Hello, Josh. I just put it in the the link here. I’ll put it, I’ll put it in the I’ll put it in the chat, but I have to jump, I have to do another capital roast thing right now. Try to figure out the rest of this website with somebody so we can divide and conquer.

Okay. I trust that you are nailing this, but yeah, here’s the link. See it in the chat.

Click it. All right. Do you have any dogs? Try to make it a little bit more casual.

You live in Baltimore or is it technically Monkton? Anyways, I gotta jump, I’m gonna zoom another zoom already. See ya.

Hello, Josh. Hey, how are you? Yeah doing well. Just focusing a lot on support this month. You qualities slowly in very cool. Yeah, I was just getting off a call with my partner. We’re trying to get a operating agreement out to somebody else today. We are making a lot of progress on the assets for the fund, right? Happy to report on Monday, we just locked up another commitment for 150 unit shovel-ready multi-family and townhouse project. So with the other acquisition we’re gonna now have 232 unit and 150 unit shovel already. Like kind of bill to rent slash multi-family projects available for the first bill to rent fund.

So one of the things that we were discussing a along the way was, should we have both the assets identified and, now we do. And we’re acquiring them prior to the fund making an investment just to have them locked up. There’s. Gonna be less of a lag between individual accredited investor investment and then investment into an asset because we’ll have them groomed and ready.

Nice. Okay. So just to make sure I I understand and just excuse the background noise. Somebody’s cleaning this lease space that, that we’re in, but so you’re saying, okay, 200 and something units and a hundred something units, you identified them, but you’re about to get them under loi. So I, the 232 unit we’re about to acquire in cash, and then the 150 unit, we are buying into the general partnership as majority of owners. And the commitment has already been signed We’re not, we don’t need to use fund cash to acquire them. Nice. No. That’s where you wanna be, right?

Yeah. That way, we can there’s certain other elements that we want to bring value to the fund investors or are, how we’ll bring value is one, like negotiating tax incentives working through PACE equity and our PACE partners to come up with a more carbon free design on the vertical construction piece.

Which, is huge for the capital stack. And then, value engineering some of the vertical and the horizontal pieces to reduce costs. So we get to do that outside the funds. And then, when all those things are complete, it’s fully entitled and fully shovel ready and that’s when the fund makes their investment.

So the risk to make for the fund to make the investment should be zero, cuz there’s no more front end work to do. Okay, got it. So really it’s just like an add-on to the existing properties that the GP already purchased is what the limited partners would invest in? That’s correct, yeah.

They’re they’ll come in as the limited partners. So there’s no additional acquisition by the fund. Is that, does that make sense? It does. And then, I mean there’s no, there won’t be any, sounds there won’t be any permanent risk zoning, risk licensing risk as well.

Yeah, we’re trying to eliminate that at a hundred percent. So when we say we’re gonna bring it fully ready, then it’s gonna be fully entitled ground. And we’ll have all the construction documents and we’ll have all the permits. Awesome. Yeah. And now we just need to go out and raise seven and a half million.

Yeah. And how much was it? Seven and a half. Okay. Seven and half. Seven and half million. Yep. Alrighty. Yeah, so I think now as soon as possible is always, it’s always the best time. So how is it with the, I remember you were saying up some of the, I think the scripts and some of the level stuff.

So how is some of that? Yeah, let me just get back to the last email that you sent me. So our first steps were, built to rent fund, get it, raise ready, not launch, ready shovel ready class A deals above 150 units. So now we’ve got both of our targets marketing strategies, landing page, smaller big check landing page, smaller big check call booking.

So I think all this is getting to a point of the website being ready. And so I’ll kind share that with you a little bit, something screen, and then I can even can even move your mouse around if you need be and show you some stuff. Okay. Yeah, let’s do that. That’d be awesome. So you can share if you.

All right. And you can see this. So let’s go to the homepage. Yeah. All right. And this looks really clean now. So yeah, what we’re going for is clean and confident. So a lot of just white open space is what I’m trying to do. Right off the bat, we’re pushing for credit investors, high net worth individuals and family offices.

And then there’ll be three journeys here, so there’ll be like another page for high net worth and another page for family offices, which, they’re gonna start differently in the funnel, right? So they’ll be a little bit further down in the funnel rather than the credit investors, we might take them to like our.

Investment modules, which kind of teach them about commercial real estate. Yeah. More of a drip. We touch on, financial and social returns, how we’re getting there with their funds. What’s our goal, over the next couple of years is really to, build a billion dollars in new construction.

I think we need to move this to five years. This is our experience. We’ve raised and returned, 50 million over the last 10 years. Individual portfolios are 70 million bucks. We have 35 years of combined experience. These are some renderings of projects that we have, but, this kind of talks about, how we’re gonna provide

Recurring insight through, AppFolio technology, in terms of their portfolio. And then, I don’t know, it’s just more of the mission and the purpose. We want help, we wanna help people, build their passive income, and here’s a picture of a nurse, or excuse me, a doctor, and that’s like perfect target market for us.

I need to figure out how to do this blog section. And then the range info se sessions

is, this is just like a immediate like booking, which I set up. Yeah. I’m That’s the level calendar. Yeah. So from there We have our teams page. Alright, lemme go back. We’re driving them to the funds page, so invest in our funds should go there, arrange info session, invest in our funds.

Let’s just click that up. That wasn’t right, but anyways. All right. So let’s just take you to this page which is here.

All right, so this is the banks more development funds. So right off the bat, we can meet the team and then you can jump to like the development fund. We can jump to the Multi-Family fund. We’re focused on the build to rent first, or we just see a really. We have a massive opportunity to partner with a construction management operator who has like a pipeline of 2000 shuttle ready units.

And so we wanna do this built rent with like our assets, but then we’re also like immediately looking forward to a multi-family fund, which is also in the development space. So I don’t know what your thoughts are there, but, maybe having two funds at the same time. Our thought has always been, look we do a built to rent fund, then we immediately do a value add fund because value add creates like cash flow and it’s allows people to pick their individual objectives.

But here, we just see more of an opportunity to stick with development at this point in the cycle based on a lot of different things that are available to us. We’re gonna have the B T R development fund and then the Multi-Family Development Fund and we’re just gonna stack it.

And, the multi-family fund is gonna be three times as big as the BTR Fund. So I’m gonna, I don’t know, I don’t know what your thoughts are there. I know, I guess my thought is like, we’re gonna get probably more accredited investors in the BTR fund maybe, but then when we stack the multi-family fund, I think we can probably maybe get a larger check from like a family office maybe in that to get it started.

Maybe they would have more interest in a, the multi-family development fund because I think there’s gonna be a. No risk to them in terms of the operator. They understand the asset class, so there’s not really gonna have to be that like warming up period per se. Yeah. And then for the multi-family assets, like they’re in central pa so you know, family office is investing out of Philly or New Jersey.

They can come and see the assets or DC or even New York. So I don’t know, I think maybe that could be a win for us, just stacking them. Sure. And have I, first of all, congrats on getting this all going, but just some thoughts on that last piece is the because when there are funds, and we can even start some more, we can do some more pushing for introductions with you, we can look at.

So just, I guess just simple. So then Bond capital is one. They do multi-family. And then there, there’re these lists of private equity firms and yeah, I mean they, they can jump in, but like potentially if everything goes well. But the thing is sometimes for sometimes they’re just resistant to funds, eh, like depending on sponsored background, they’re just sometimes resistance funds.

Sometimes they’re more just, oh, show one, we just see this. So I think it’s sometimes it just really, and we can push and see what they say, but I’m takes a lot of work to sell the idea of them going a multifamily fund from the other clients tried to do it. And unless it’s extremely compelling.

That may happen or maybe it doesn’t. And then on the build to rent, I think the build to rents, it makes a lot of sense because that’s where your experience is. That’s where your background that’s what you did for a living, right? So that’s, you could eat and breathe that.

So the build to rent, I think you would absolutely excel in because you’ll be able to speak to the objections of the market very diligently and overcome objections. So I’m confident there. And then I think the multi-family, I think maybe people may push less towards fund and more towards syndication.

That’s just my my hunch. Based on this, what are your thoughts?

If we go, so you, I mean like a private equity firm would rather do a syndication, is that what you’re saying? Yeah. Or would they rather just, wouldn’t a private equity firm just rather participate as general partner? Yeah. Yeah. You wanna just control everything. Yeah. So here’s the, we need to make a pitch to another company.

Like we’re making a pitch to this operating company who, they’ve built 2000 units, they have 2000 units in the pipeline. They’re, they have no idea how to raise money. Because, they started 10 years ago as a landscaping company, and then they built into a multi-family, company that also has a, real estate agents, et cetera, et cetera.

So their strategy has been to go out and try to build a hundred million fund as their first fund. And we Do you think that is a, a huge mistake, right? There’s just no way that’s gonna happen like that. No one’s ever. They’ve never done a syndication 5 0 6, like they’ve built what I’m saying that’s kinda ridiculous.

I agree. Yeah. So they’ve built their business off of like high net worth individuals that have participated as partners, right? So it makes sense that they were able to scale and they probably scaled better than anybody else because of those relationships. But now they have so many projects that those relationships are not meeting the demand, right?

Because you can only put 10 million into one project, 10 million into the next project. So they were thinking about doing this a hundred million fund and we’re like, you know what, how about we start a fund and this fund will be a multi-family fund and we’ll raise 25 million and we will only invest in your deals.

Because I think we’re a better suited to do it than they would be. Just purely like they, they have plenty of money to invest themselves in the deals, but they just have too much to do. They hired like a Marcus and Miller chap guy to be a fund manager who is probably more, I don’t know if he’s technically a fund manager, right?

So we think some of their personnel, like I, I think their team members are great, but maybe like their personnel might be, misaligned for the roles. And you can’t really say that, you can make a pitch to them of like how you can help. So those are things that we’re thinking about.

And like our benefit is one, doing all of the capital, raising two, handling the capital stack engineering where else are we?

And just helping to get everything across the finish line. Like I don’t think they understand the personas of investors, that limited partners wanna see, returns in four to six years, not eight to 10. Yes. I think because we’re located in Baltimore, we have better proximity to Philly, DC and New York than they do.

So we’re we can access key markets quicker. And then, we’re pushing the carbon-free building footprint. So I guess that’s just another selling point, through pace. What else do I have? So anyways, that’s the reason that we wanna do this multi-family development farm.

We have a superb operator who lacks the capital raising ability. Okay. It sounds like it may be a long term and I don’t, thinking, I don’t jump in. No. I think that’s a Go ahead. Sure. So overall there, there just two comments. One is on the, on your lead comments lead from,

so a few comments on that I’ll make, but first it almost seems as if this multifamily fund it’s almost like a more, I’m sensing you’ll be more of a long term raise rather than something that. You can get people to sign up for right away, because you seem to have a lot of momentum with the single in, in a full single family portfolio, build to rent type of portfolio world, and and that’s where, because the risk goes down with your experience, right? Multi-family, it seems as if you may be able to upsell because there was a, there was a fellow called Caleb in in Vancouver, and he’s doing, he did, he’s doing something not too dissimilar than what you’re doing.

And maybe we should put you in touch because he, I haven’t seen anybody that obsessed with development. And I mean that in a, in the most positive way you can say that. But the point I’m making is with him, he’s upselling. So he has his first fund the acquisition of, I think it’s the, but basically university.

University. And then he’s upselling the. The existing investors into the second fund because there, they’ll already be, he’s cross-selling and upselling them into two funds after that. First I think it may be worth just, seeing what he’s doing to just because he’s cross-selling basically.

He’s having, he’s focusing a lot of his efforts on one and the adopters and his business partners, a doctor who signed up, his name is Angelo, and they’re just really hammering these professional doctors, and again, a lot of these people to get good results. And then afterwards you just cross selling and alongside getting the bigger investors into the second one.

So that may be just something you can consider if that makes a little bit of sense. But what’s the urgency of the Multi-Family fund versus the build Rents development fund? Which one is more urgent?

I would think.

The thing is like the runway for the multi-family is so much bigger, but like it’s tough to do the multi-family without having, done the build to rent, like having that off the ground, right? Yeah. So I don’t technically I don’t know that we’re upselling because, we do have ground up class a multi-family, oh, in the portfolio.

But it’s just not at, a 200 unit level I guess. Like we’re participating on those things. So this deal, for example, right here, Buchanan Flats, I don’t know if you can see it. Like this could go live in July. And these guys they’re just pushing forward all of like the entitlements and they’re not paying attention to the race cuz they got their eye other places, right?

So it, it’s maybe they’re not pushing forward that raise for the 2 88 because they got their money in something that’s 600 units right now. So like they’re willing to spend all this money on entitlements to keep pushing these things forward. And then it’s oh shit, what do I do?

And, times it’s time to put the shovel on the ground. No, un understood. So here’s an idea because when you look at the, when we look at the lead flow you have the credit investors, you have the high ultra high network, so when we’re working on bra, there’s fellow Brandon who’s doing a vacations.

When we’re working on his deal, we noticed that there’s just a lot of, there’s a big error rate because some people, they wouldn’t have, they don’t even know, like a lot of the unsophisticated people would just click on anything because they don’t even know what some believe it or not.

But some of the words mean and then some of them actually have the capital to invest. So there’ll be an error rate sometimes in those initial journey pieces that we’ve seen. So another thing is we have it so that just an idea we had it so that it really just goes to either one questionnaire or one calendar booking.

And from the calendar booking or the questionnaire we would then have the, oh, are you looking to either, are you looking to invest so and so amount and so amounts like the amount. And then by that, We would be able to categorize people. And then we’ll just have one check to say, oh, I either I’m a credit investor or I represent a credit investor just for the legal side of it.

And then based on that, what we did is that we sent people different automations and then before the people to different to different parts of the website. For example, if they try to book a call or they fill in the questionnaire and then they say, oh, I’m this, and then that, then you just filter them the more newbie stuff and then get them not to book a call depending on your, if you wanna take a call, everyone, then they’re like, oh, they’re to just feed them too.

For the ones that are more in the middle, then it’s more, okay, let’s, here are the deals. Book a call here’s a subscription agreement. Here are the wiring instructions and grant’s website. And same exact thing for the ones on the family office side, except we’re just sending, oh, let’s book a call.

And then we’re sending up reminders and then automatic texts. So that’s what we did with his. And and I think based on that you, we can just, if we make it more about the and we’ll do some campaign, we’ll look at doing some campaign, but if we may make it more about what is it that the investors wants and then we just work in response to, oh, multi-family this, or, oh no single-family portfolio, then you can just send people into the right direction.

My only, I guess my only concern is that, generally, like if there’s like less focus then sometimes your attention can get split. That’s the only downside. But at the same time, you can get more opportunity. But those are just some of thoughts on the lead.

Okay. Go ahead. Okay. I guess I’m not, I guess I can bring more people on my team, like over to this to help push both of these, I just, the problem is I don’t know that they have the qualifications on my team to really like, land or sell like an investor, like my partner and I do. So I guess what are your thoughts there?

Sure. I have enough people to manage the emails, right? Probably, but maybe not the phone calls. And I think I’m gonna get, excuse my language, but I think I’m gonna get screwed here in July when our next baby comes. So human baby. Like physical baby. Yeah.

So I’m trying to figure out, trying to figure out how to like, get all the calls done before them and then not do any calls for a month or let somebody else deal, do deal with all the calls. But maybe then I do a webinar twice a week or something. Sure, yeah. Like more like group stuff and then I can do a group stuff at 8:00 PM two nights a week. That, that’s good. And that’s what we have. We have certain people that are doing, we have Brandon Richard told him to do that.

Amir, he does webinars. He spends 5K on Facebook ads. He raises a hundred, around hundred and something k a month. Just on crazy enough Facebook ads to get people to invest into a a venture capital fund just does webinars. That’s how, so that works. But one thing we can do, we do have some sales reps.

We do we have some people we’re working with, for example, barn, we send him over to a sales manager and he’s very he owns a re and he’s been on Bloomberg, like he’s really deep in his career and he’s really just doing it more just to help his charity, like he’s reached, but for him, he doesn’t, he talk to investors.

So we introduced him to a sales manager and he just got full blown sales representatives that we sent to him. And then he’s hiring a sales representative. Some of them they would do sometimes the they’re different ones. Sometimes the sales manager would, sometimes they would charge, and then sometimes you can get them on commission.

The sales reps don’t be fully commissioned and full-time. But then the expectation that I just set, just so that everyone’s happy is just say, oh, just expect, probably some percent of the profit of the general partner has a commission. Plus, probably two k a month for a full blown, full-time sales representative to take all investor calls to sign, get them to sign a subscription agreement.

So sometimes, either on your end or on our end, we can bring people in. And then this is relationship have with them directly. We don’t take anything outta that cause we’re not legally able to. So the only thing with the the sales is that I recommend too, is perhaps not to make them dive in a hundred percent right away.

Maybe you can get ’em to take 50% and you take 50% or he takes 10% or something like that. Just so we can avoid any any down, any unexpected, oh. Like tons of people that are not moving to the next step. So that’s why I would recommend, cause I’ve seen some of our partners they gave it to the sales rep right away, hundred instead of ramp up slowly.

And then it wasn’t good. All right. So I guess what I can see as like launching off points, like one, the subscription doc or subscription agreement needs to be finished, right? For the btr we need to finish the website. And then these other things that you brought up. So outbound or outreach methods, I think we wanna hammer this, right?

Like I really want to get into this. Yes. Okay. We’ll, so maybe we’ll send you an Excel sheet on, on we have a D Excel sheet on all. We’ll send you the Excel sheet, so don’t worry about the metrics. It’s more of just, I think, introducing you to the outbound callers. If you haven’t spoken to them, we can get one that has a good voice. It sounds like an American.

Okay, so what do we think do you know how this blog works? I’m having trouble with that, or do you wanna go through the website some more with me? Or what do you think would be a good use of time? Sure. So I just say a few things. The next step is we opted support a bit. So we can always do like a one-on-one for cause sometimes I’m out of the, out of this world or sometimes I have a lot of time.

So it’s really based on demand. So what we can do is if you can slot me in again, on the, not on the group call, but on the one-on-one, then we can take your time and go through it even further for move. But overall two things. One, The blog? I haven’t, I honestly haven’t really set up a blog on level nor do we have the templates for it.

We usually just do, blogs are good, but usually we just do the landing page where this is similar, but we’ll just have one call to action and then on the calendar we’ll just say, I’m a credit. Okay, I’m a credit. And it’s what will you, what’s the potential, if this makes sense or if this was something that was, are you open and willing to invest in a real estate fund?

Yes. No. Or you’d be like multifamily single family. Okay. I don’t, so I have, I, I have a form being built right now for that, for this I don’t have it yet. I shouldn’t have it tomorrow. So we can put that in if we want to use that form also on just a funnel page, we can do that too.

Yeah. I think you would save a lot of time if you do that cuz People are just, people, they just, especially these days, the attention is just, is ridiculous. You can’t get people to do anything. Yeah, I think you just have to make it so that even even a monkey can do this can be set, put in the right group even if they’re really accredit and they’re busy they’re just always on the phone.

People just have very little attention span. So I think what I could do, I could really set up that form and encounter, if you like. I could do that right now or later on. And then the other thing is the blog, I’m not sure I can figure it out probably in probably like 10 minutes or we can do that.

Yeah. Let’s do the form off this website page, if that is okay. Yes. Yeah, let’s do, okay. Okay.

So yeah, first what I’ll do is I’ll go back.

And I’ll go back to the actual,

so one more question. Usually we try to get people, we try to optimize to get people to book a call because in booking the call, they fill in the form. So like that’s just fyi. We usually just get people to try to book a call. So would that be okay if you, we just do like calendar, like a foreman attached to the calendar?

Yeah. Yep. Okay. Alrighty. So let’s see. Calendars.

And you can change this later, but you


And another thing, one thing that we found, so I have a few buddies that are in that are in online online, make money online and all this. Like there’s a fellow, he makes a million a month. He’s only 24. And then there’s another guy back, a bunch of these guys. So one thing I noticed is that they keep the calendar very compressed.

They only have it available for at most four days in advance because they notice that the no show rate goes through the roof. If you have it if you have it too far out, hey. Yeah so one thing I recommend is is if you only have get outs for four days max for business days max. Because then the no rate is just ridiculous.

So I’m gonna just change it here.

Yeah. Four days, business days is that person that makes a billion dollars a month on online. What is he making million a month on? Oh, he’s just consulting, like showing just general, showing people how to grow their business. Oh, really? Yeah, he’s he went back down to five yeah.

Yeah. This looks good. So then we need to get the actual questions involved. I wouldn’t allow cancellation, I wouldn’t allow reschedule because if you get them to reply to you, because this would just get them to reply to you more. And then the more they talk to you the better.


And Jamara, thanks. Thanks for the patience. This will be the last thing then. We’ll head over to you right next. Oh, no worries. I was multitasking anyway. No worries.

And do you have your automation set up, by the way? No. Okay. You can, yeah, you can get a lot of automations really help. You’re,


jamara. Do you wanna go now and then I can maybe jump back with yeah, I can do that. Yeah. My, my questions will be very quickly, maybe like a 10, 15 minutes, no more than that. Okay, I’m gonna I have to make a call anyways. Is that okay if I just jump back in 10, 15 minutes with you now too?

Yeah, please do. Cause we have to finish this cause this is important thing. So yeah, feel free and jump out and then jump back in. I’ll be right here. Alright. All right. All right. And do you have a 12:00 PM Eastern time already or do we, can we have go a little bit past that? Yeah, I’m good until 11, so I’ll be right here.

Okay, all cool. So I’ll, I’m gonna stop Sharon, so you and I’ll come back in 10, 15 minutes. Thank you. Thank you. I appreciate your no worries. Professionalism. Thanks. Worries. I send, oh, can you hear me? Yeah, I can hear you. Yeah, I sent yesterday that numbers for the one deal that I’m working on.

Yeah, I think I sent it yesterday. Let me double check before I, I’ll check. Yeah, so I send the p and l did I send the attachment or maybe I did not send the attachment. If I did not, I will resend it. And with the attachment, my bad, I will, I did not send the attachments. Oh, okay. Okay. I’ll do that part.

Now. On the on this deal, I’m looking at I’m looking at two different deals. So the first deal I’m looking at, I’ll send it to you. This one have assets and everything there. The, so you’ll probably ask thinking to yourself like what does that means? So this guy have the full-time employees the trucks real estate.

So all three things component in this deal. Now, however that’s the one I’m sending to you right now within a couple of minutes. Okay? The second deal, I’m talking, I really don’t know this, how, this is why I would like to get your opinion on this deal. This company don’t have anything, literally.

But they’re making killer profit asset, light profit, cashflow hire. Yes. Because everyone is a 10 99 employee. They don’t own trucks, they don’t own real estate, but they are two URLs, three URLs, and they’re controlling that pretty much on the north of Atlanta, or at least plumbing side.

And they’re hitting 3 million last couple of years back to back. I’ll send that information too. So my question to you is is that we are taking a huge risk because what I’m buying is that a website and a url, and then maybe Goodwill. So those are the two things I Sure. So this one is fresh.

There’s a fellow called David Donovan. He doesn’t come on the calls, but he’s a wizard on the on the models. And maybe we can get him on the call, but it’s a free card. The theoretical answer is we’re just buy like discounts of the feature, cash flows of the business. Of the probability of that we’ll make the future cash flow.

So like a lot of, is this based on the valuation? Cause the idea is we’re buying the future cash flows. That’s literally what we’re buying. So we usually get the people to model things out based on future cash flows. Sometimes we do sometimes we do EBITDA multiples, but it depends on how, cause the ebitda, we can do both.

We can do, we can make you a model on the EBIDA multiple. We can make you one on the is usually better in general because like everything, every business is a bit different. No you’re good. You’re gonna buy the you’re buying like the probability of making profit in the future, so That’s right.

Yeah. Because it. Regardless of the asset class or whatever thing we do, eventually that’s the right ultimate goal. The cash flow there and the, you will able to increase as time progresses, then you will make money out of that. And in, in that sense I can see that part. My concern was like, if I underwrite on that kind of a deal, I think we will be able to underwrite, I want to mitigate the risk.

That’s what I was thinking. Maybe I’m thinking loud here. I don’t know whether they will do it or not, but I think there’s a high possibility, but from the conversations, at least in my mind, I want them to own 50% of the company until at least two to three year down the line. Then it decreases the percentage.

So that way they have a skin on game.

And then something special that the managers had would just change and then you just lose everything. That’s really exactly, because the, I dunno how you’re going to think about this thing, right? So this guy is, in my mind, I thought, first of all it’s Russia and Mafia, but it’s not. Why not? It can be because Noland have some stuff.

But these are Bulgarian guys, three Bulgarian guys, four three of them, they worked as a group for some time with a router, plumbers, that’s one of the large plumbing companies in in Georgia and Southeast, pretty much. And they came out and they start their own company and they use the same model, right?

So they probably learn the model and they’re doing that part. And I feel this is where my concern, I don’t know whether the guys on the ground, they’ll actually listen to me. So that’s my concern, right? So that’s why I was thinking like, what do I’m buying? I always, I don’t know, my nature is I try to take a risk, but I wanna make sure it’s a risk is mitigated to a certain extent, right?

So that way I’m not losing anything. It’s not good, right? Yeah, so that, that’s what I was thinking and that’s what I was thinking about the 50% partnership, right? It’s not like we are going and buying the a hundred percent of the company. It’s a 50% and it decreases and make sure they’re increasing the revenue because they’re a better company than other companies.

Like they’re doing three point three, 2.9, 3.1, 3.2 across the board, and they’re 20% margin in this business. H v a plumbing, it’s 10 to 15% margin. 20% is like your high end company. Yeah. And I can see, because they don’t own anything little, so there’s no expenses. Pretty much, even the purchases they’re doing is very minimum.

They can. Give back to the the, what do you call it? Pretty much for the in my mind, for the, whoever buy the the customer, whatever they’re buying. I’ll send you on that number so you will see why I’m saying this part on the paper. This is a great company. The company I sent, I’m gonna send it to you in a couple of minutes.

That company on the paper, I’m not saying they’re bad company, but they have the actual assets. Something happened, fall back. I can sell these things, or at least something in that. I’m not, I’m a real estate guy. I like the physical stuff. Yeah. And I get it. So opening so up. So you said you just sent it, right?

Gimme one second. Do you have it or you, so I don’t. Okay. I’m sending right now. Check it out. Probably it’ll take time. But

I just send it to you. I don’t know whether, how long it’ll take, but Yeah, I think coming. Okay.

Okay. Lemme

Okay. How many years do you have, by the way? I have three years. 2020. 2021. 2022. Okay. You’re concerned about if you’re concerned about predictability we can push back more years. How many years? Maximum. So I was thinking maybe like a five years if we can get it right. Yeah, I think that’d be good too.

So this is the 2020 I think he made. Yeah isn’t he just doing this for tax though? Cause of the tax. Yeah. This is doing, he’s doing this for the tax reasons, so this p and l, like he did 1.7, then a cost of good sale, 1.1 96. So he probably making a profit of 5 33. Then he have all the add backs or the expenses inside.

If we see sales offices, he made almost hundred K. That means if we gone that hundred k going to get add up. It’s like a 750. This, I’m not saying I can read everything and understand what he does on every single bit, but I’ve seen that part. Yeah, that’s probably what he did. Cause nobody wants to Okay. Then the same thing. Yeah. Yeah. Do they have any ones that are not and I don’t want to make you like, ask you to ask them for anything based on the relationship here, but do they have anything that’s not tax with her? Is it just tax? No, I don’t think they, they use the pn l this is what they have. I don’t think they have it.

They didn’t give me anything else. This is what he gave to me. Oh, okay. No because in my mind I, I’m not saying they’re more honest people than most of the other people because a lot of people give the p and l. You can credit a PNL from me, like any document. But this is the real document in my mind.

So that’s, I he’s honest guy. He’s a like, honest businessman and he trying to do something and he’s older guy and he won’t retire. So he’s looking at, yeah, it’s a small, it’s a, yeah, it’s a really small business. It is small business, they’re not making that much huge money because even if they add up everything across the board, they’re making maximum on 2022.

What’s the number I was getting? Like they are 203. Then next year, 160 like that. Now if you add up everything, maybe 300, then another 400 like that. The number wise. Got it. Oh, okay. So tell you this, what I’ll do right now, so I’ll just start assigning to I’m just gonna to David. He’s the best guy.

We have models. Okay. Okay. So what we’re going, yeah, what we’re gonna do, we’re gonna do a pre flow model. Ok. This pre flow model, and then your concern was also the predictability of the, so maybe a sensitivity analysis. Yeah, maybe that’s what you know. Then you can kinda change the, because if you can get like some sort of if you can get some sort of spreadsheet where you can change the inputs for example, the probabilities of getting this target by this time, then you can actually see how it looks like, sometimes, like if you can actually see it then it can really, it can make it so that you we’re not worried anymore. We can actually just see, oh, then more of a logical decision as opposed to

to do this. And then after that

To change.

I will send you other list of the other company that I got numbers too. Good. Yeah, if you can if you can do that. Yeah. This may take the one or two days. That’s okay. No worries. Yep. Oh yeah. And then also, we want to do the by via projections. Yeah, the the i r because if you Oh, yeah.

Internal red. Yes. Cash and cash. If we, yeah, actually not I, it’s more screwed. Let’s just do it anyway. So I, yeah, so cash is not really as big, but we’ll still put it here. Oh, okay. Okay. I didn’t know, better. Some people ask the questions, exactly.

We’ll put everything here in case, but really for m the but then what’s the last thing?

Yeah, let him do that. Okay. Yeah. But overall, we just need to just look at the numbers. And then the last thing is matter. Matter is really the best. He’s really good to talk to. He’s humble, but he bought a business, so he actually, he did it. I didn’t buy a business, I just raised capital.

So he knows a lot when it comes to the things to watch out for. Yeah, like non-contingent liabilities and all this. Oh nice. Yeah. The debt and the liabilities. Yeah. That would be nice. Yeah, I would like, yeah. Liabilities that they don’t talk about. Cause sometimes they would, if they’re in hopefully you did the court case look up, but even if they’re in if they had some sort of lawsuit a while ago and then 90 probability, they’ll have to pay that.

They may not put on the balance sheet, but it may still be a liability.

Okay. Interesting. Interesting. Yeah. Love it. Love it. I would like to get a feedback and let me know without I can move forward or a good or bad deal. Because yeah, actually I had a quick conversation with Frank too. He pinged me on the, he sent me a call, so that’s why I went back. Frankie Hart.

So he was like he was asking me like I like your profile and I’ll try to figure it out. Someone will help you out. I’m like, okay. Because I send the pitch deck to him. Okay. So I was like, ah, this is what I have. I’ll send it to you what I have, and if you think it’s work let’s our conversation.

So he sent, talked to me in a couple of minutes. Yeah. Yeah. You did the right thing. Yeah. Frank came back to me and he said some of the people that guys sending us we can actually do some of their, sometimes follow back. Back.

Okay, sure. Whatever you want. Yeah. You guys, do you guys have capital for those kind of deals already? If you’re buying tomorrow, if you’re buying a business, is there like not, do you have somebody with capital that invests as like an LP in those deals? No. So it depends on the deal, right? So the one night, that’s why I joined, right?

I want to raise the money. That part is there. But also the arbitrage on this kind of a deal is a little bit different than real estate deals because on real estate deals, you need to have the cash to ca close the deal. In these deals you can do a sell financing kind of a things because seller realizing that they cannot sell this business to someone else.

Yeah, that’s you pretty much, you are, I don’t wanna say bad way, but you have put yourself on a block or like a in a box. So my our, like our single family house development business is, did 4 million last year and it’s probably gonna do like half that this year. So I’ve been looking at another business to acquire.

And I think I found one, but okay. Yeah, it’s just I’m very interested in that side. I come from an m a background, like all I did was do sell side deals for mergers and acquisitions, for companies like above a hundred million for a while. But I’ve never actually bought, a business, with operations myself, I’ve only ever grown one.

So Josh Baltimore. Oh, in Baltimore. Okay. Alright. Yeah. We can talk definitely offline whenever you have a time. And also I’m trying to, at least for next five years, I’ll try to focus on, yes, I will do real estate deals, but mostly on the home services businesses, h v a plumbing, because in my mind those things are more ion proof because you need a plumber, you need a plumber regardless of that.

So that way at least the income is there and. The market is competitive. That’s what I’m learning. Because there’d be a hundred plumbers there. If you can consolidate at least 10 plumbers into a one company Yeah. You plumbers are very difficult to find. That’s right, yes. Back. Difficult to find.

Electricians also, I don’t know. I think those three, definitely a hundred percent recession proof. I think also in construction, I think if you’re doing health services buildings and then also like dental medical offices, that’s gonna be recession proof. So sticking with construction, but looking at, build outs for doctors and dentists, that’s probably gonna be reception.

Ok. No, yeah, no, this is good knowledge. I’ll keep in touch with you Josh. You are in the WhatsApp group, right? Yep. Okay. Alright, cool. Yeah, definitely. What’s your Need jump into a call, but what is your phone number or email address? 4 43 Oh, gimme one second. Come on. 4 43. Yes. 6 2 8 6 2 8 0. Okay. 4 4 3 6 5 5 6 2 8 0. Alright. Alright, Josh, I’ll straight say your number. Keep in touch. I’ll text you right now. Yep. Where are you based out? I’m in Atlanta, Georgia. Oh, nice. Okay. Yeah. Yep. That’s the base. And that’s what I want to pretty much I want to buy online businesses.

I done, I sold and bought some businesses online. It’s very competitive and very high EBITDAs. So there has 10 times or 15 times on, they don’t even, doesn’t make money. Some of the deals. So I was thinking like, I like something grounded and make at least a hundred thousand dollars per year, so that way everyone makes some sort of money.

So that’s why I was like trying to put into the area or a location point of view. Yeah. But definitely keep in touch if you’re doing some real estate deals on or trying to do real estate deals in Southeast, gimme a ring. Definitely I have a contact. I still get the deals. I don’t chase them, but I still get the deals.

Maybe we can something. Yeah. Yeah. I think south Wise, I mean we’re Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland. And then we’ll probably try to invest in like Rally next. Yeah. Rally’s pretty good area. It’s growing. I would wait a little bit, maybe six months and see whether, what will happen on the economy because rallied houses went up crazy because I have cousins in there.

Yeah, I mean we’re probably like, I got people looking for me, so we’ll probably. Get some options on land and then take those through entitlements. Okay. Okay. Get em something. Ok. There’s no risk for us there, right? We’re not gonna go into Raleigh the next years, next year and build. So yeah.

Yeah. Same timeline. Guess. Okay. All right, cool. Thank you. Nice for talking to you. Thanks Josh. Thanks. I appreciate I’ll get you guys later. Yeah, no worries. Josh? Yeah, let’s let’s do all these we’ll set up the form and set up all these automations and I’m ready to do it right now. Hey one form that I was looking at that I wanted to show you,

what do you think of I’m having somebody build this form. What do you think? I think it’s too much information. Cause I think it should be should be light on the front end. We should again, on the front end short, see the investment, things like that. That seems good, but it looks like people are using that for the the subscription agreement.

K y c A because the K Y C, you already asked some of those questions about investment objectives and what types of returns are people getting and what types of returns people have both in the states and in Canada. I think this would just intimidate people in any, it would just cause the conversion to be low.

I think for this guy, I wish that they just said acts like the few is the least amount of information they needed. And then, so we do want, I don’t care where, what you take, where you take it, but I do want to just have can you invest a hundred thousand? Can you invest more than two 50? Can you invest more than half a million?

So then we can different funnels. That’s the only thing I’m asking. I don’t need to know Hey, do you invest in Bitcoin? I don’t care. I don’t need to know all this other stuff, so just put it out there. But, I did find that one and I do like it, but cashflow needs, like we’re not doing cashflow risk tolerance, we’re not doing that.

So anyways. No thanks for sharing. And always open the scene that what our people do, but then it’s just this stuff, that stuff is in the KC anyway, before the investors invest. Alrighty. This is where I was getting stuck. Oh, this put in the thing for the question. Yeah, I wasn’t sure how it worked. I didn’t spend enough time. I got Oh, no worries. We’ll add some more for the future, some more that can do this. But are you open, and we can always change this later, but I’m just gonna give my best ideas here.

So are you open and willing to.

I don’t wanna add. Whoops. I don’t wanna add sales pressure. So how much would you.

Willing to invest. Are you not supposed to ask that? Yeah, you can ask it. I just wanna you know how people are with money. So how much would you invest? How much would you consider investing? Consider investing. Hold on one second. I got something. Yeah. How much are you comfortable investing? How much are you willing to lose?

Don’t use that. I like comfortable. I think consider is fine. Consider is a good medium.

And just I guess 1 million. Over 1 million. How do you see these tiers? Cause this could be the moment pop, these two could be the ultra high net worth. Then these ones could be familys. What do you think?

So I don’t think that we want to accept anybody less than 75. So maybe that is the minimum. So I would do 75 to 1 50, 1 50 to 2 50, 1 50? Yep. And then one 50 to two 50.

It’s I dunno, two 50 to half a million and then above half a million, or, yeah, that, that makes a lot of sense.

And above a million. Yeah,

it’s just do we even want to have a minimum of 75? I guess for the first one we should. Yeah, I’ve seen minimums of a hundred thousand, but I don’t see anything wrong with having a minimum of 75. We just know like somebody with 50 is going. Yeah. They always start asking for oh, I thought this would be higher.

Last one I add is just for the legal reasons, Are you credit investor, basically? Are you a credit investor or associated with the credit investor? Something like that. Just so that pretty, if you get audited then at least you wanna put like the in like the actual information of what makes them a credit investor. It could be a footnote or something. Lemme hold on. Yep. Let’s see. So like their investor, let’s see if, I see. Check this. So go up. It’s like definition in the lights type stuff. Yeah, I like that. I like the too, I would just copy that whole description. That’s really good.


Got it. Nice think. There you go. Good. Also, I wanna show you what like Bill is, just so you know, just so you know, it’s not just single family like this is development that we’re doing and it’s all townhouses. Okay. So not just single family. Attached. Mostly attached. I just wanted to show you, so you were thank for some reason in my head I was thinking cause I was looking for some single families in Tampa, like just personally, but I, in my head I was mixing up townhouses with single family.

So thank you for that distinction. The problem, the, I guess the thing is like it can be single family and it could be attached, right? So like the single family stuff I’ve seen a lot in Texas, where things are more spread out, if that makes a lot of sense. But, we’re doing like an infill situation in Ohio, which one of those projects is we gotta go to townhouse.



So credit. Oh, yeah, already credit.

I tried to add label.

Maybe just definition. Yeah.

There we go.

Quickly, quickly on my side, how,

yeah, no, I’m just Google on my side.

What if you click required

in way that you’re doing the other things? See where it says required? Yep. On the right. Yeah. Okay. Now. Okay, nevermind.

Okay. There it is. Exactly. Just that they’re, I wish that they won’t they won’t have to touch anything, we can, so we can,

yeah. It’s not the end of the, yeah. Alrighty. So that’s all the information we need, so let’s.

Okay, so now lemme just show you the example of how.

Yeah so yeah, this would be answering your information and then the idea is based on yeah this looks fine, this looks legitimate. So based on what they answer in, we can send different texts and messages. So I’m actually keen to help you set that up right now because it’s pretty important.

And then the last thing is that the calendar still allows bookings after a week, so

it’s wrong.

Yeah, I guess I, another calendar. Add to your existing calendar. Same thing, but So go back go back to just do you have to, I think you have to click on duplicate. So hit so little three and then duplicate. And maybe that’ll work.

Yeah. Cause remember I, you said partner I can find account. Yeah. I thought it was saved. Maybe it wasn’t partnership.

No, never. Nevermind.

So what if I wanna do a Zoom? Yeah, we can set that up. Okay. I’m trying to think. There, there are many, there, there are many ways. Some there guess there are two common ways. Some people, they have to, that there’s like a filtering type of call situation. There’s almost like a filtering phone call.

And then the serious call will go to the to like the person who’s selling. Or it can just go to one person that is one level calls. I think for now, usually when get started we just send everything to one call. So we could set up Zoom it’s really all optional so we could send an email and says Hey, thank you for signing up.

Do you want to keep a call or do you want to try a zoom? And then if they wanna do a zoom, then we can send that to a higher priority cuz they wanna actually get on a zoom meeting. Oh, interesting. We may wanna we, we may want make that on the form because when you scale out and you start getting a lot of traffic it, it will be complicated, right?

Cause then you reply to all these texts. So we could have that on the form and then from there then we can do that.


This one. Thanks more.


okay. So I don’t think the calendar is connected, so I think we have to connect the calendar.

Okay. Settings, integrations.

I think I already integrated with Zoom. Okay. Tell me settings. There’s integrations down there. Go back, go down to direct. Oh,

this is,

you have Google calendars or? Yeah, but I don’t really use it. Okay. Do you have,

what did I.

Yeah, let,

let just do some Googling.

Okay. Yeah. You’re saying that you’re saying that they only do it through Google Canvass? What?

Lemme see if can do.

Oh yeah, they can do

setting profile.


Let’s go to maybe email services. Yes. Underneath integrations,

maybe ad service.

Okay. And that’s for automations.

About other stuff.

Go to for a second.

Yeah, I think you click on the question mark.

Oh, check this out. So go up. I saw something.

So no, Google.

I’m just reading no Google calendar. So there’s something called the team member that, that it’s getting confused about. So that’s looks like, cause if you scroll down a little bit

down a little bit more. Yeah. So check

team counter. So why is it that you don’t have a team


I think it could still work because it’s aim that for all the counters you’re part of, you connect anyway. So I think that I’m stop playing now path. So just start some automations before we.


Okay. So you can see, you can send them different things based on what they selected, a credit or this. Okay, so let’s look at the small guys.

I would consider anything. I would consider this the small and then these two, the medium, and then is the big, what do you think? Yep. Yep. That’s right.

Okay, so do you have like a list or like a website or like a link that you can send the small investors to so I can

Yes. Let’s do banks more.com/university.

Wait, do you even so I guess anyway, yeah, let’s just, the calls for question, for right now. Let’s just, you wanna just, we can just do calls for them, is that what you’re saying? Yeah. And then, and once, cuz usually once once things are getting started, then usually it’s just everyone.

And then once you, we start to see the people that are serious, the people that are wasting time, the people that are ready to act, then we can start being at first we just need something started.

Obviously you can go in and change something.

We can also send an SMS in the text.

So do we have to pay extra for the sms? Yeah, I think there’s you have to connect with something called Twilio for every text. It’s like a, it’s like a fraction of a sense for every text that goes out. So probably between, maybe if it’s really high frequency, could be $30 a month or something.

Probably something. Okay. Okay.

Should I give a, should I give out like a personal phone number here? Please text me directly or something? Yeah, that could be really good. Yeah.

So like it depends on how you.

You can just answer it yourself or you can just add a new personal number. I think the personal number is probably a good fit as well. So what’s your Maybe we just leave it as is that way like it can stay in the system and people can check it. Yeah. Fair enough. I really miss something. I don’t wanna try to eliminate user error. Yeah. And you can also forward, I think you can also even forward the, all the calls and texts to you. You can also just set that up anyway.

Yeah, and I have an I, I get text messages already like that through a service, so I’m like, I have somebody else checking them if I miss any. So it’s, I’ll just keep it running through through the service. Gotcha.

Location. Yeah. Yeah. Very good.

Can you just copy that? See that cms, click on the one right here. Can you copy? Oh, it’s,

hold on.

I think it wants you to click. There we go. Yep. Thank you. All right. I’m off. Okay. Don’t forget to save. Yes, lemme do it for the, yeah. The emails already here too.


Okay so what should be the difference between the. The the middle investors. And the small investors, is it the same thing or is it more just or would you treat the middle investors kinda like the big investors?

Like the small investors were just putting ’em on a like we’re getting them involved. Like I would duplicate it. But maybe we give the medium investors access to our investor portal to look at deals.

That’s what you did with Brent and I agree. And then same with the big guys. Would you agree? What do you think about the big ones? Would it be Yeah I agree. Okay. So what we can try, we can just treat the we’re pretty much treating the.

And we can also, and the beauty is we can also obviously change seeing what’s happening. Yeah. I’m making a duplicate. It’s gonna be the same. And I’ll just change the, but I’ll change the link to whatever link is your, whether, I’m not sure if you using app or what, whatever is the place, your whole screen.

Oh, you add another zero. I’ll just go back and fix one other thing. I’m thinking about maybe could there be another step for the medium and large investors like, Hey, we’re gonna give you the investor portal, but then also maybe Hey, can you complete this additional questionnaire? That way we can get to know you better or something.

Yes. I think that’s good. Because the fellows, like the guys that had that form that had a million questions, that’s exactly what they should have done. They should have just said the minimum things to get them into your system and then start asking them the other things later. So yeah, we can do that and we can just have another form on your website that we can send them to.

I’m just gonna fix that zero


change existing.

I mute. Oops. Lemme see if I can do it if it’s easier on my screen. Sure. Please.

Didn’t this be popping up? No, again. Okay. There we go. Yeah. So yeah, just change that. It’s like we hide like all this stuff and how they actually change.

Oh, I think I found some. Yeah, I was googling around. Okay, lemme just understand what I’m reading.

Settings, custom fields. Okay so lemme put settings, custom fields,


custom fields.

Ah, oh, there, it’s beautiful again. See, go to the next page, maybe. Exactly.

Wow. Yeah, sometimes it’s not really it doesn’t, it’s not really like a logical workflow. Okay, so what time is it? Okay, four minutes. So last thing, yeah, let me just quickly change the links. I think the last thing is just on this technical stuff is just if we can we’ll just run a test. So if you can just embed the calendar and obviously via email or another, I’m happy to do this again.

But let just quickly get the link. So what’s the link of the deal room that you want to send to people? And then I’ll put that on before you hop on.

Shit. Oh, check the public. Yeah.

I’m gonna paste right here for you all.

Okay, so then yeah, let me go to S mode.

Yeah, the last thing to do is just to test it, put on the website and test it. Then way we just move on. Lemme see what’s the difference. Difference is.


I guess I’m running outta time, but guess. So if you can when you have some time just to paste

and then instead of it being, instead of Yeah, I’ll play. I can do it. Cool. Yeah, you’re pretty good at anyway, right? Okay. So that’s pretty much it. And then when it’s ready, we’ll try to get some more intros for you as well. And then I’ll always be here for the next. All, thank you so much. Na, too.

This is awesome. I appreciate it. No worries. Cheers. Look forward to it. Cheer.

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