Hi, Josh. Hey, can you hear me? Yes, I can. All right, Carl, how are you? Good, good. Just uh, getting Monday, you know how the week, beginning of the week I was just pushing for more momentum and then how's your, uh, Monday there? Uh, it's going, it's, it's going really well. Good. Trying, delete all of the, uh, outside noise so I can just focus on the funds.

So, um, good. My partner and I have been pushing to get exclusivity with, uh, like a vertical multi-family developer mm-hmm. Who has like a pipeline of what, 2000 units. Over the next like, uh, like three years. Um, and the meeting went really well today and they wanna do, uh, they wanna like on like, everything.

So, um, I think we're gonna need to start raising a lot of money, um, as soon as possible. So, uh, I think we're looking at like a, I think we're gonna probably. Launch the build fund and then maybe like the multi-family fund. At the same time, I think maybe the multi-family fund will have a lot more success because, you know, we already have, we're, we're, we're not doing that alone.

Um, it is, it has like a, an operator, you know, on the development side who has gone, you know, Like a billion dollar worth of deals. Uh, we're just providing the, uh, capital raise, like expertise, so, and kind of doing all of that paperwork. So I wanted to kind of just look at, uh, the process again with you. Um, make sure that, um, hitting the right things.

I think our website is live now, so we could probably spend five minutes on that. Um, and then, you know, I think we're gonna. Probably start legal docs like this week and then we'll probably try to go live, you know, relatively soon. Nice. If it's, if it's a bigger raise, uh, the investment banks would be good.

Uh, there's Cambridge WIL there, so. Yep. Yeah, I don't wanna do, we're not gonna do a bigger raise. Um, what we're gonna do is, um, you know, like 10, 15 or 15, 10 million, so we have more control over it. Okay. Got it. Okay. So then, uh, same process then, cuz then we're, we're still going to use like the, the investor one by one approach.

Uh, because if you start going above, because when you said bigger and a billion, that's more the pipeline. But if you're doing a bigger chunk, then uh, that may be a different story. Yeah, yeah. I mean the, uh, about a billion, a billion dollars and you know, there's, You know, close to like 650 million worth of vertical in their pipeline in various stages of like, entitlements.

Are you familiar with entitlements? No, not, not extremely much. Uh, if you can, uh, re-educate me about that. Yeah. So entitlements are like the pretty phase of like, you know, building multi-family, right? You have to do all the zoning, you have to, you have to hit, uh, engineering, you know, uh, Storm water, uh, water management.

Like you gotta hit, like all of these different criteria. You gotta get your building permits. It's, it's a long process, right? So, yeah. Um, you need to check the box on, you know, taxes, if there's any kind of like tax incentives there. And, you know, it, it, there's, there's a lot that goes into it, you know, and sometimes this process takes a year or two years.

So anyway, so they have about 650 million in their pipeline over the next. Three years and they haven't raised any money. Right. And so like, been really successful because they've had like these one or two guys write, you know, 10, 15 million checks. Um, but now that they're. More scattered and they have this like massive pipeline.

They can't rely on one person to write the checks. Yeah. So it helped this big business off of like one investor, and it's not stickable, but what would be sustainable is like us coming in there and Cog Ping, allowing them still to manage the vertical construction process and the project management and then us and our investors get a piece of the deal.

Um, So we're not like, we're, we're basically now we're all, we're only gonna be a fund, you know, a fund company. So, um, yeah, that, that's where we're gonna take it. So Nice. I'd say, um, because you're coine, because you're bringing the capital raise expertise, and so you're doing it on an exclusive basis too, right?

So they, they can't, does that mean that they can't go and find investors somewhere else and, and just fund a deal after you've been doing, working with 'em for a year? Or, or how, how do you protect? Yeah. We're, we're working on agreement to protect that right now based on performance. Okay. Um, so we'll have.

You know, like if we're hitting criteria or timeline, like the first deal will be, you know, 5 million in three months or something like that. Um, which we probably already have like two and a half raised for, you know, from another partner. So we'll be able to, you know, two and a half in like three months or something like that.

And then it's like, I don't know, 10 million in like six. So like there'll, there'll be hurdles there where they won't be able to like circumvent us. Oh, okay.

So, um, and now I think it's just kind of leveling up to scale this in a way that, you know, we're able to make, uh, and find a lot of different commitments. So, I, I reached out to like the four introductions that you sent me. I'm just waiting to hear back from them. Um, but my, my guess is we'll probably need to hire.

You know, one or two sales managers,

uh, in addition to like myself and my partner, and I'm probably gonna reallocate some of the employees that I have to like the sales management role as well. Got it. Um,

sorry, I'm.

And then we're gonna handle all of their like financing. So, I don't know, I'm pretty skilled with a bank thought background in banking and, you know, finding the best, you know, term sheet. So we'll negotiate all of that. We'll negotiate, so we're, we're basically in charge of the entire capital stack and they'll be in charge of the execution of the construction and the property manager.

Nice. That's a good deal. And then so when you're talking about theists, just one more thing to pass back to is, is you also made sure too, cuz sometimes we've seen one where an investor will get introduced and then, um, it is so funny. So an investor will get introduced and then even two years later or one year later, uh, they would just go back to that same and initial investor that didn't close in that initial, um, you know, raise.

Uh, so some people. We just ended up, when I was investment banking, I just ended up, um, we just ended up just hiding all the, uh, everything until the things were really close. Um, you know, but then there's some other people that what they do, they just make it really transparent and they do introductions, but then I don't, I guess it just depends on how much you trust them and how good of a relationship you have with them at the end of the day.

Because no matter what contracts you don't, so like,

We're not gonna introduce the investors, uh, but like an investor could reach out to them directly, right? Yeah. And be like, Hey, I'm, and there's nothing that we can really do about it. Um, but you know, I think we see this as like a 10 year partnership, hopefully. Um, cuz they have like a significant pipeline.

We have, you know, a lot of. Yeah, just capacity to do something like this. So, I mean, as long as we have, you know, the machine kind of running and we're making incremental improvements to the machine, you know, each and every month, then you know, I think we can hit our goal. Exactly. Um, so good. So allowed the allowed screen share.

So then, um, because you said that you wanted to also show me, um, Yes. Yes.

Mm-hmm. But pretty nicely. All right, so this should take us through the fun page,

um, and then this us back to the meet team page.

Uh, nice. Yeah. And then, so let's go back to,

So then what, what do we do with our journey for accredited investors? Nothing. What is the journey here?

Sorry, I actually couldn't hear you. What was that? Um, I'm just, I'm looking at like the journey. I don't think maybe the journey's set up on the back end. Okay. So maybe that's a quick change, but let's see what arrange if info session. Um, here we go. Oh shit, this is crappy. I something.

And then we need set this just to like four days in advance or something. Yep. Um.

Okay. And, um, invest in our phones, arrange info, same thing. And then I have contact, so I did this page. Yeah.

Okay. Got it. Yeah. That's interesting. Okay, so, so question. So then the, so then what's the difference between the, um, so I, I remember this call when, cuz this one, this one, this one now we did together, but the first one, well what, what's that call about? The intro? Intro. The intro call.

I don't know, maybe it needs to get switched up. Maybe this bank sport principal's partnership call is really to contact us, or maybe we need to have like a separate contact us versus like the partnership call. Cause this is the one that we set up correctly that has like the three days advance, right? Or?

Yeah. Yeah. Well this one is the, the, the more hard hardcore one with the, uh, With the text, follow up the text reminders. Look at our deal. Mm-hmm. Click here to look at our deal. If you're accredited, if you're not accredited, then it sends them the more advanced one for the top person in the, in a queue. And this is just more the, the like, the serious, like, okay, this is this person.

We're going to see if they're a serious investor and we're going to pre-qualify them, um, as well. So then, so then this is the one that we need to switch to like here. Um, Like a range info session and then like the journey maybe for high net worth and family offices service. I, I, I would do that. Yeah. If I were you, I would do that because, uh, because I would just get everybody to do, to go to one, one place and then in that one place.

The person is filtered through the call system and it maybe in small text, like, oh yeah. Or email us or what if you have a question. Uh, but because cuz some people they have it, so that contact is a different thing than info. Uh, but I would just like funnel everyone to one thing and then, and then let people go through that one uh, path.


And this is good too. This is the portal. Yeah, it's good. This is AppFolio. Yep.

Yeah, no, it is good. Um, yeah, I would just get people to do, go to one place. Um, cause I, yeah, remember you had two different calls and then that was it. So, so that's fine. And then, and then just a tiny, a tiny thing on the, uh, this is not nearly as important as what we just discussed, but. In some places I see whites on, uh, like really light whites on really light blue.

And sometimes these investors, they have garbage eyes because some of them are old and then their eyes are just bad. So sometimes maybe the, uh, the whites on the, some people may have trouble seeing that, but, but other than that, I think it's fine. Uh, aesthetically and, and maybe even there, maybe even with, um, 35, somebody of bad eyes may not see it as well, but, uh, but those are my only aesthetic, uh, recommendations.

And, and I'm happy to, uh, if you need help move stuff around. I'm happy to, uh, see if I can do that. I have now. Yeah. Well, I only have 15 minutes. Oh, okay. I'm talking with, um, do you know Jillian Suo? Who is this, say name again? Jill. Jillian Sidoti. No, no, I don't. Who is he? She, she is like a, she, she used to own crowdfunding lawyers.

So she does a lot of the s e c stuff or did Oh. But I'm in like, her mastermind with like five other people. Um, I just wanted to get her thoughts on this too. Cause this opportunity kind of came about. Um, It's something that we've been working on for a while. Um, but we didn't realize like how committed they would be, you know, until after this meeting that we had today.

So I'm glad that you and I had a meeting set up and we'll probably tag, tag. I'll probably be in the Wednesday meeting or, or whatever one that we have next. So we're gonna spend some more time with each other. But yeah, I mean, you're kind of like the first person that I've told this news to outside of our team.

So. Nice. No, it's good. And it's good to, um, cross pollinate, you know, get from different, uh, People of different opinions and different perspectives. And then, and then just see what makes sense based on, uh, it's like, ha okay, raises.com people, they know this crowdfunding person, they know this. And then based on that you can make the decision that, uh, that aligns with what you want to do, plus what the people you talk about.

Oh. So yeah, she doesn't really necessarily do crowdfund. Oh, okay. She owned this work firm called Crowd. Lawyers, right? Oh, okay. And their attorney. So they would create like the ppm, s e c docs and that kinda thing. So they do it all right. You know, all kinds of regs. So she used to own this firm, sold it. Now she lives in Puerto Rico, and she kind just like consults and stuff.

So she's not like, uh, I don't know, like a, like a service guru like you are. Okay. Or like the. Connection through that. You are. She has, she has different talents, so, okay. It still still doesn't hurt. So

she did a lot of, she did like all of Grant Cardone's funds. Oh yeah, yeah. Grant's Cardone. Well, whoever did Grant Cardone's funds, um, I have big respect for it. Huge respect for it, because the amount of litigation he's been through is uh, not a joke. So, yeah. Seriously. So, yeah, that's exactly right. You know, cause he's always putting himself in danger.

Yeah. Tell me about, so, okay, so then, uh, So, so what I'll do is like the, uh, you can have the journey, journey, journey thing, uh, in my, in my head, I'm here is what I'm thinking. Do you know the way it says, uh, a credit investor journey? Journey? Journey? Uh, I'll just send that to the, I'll just send everything to the, or actually I have to even ask, where do those links go?

First of all, they're not going anywhere right now. Okay. So the info session link. The journey links and the contact links, I'll just send that all to the same page, and then that page would have the calendar for the partnership call. Uh, that, that's what I'll do. That's the quickest way, uh, if I are you and then, uh, yeah.


If it should be go to page, then maybe. Sure. Yeah. Um, either or. I think I wanna do contact us as something separate, right? Like maybe like we'll do email, uh, grab and then. Uh, everything else should be like, invest in, like go to booking. So I think what we need to do is change booking. Yeah. Yeah. You can, you can totally do that.

And, and one, one way of doing that is you, we can make another form that just collects email. Right. And then depending on how much you want to, uh, to do it, you can have it optional to, for them to choose if they're a credit investor. Or whatever, or, and then they could say other, like, they're not investor, and then just like another field for message send.

And then if it's accredit, then we can start sending them the accredited, uh, or non-accredited investor automations later on. Uh, and then if they're, if they're just somebody that wants to ask you a random question, then you get the notification anyway. Yeah, that's fine. Okay. So how do we get a hundred appointments set a month or 200?

200 appointments. So I've seen, so, so I've seen people, uh, from, from one LinkedIn accounts that can produce around 10 a week, five to 10 a week. Mm-hmm. So I, yeah, I would, I would really just go through the, um, The investor list are pretty, they're, they're pretty decent, so I, I would start there, but then, yeah, for every LinkedIn accounts we can get 10 to five a week.

So then we need to just start, I, I think we need to just start doing the LinkedIn outreach and then doing the, um, I just getting the, getting the cleaned list from the investor list and then just going through that. That's the quickest way. Yeah.

The, I remember June, so it was June when you needed to take some time off, right? Whenever this baby comes, so, Okay. Uh, so they all know that I'm out. There's no negotiating. Right. Uh, so maybe let's work on the, and I'll minutes. Yeah, sure. No worries. Yeah. Um, let me request this. Controlling control.

So for contact us, what I'm doing is just having that second form. Okay. Makes sense. So I requested, uh, control,

uh, yeah. Oh, uh, how do I give you control back? Oh, okay. I'm sorry. Cool. Okay. I found it. Okay. Okay, so let me quickly do it. So I'm marking.

What is this again?

What's the rest of your day? Look, Clark. Oh, just a bunch of calls, like a bunch of um, Well calls for people that want to, like, they say, Hey, you know, I want to see if I can join. So basically, uh, more onboarding stuff, people saying that they want to join, is this real, you know, all that stuff. Uh, getting new clients in and then it's another support call at six.

Um, so that's pretty much, that's pretty much my day, just being on calls all day. So what is your, uh, close rate? Close rate is around, what is it? The, that's a good question. We're around, It's pretty low. Like we're around 20%, so around 20, like sometimes it dips down to 15. It goes between 15 and 20. Uh, so in and around there all your numbers, right?

Yeah, yeah. And, but well, but then we have to play off the old median, the, the whole laws of averages. Cuz sometimes you have days where three people, five people are trying to do it in the same day. And then sometimes you have two weeks where nothing happens. So, you know, but then just regression to the mean.

Uh, okay. Let me bring this, uh, custom field. So eventually you won't be able to do any of these one-on-one calls, or do you have like an hour each day for one-on-ones? Well, I mean, the, the idea is like, I'm on wrap. I'm wrapping up a sales rep right now. Um, he's a bit,

the idea is I, I'm always going to prioritize the support over the sales because like at the end of the day, if we have, if we have a, if we have a shit product, it's going, the word will go out. So we're the, the one-on-ones are still gonna stay here. Um, mm-hmm. The way that we're gonna do it, we're just gonna add friction.

We're gonna do two things. We're gonna add some friction for people to go to the one-on-one calls. So, you know, there are different ways of doing it. Like if you, if you remember like the way to get on the one-on-one calls, you have to just click on a button and you have to scroll down. Even that alone reduces the amount of people that do it.

Something as simple as that. So we're just going to find ways based on like if the sales rep is ramped up versus, uh, lemme just start this. Versus, uh, how much friction we need to add. We're just gonna balance those two things. Uh, so that seems to be the way to kind of go around it until, uh, we have at least three sales reps full-time, which will be probably like a little while, probably could be a year and a half.

Uh, your message

save, whoops. Value, additional info.


Your message.

And I'll just make these not required

and I'll make this required. Required. Mm-hmm.

There. So let me save this, and then we just embed it. Oh. Make sure that, uh, is the definition required. Definition. Well, I mean, it's the same thing as before. We just leave it there. Uh, okay. So phone conversation. Uh, okay. They're going to, yeah. Fyi, we may, we need a new check on this later. Okay. So save forms.

Save. Go back.

Um, yeah, go back. I'll do this in one minute. I know we have just one minute, so let me share.

Hmm. Oh, okay. I have to go to the website.

Okay. Team bank and old funds booking, contact us. Contact us.

Yeah, so I'm just adding the form and then finish, uh, form,

select your form contact.

Okay. And then I'll remove this trash.

So then they go to the, so let me just save it. So now, now they'll go to the contact and then boom, boom, boom. They fill it in later on we set up automations and then everything is right here. And then, uh, all we're, it's whites. I think this looks

the background. Claire Whites.

Alright, so I know you have to run, so, um, yeah, just let us know. We're here. I have a group call at six and then, uh, we'll always be here. Is that right? Which one's? The, is the 6:00 PM The busy one? Yeah. Alright, all. Well, maybe I'll, uh, I'll check in. How long is that? God? Uh, sometime like at longest we, the longest we had its three hours or two hours.

Um, but usually it's around one hour. All right. All right, cool. Well, doesn't sound like you have any family time, so, Nope. All right. I'm gonna drop. Thank you so much now too. I appreciate it. Yeah, no worries. Talk soon.

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