the general partner that is just in charge of.

Uh, choosing which investments that people are, are investing in. It’s kind of like, uh, you have a bunch of financial guys that are just like looking for the, uh, that are doing the numbers. I don’t think it’s, well, you, you’re actually out, you’re pretty sizable now. So like, it’s up to you. I don’t really think it’s necessary, but, uh, what, what do you think about that?

Uh, we can go far with it right now. Okay. So then I’ll just say not available. This is not really necessary. Invest location United States. Are you open to other places as well? Yeah, I’m op, I’m open. Um, as uh, cause they’re not gonna have a ma as long, they don’t, they, they’re not gonna have a majority share.

Um, actually no, I have to take that back. I have too much. So my firm cannot be owned by a foreign person. Okay. And they can have shares in it, but they cannot own it technically. Uh, so I have always have to, people in the US always have to have the. The top, I guess. Um, most shares, uh, you cannot be foreign on cause we deal with, with the, with the government here.

Oh. Bound with, uh, top secret facility clearance and all that stuff. So we gotta, so just, let’s just keep you in the US for now. Um, good. Okay. To, to eliminate any, any potential issues. Um, cause this, these people want, they will be passive, right? They won’t, will they be active or passive? I’m guessing they’ll be passive.

Definitely passive. Some people you may get the odd person, I’ll say, oh, I want to be a cog and invest. But then the lp, the purposes is for it to be definitely passive cuz we’re eliminating the liability that they have in the day-to-day and all that. So mostly passive. Okay. And then, uh, then, then that they can be, they can be.

Um, external, they can be outside of the us. Okay, okay. Yeah, because uh, yeah, exactly. So then, I mean, I can put, I can put Canada, uk. Yeah, there you go. They are friendly, friendly countries. Yeah.

And then we add the disclaimers term five years exit opportunities.

Uh hmm.

I mean, some people say sales are private equity, but any, any exit opportunities you’re thinking of? Um,

so our goal is to be, to reach 500 million in the next five years. Yeah. Uh, revenue. Um, we don’t, I don’t really have an exit strategy cuz I do plan on running the firm for a long time. Yeah. Business. But for investors, I mean I’m sure that there can be that five year where we buy them out, if that makes sense.

It it does. So investor buyouts within five years Sure. Buy back. Yeah. Units, um, or units.

Okay. Okay. We’ll leave it like that. So then, uh, quarterly, like 99% of the time you see quarterly. Some people they do monthly, which is even better. But uh, how about the time period of the reporting and the distributions? I think it’s probably quarterly will be very best cuz some girls already gonna have those potential i p o stuff that have to be part of increase frequency.

Yeah, exactly. Last thing. Let’s see here. This is already no competitive risk, leverage, risk origination. Oh, we still have a little bits to go. So this is how much we have to go. Almost done. Okay. So law firm and, uh, law firm and auditor slash tax advisor. Um, we have a law firm, um, McDonald Hopkins. How do you spell that one?

McDonald? Just like the, yeah. Hopkins.


independent accountant for fund. We don’t have an account independent person right now. Um, for the fun, I guess if you know somebody, you can just add different, okay, sure. So then, uh, vt v d I know a really good guy. He, um, He has a PhD, c ffa, and he does all these foreign, um, he does foreign deals, he does local deals.

So we can introduce, his name is Joshua Gogo. Yeah. Uh, we can introduce, he’s a really smart guy, so we try that. Uh, tax advisor, usually it’s the same person as the auditor. Would any of means? Yeah. T B D? Yeah. Okay. So one, one class of units, because I don’t foresee a need for two classes yet. State law.

Redemption. So this, this is something that we can, we can give you the boiler plates for this. Don’t worry about this yet. Uh, incorporation of lp. So this is T B D cuz we have to incorporate it. First board of directors. Yes, we do actually Competitive risks. So I, I’ll take care of this, don’t worry about this.

Um, okay. So origination method. So some people they say, I’m going to, like, I have a flow of deals that are in my network, or I’m calling brokers, or I do online marketing. So basically what, what is, how, how are you getting access to these deals? Um, the cybersecurity deals that you wanna acquire into the fund?

Yeah. So I, I do, I do, I do campaigns. Uh, for example, we, we have one that, uh, an IT firm that we’re about to close on in the next couple of weeks. Mm-hmm. Uh, so we got them via campaign. We’re looking for service disabled virgin firms, the us. So we did a campaign and we, we got in contact with them. Um, but I do have deal, um, deal feeds, right.

Uh, from, um, Firms like gener gen, generational equity, uh, generational, something. Um, but we have a lot of deal feeds that comes in, uh, different websites, uh, that comes through. Okay.

Yeah. We market to business owners and have, as well as when we go to events and talk to people, we let them know that we, are, we on the market we can to do our acquisitions, and that’s part of our quote plan and things like that. Got it. Pretty straightforward. So could, so, so some people, they have a type where they say, uh, like there was a hotel fund, for example, last year.

They said, Hey, 50% goes to opportunistic high risk, and then 50% to core low risk stabilized assets. So then for you, like, would you have, would it all just be. Uh, one, or would it be, would you say, Hey, like half of it would be ai, half of it would be cybersecurity or, or something like that. So what we are developing is, uh, portfolio of capabilities, if that makes sense.

So it’s almost like an Accenture type of model. Mm-hmm. So we want to be able to service a client from point A, hence the name of the, of the firm, right. End to end. Mm-hmm. So from point A to point a Z. So basically we want to be able to provide them cybersecurity. We won’t be able to provide more logistics, although we’re not doing logistics right now, but that’s part of the goal.

Um, so each one of the acquisitions add a piece to the puzzle of the firm that we are looking to be. Um, As weak, well better word, I dunno how to put it. Yeah. We build a portfolio of capabilities. So right now the concentration is around advanced technology. Uh, so we doing the ai, we already did an AI one, we’re looking at another one that’s gonna cost about 5 million.

Uh, we’re looking at a, uh, a cybersecurity company that have three patents around encryption and decryption capabilities and, and as well as, um, e-discovery. Uh, so that’s gonna be a 14 million acquisition. Um, and we have, uh, another firm that’s a, they a general IT firm, that’s the one who closing in two weeks.

Uh, they make about 30 million a year. Uh, that’s a 20 million acquisition. Nice. So then advanced technologies you categorize as well. I mean, and I get the vision. It is, it’s a really a clearance. Straightforward. And then the, but then you’re, you’re defining advanced technology as AI encryption. Whoops. AI encryption and, and what else?

Ai, cybersecurity such as encryption, um, nanotechnology and quantum computing. Um, these are what we consider to be advance there. Um, of course, um, you also have the blockchain as well. Yep. Good old blockchain and blockchain block. I said chain. So cybersecurity like, uh, or sorry, uh, quantum. Are there any advances there?

Uh, I hear a lot about it, but, uh, you know, it’s the, is being done, being done every day. So the question is where do you wanna, where do you wanna play? Social board field still where you have. Uh, people, some people are dealing with the hardware of, of, and some people are dealing with the software. So we still haven’t made have it say yes yet, where we’re going to play with it.

Uh, some people are gonna be in the manufacturing of those hardware. Um, but we know that we are probably gonna be in the software space for quantum computing. Um, but we haven’t made that decision yet. Um, to, to say, okay, this is, we’re gonna go on hardware, or we’re gonna go in software, or we’re gonna go in manufacturing.

Uh, we haven’t made that decision yet, but we know that we wanna play in it, uh, Friday next year. Um, so and the same thing for nanotechnology. Nanotechnology. You probably would be in the healthcare side, um, as well as the it side of nanotechnology. Yeah, it makes sense. Well, I mean, with the brain implants and all that, it makes a lot of sense that it’s more like biological, uh, and healthcare, so, okay.

So then any other, is this the main focus? Cause you said like also in the future logistics knowledge. So for the fund one, would you just have, uh, advanced technology or would you have other things as well? The fund one. Fund one is advanced tech. Okay. So then how about this then probably I’ll just say, uh, we can split up, we can split up these little sectors.

We can say ai, uh, and then cybersecurity slash encryption. And then not like tech like, cuz we can, uh, because the, the reason why on the fund side, the investors, their mindset is more like, oh, like this is high risk. We can, we can look maybe, maybe we should divide it differently because some people they would say, oh, this deal is high, these are the high risk percentage of the portfolio.

Like early stage companies like, or like pre I p O companies, you know, so, so perhaps. We can say like, okay, you’re gonna look at this many pre i p o companies for capital appreciation, and then you’re gonna get the rest for like, uh, cash flow of the fund. Uh, so, so then, so then maybe, maybe, um, this is important for the vision and for the purpose of it.

So I may put this, uh, a bit up somewhere. Let me find this. For the purpose of the use of funds, let me find this. Um,

yeah, I have to put it in the opening paragraph of the ppm. Uh, so I’ll just put a note in that.

Okay. So now I’ll just put it there. So then, yeah, for capital allocation, uh, what percents would you say is more like high risk or early stage? Versus, uh, you stabilize boring cash flowing. Yeah. So I prefer a firm that’s making 3 million or more. Mm. Uh, the reason why, because of the model that we have decided that we’re going to run.

Um, so each firm will still have their own balance sheet and p and l liabilities, of course. Uh, we just don’t consolidate the back office such as legal, HR and things like that. But they still will be responsible for their, we will bring somebody in to run it. Uh, all the current owner can consider, right.

If they’re doing a good job. Um, so we, we like a firm that already know their market and already know what they’re doing. Um, but whenever we’re talking about nanotechnology, I definitely would be interested. Um, in an early stage firm doing some great things, right? Mm-hmm. Yeah. So then we can put, we can put like the, uh, so all these other firms would potentially be, so everything accepts nano technology would be 3 million or more.

But nano technology, you’re saying would be less than if it made sense. Exactly. I mean it to, to, to be straight, straight up, honest with you. Yeah. Um, any good opportunity we see here from any of these categories we will jump on if it’s a, if it’s a good opportunity, right? Regardless of the, regardless of the price.

Uh, for example, so there’s three things that we look at whenever we do an occupation. One that it can pay for itself. Oh, exactly right. Two is that it take us to give us a new client. And three is a fit, strategically is a fit boss, uh, basically matches with where we want to go. What we wanna do, for example, we would not buy, we would not buy the cannabis firm.

Yeah. That makes no sense. Right. Um, we would not buy, um, a car company doesn’t fit with what we’re trying to do. It’s not at this point. Um, so, so that, that has to be a, does also have to be a fit up to where we call him, um, as a firm. Does that make sense? It it, it does. So then, um, so then bringing everything together, um, I don’t know the number.

It’s, it’s okay. And, and that was a bit, just, excuse me for a bit. I was just, some people are trying to come in my waiting room. I had to kind of kick them out. Uh, but, uh, they’re not clients. They’re just, uh, other people. But let, lemme make sure I understand what you’re saying here. So then what you’re saying is, The vision, you have the vision of acquiring the companies that would help you have like an end-to-end service for, you know, that could you buy a business that could help you get more clients, that can bring you in some big money and help you, uh, build a pipeline of services that you can build your own ecosystem with.

That, that’s really clear. And then the other thing is, there are some companies that you need to acquire at an early stage just because of the nature of the companies, like these nanotech companies, sometimes you have all this, uh, all this stuff with the, uh, these health agencies are really slow, so sometimes they’re stuck in the early stage and you have to acquire them.

Um, that, that’s pretty much it, right? Yeah. Okay. So then, yeah, that being said, like, um, we can just focus on one one. We just keep it in one piece. Uh, we just say, oh, a hundred percent. It’ll be, so generally we can just have one investment strategy for this, and then the investment strategy would just be advanced tech.

We can just keep it in one. Um, and then we can just say that, hey, we want, we wanna make sure that, um, we’re just hitting the i r r, the, the cash and cash return, the preference return and all that, uh, overall, and keep it simple and straightforward. But then the only difference, the only thing is that the strategy of the fund is advanced tech.

Uh, the advanced tech part of your, of your, uh, of your journey. That’s, that’s the goal of this fund. Um, so now see,

so a hundred percent.

Oh, it’s 3 million.

Cool. Okay. Yeah, no, I think this is a good, uh, we’re onto something here. So then, uh, loan the valuation on, on, on, on some of these acquisitions cuz it’s really cashflow heavy, it seems to be asset light. What were some of the, what, what loan terms are, do you think we’re expecting here? Like 50 50? Like 50% L T V or, or what are your thoughts?

Um, so most of the people that we have spoken to so far, um, they usually have like a seventies to 75. If we’re talking with a, directly with a bank. The bank usually want like, almost like 50 50. Uh, but whenever we’re speaking with anybody else, like family offices, they orders want at least a 70 30. Hmm.

Yeah. So then I’ll just say worst case it’s um, 50 50 best case, like average case would say 70 30. Yeah. Status is. Okay. So that’s pretty much, uh, that’s pretty much it. So the idea, the only thing is we, we’ll do the bios and, and that’s not really that hard. But the idea is, let me send this over and then we’ll send you back the draft, uh, documents, the PPM.

The subscription agreement draft the, uh, what else here? The, the financials. We we’re gonna have to start a financial model for you as well. We’ll start that for a fund, not just for one deal at time, but for a fund. And then there’ll be a place for you to insert the assumptions that the sellers will give you, and then there’ll be highlighted, and then it’ll spit out the limited partnership, uh, waterfall.

So we’ll get that going. It may take, uh, about four days to get that one going. And then, uh, pitch deck executive summary, you know, so, so we’ll be able to draft that stuff out. And then, uh, and then on your ready, uh, I mean, you can do it on our side, but we, we actually launch, uh, a lot of, uh, limited partners on as well.

And then we have this whole thing with, uh, uh, Bloomberg where we can like start promoting it and all that. So we can do that. Um, but that’s, that’s mainly it. And I, I think, no, I think this would be really good because, because you, you, you’re coming from a point of having, uh, you have experience here. So I think you can have some success.

And one hypothesis we can consider looking at, uh, really well to do doc, probably doctors, uh, and people that want to allocate some money. Uh, we have some, like, we have somebody called Amir. He sells, uh, uh, venture capital fund MedTech to doctors. Uh, and he raises like around a hundred thousand dollars plus every, uh, every month from Facebook ads.

He spends $5,000 a month on Facebook ads. And, you know, that deal, honestly, it’s, it’s a bit more, it, it’s a bit less, uh, it is a bit less. It’s, it’s more, it’s more crazy than this in the sense that you’re dealing with revenue generating companies. He’s dealing with MedTech that is venture capital. So that’s a five year like, wait period until you see big upside.

So yeah, no, I, I think you’d be fine. It, it just takes some work here and we can get the campaigns going. I think it, it’ll work out. It’s just, um, it’s just that, um, we just need to get over the initial messaging and we need to get the call. Cause, um, Consistently of somebody to just so they have a consistent flow of calls.

And then once we have that, then I think it’s just more just time to make sure that we can, uh, start getting, getting anything, uh, getting yeses. Absolutely. Yeah, that, that, that thank as well, um, the documents that I sent you probably will be, will be a good use to you as well since they already have, um, um, the, the, the organizational chart and, and things like that.

And as well as the bio info as well, uh, on them. Um, so I think that for why we will, will help you get some insight as central as plan as well. So that will give you some insight of, of where we’re going and what we’re trying to do. Um, and acquisition is also listed on there, um, as, as part of that. So that.

That would be very helpful, uh, for you to, to really grab something, um, for rewind here. Yeah, a hundred percent. I’ll, I’ll take a look at it. Um, so last, last remarks. Uh, just curious here, uh, I was actually just looking for properties in, uh, in, in, uh, where is it? In, uh, in Tampa Bay area, just, uh, investment properties and things, and then what’s the thing going on with, uh, with Florida and N Na Aacp and, and all that.

The travel advisory. I don’t know if you heard that, but, uh, yeah, it’s, is it rubbish? It’s politics, it’s rubbish. Okay. Uh, it’s because, because Florida is, is passing this build, um, um, that you cannot groom kids and you have to keep certain pornography. I mean, some of these books, I don’t know how they end up in elementary school shelves.

These are pornography books. I mean, these are literally pornography, um, with a full. Wow. Actions. Wow. And you, and you really look at it and says, these poor pedophiles, I mean that’s, I think that’s the only way you can classify them. I mean, this is, I mean, I was, this is insane. I mean, this is books for those who doesn’t have pictures, a whole description of sexual activities.

Why? Well, for like kindergarten, are you talking kindergarten or elements, or are you aware Ary school. Oh, that’s, that’s pretty crazy. A lot of the time the military school and kindergarten are combining into to one school. Um, so, uh, I don’t know what, what the hell, the np, it’s like, it’s like, you know, the things as you can see, you, you know that I was born in Haiti, uh, and uh, so it’s, it’s like black people here in the us.

It seems like they stand up for the stupidest. Mm. The most ridiculous time is the things that we will say is, will attach to us that we will protest over. It’s like, hold on. Isn’t there anything better? We can put our effort and energy, we always selected the worst of the worst to stand for. Um, says, okay, this is, this is the part that we’re going to take.

It’s like, no, this is, this is anybody that will want kids a first build that you cannot change your kids’ sex until they are, until they, they’re adults by 18, I think. I think they change it to 16 or 18. I said, you know, this is for me. I think personally, I think this is a good policy. This is talking by kids.

Yeah. Well, homeschool private school and homeschool is, I’m sorry, this kids, I mean, anybody that wants a kid at 13 and eight or seven point sex, I’m not gonna affirm anything. Yeah. Well, I mean, some state pass the law that if the, the parents doesn’t, doesn’t affirm it. The state can take the kid over. It’s like, are you kidding me?

For a seven year old come and says, I am a, I am a, a boy comes a girl. I was a parent. I’m supposed to go with it. They gotta be kidding me. Well, well, well, and the problem is that they’re, they’re lumping that in with, uh, the problem is that they’re lumping that in with slavery and, and, um, and saying that it’s the same thing.

So that’s the, that’s the real problem because then it’s like they take a real thing and then they compare it to that, and then they say it’s equivalent. It become an emotional issue. Cause whenever black hear black people hear races or race, they can overreact and never look at. What is the underlying partner here?

It, does this make sense or does not make sense? Yeah. But whenever they hear that they like everybody getting their feelings and never look at the what is going on. They just, you know, it’s, it’s insane. It’s, it’s like looking at some of these things, I said, why don’t we, why is this this tab that we stand up before?

I mean, for example, George Floyd death was, was a tragedy. It should not have ever happened regardless of what you but statute, the guy was a minister his to his community and we’re gonna build statute after him. Oh, he, his statue. Oh yes. He has really All over Florida. All over and all over place. Really?

Was he, was he, um, so was he a felon or did he go to jail or something? Or? He was a felon. And this is a guy who, who, who abuses his, his wife or girlfriend. Uh, we be bef it’s like, I mean, and Dr. Ben Carson, who is a neurosurgeon, the per person who, um, to do surgery in the brain, to, um, uh, people who born with, you know, conjuring points.

And he can even get a space at the, at the museum, the black, at the African American Museum and Wow. That’s weird. Eh, and all the grifters. Yeah. Have a place there. It’s like, are you serious? That’s pretty, that’s pretty weird. Like, um, that is weird. I was just asking the question because, um, because somebody was telling me, people were saying that, oh, like, uh, I should just focus on, um, Atlanta, because, um, because Atlanta, you, Atlanta, any black guy could just bump into a black millionaire and then, uh, by accident.

But, uh, I mean, that’s what, I’m in Canada, so I, I don’t know what’s going on down there, but. There’s a lot Aire news in, in Atlanta, but SOAs Florida probably have more of them. Atlanta? Yeah. And what, well, DC I was at DC recently. I was out there just, um, like a few weeks ago actually. And then, uh, uh, I wasn’t really in DC like, like crazy, but then my mother has some government, cuz I’m based in Ottawa and my mother has some government, um, you know, she’s like high up in the Canadian government and all that.

Like, she’s something called, uh, E D M or something. So then, um, she was saying that it’s really, uh, metropolitan and it’s really blue, uh, and there are a lot of black people that are successful there. And then, I mean, I’m seeing you and then, I mean, you’re not a victim or anything. I mean, you look at what you’re doing, right.

So I don’t have time to be a victim. Right. So No, I just wanted to get your taste. And then, um, yeah, DC DC Maryland called PG County Prince George’s, um, have the, Highest income black county in the country. I don’t live, I don’t live there. I live in, I live in Alexandria, which is about, uh, 15, 15 minutes away from here.

Okay. Um, I live in Alexandria, Virginia. I live on the Virginia side. I prefer the Virginia side. It’s, it’s a completely, it’s a very close state, uh, border each other, but it’s a completely different mindset, uh, where black that lives in the Virginia side and black lives in the, uh, the Maryland side, um, it’s, it’s crazy.

It’s a different mindset. That’s how America is, man. It’s just always, always black and white. It’s always like poor and rich mindset, like down the street. It’s crazy. But, okay. Let me leave you, I don’t wanna take up too much of your time. Let me leave you be, but uh, but listen, yeah, we’ll get this fun going.

Um, just wait like within three to three, to three to two days, and then we’ll get the email out. And then, uh, thank you so much for, uh, catching up and, uh, congrat. Appreciate it. Talk soon. Talk soon.

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